Okie dokie folkies, played with some diff kernels and these are the results I've gotten. I'm not gonna bother with benchmarks, as even from my review I was still getting pretty good ones.
Chevy's: Chevy's kernels have never really liked my Droid, so I didn't expect much. It'll load, but I can only get so much performance, and I can't get above 1GHz.
Jake's: Was my go to kernel for quite some time, but couldn't get past the "M" logo.
jdlfg's: Well how bout that? No lag. Ran nice and smooth, the way it should. However, it would randomly reboot very often and more than a few FCs. Very unstable but some hope, though.
slayer's v.1.6: Again, no lag. Wonderful, might be narrowing down the issue. But like jdlfg's, many FCs and frequent random reboots.
original slayher's LFY1.5: Basically just reflashed the ROM and kernel, and this time there was less lag, but it was still present. And it got worse after a full day and then some. Also, battery drained very fast, yet again, so I dunno.
I see slayher has updated kernels so I'm gonna try that out and I'll report back, but I wanted to get this out here.
wow a lot of problems for you an any kernel..... your droid dying

anyway this rom for me is still blowing away cm6 3 on any kernel, from stock kernel to slayher's 1.5 no lag and no FC's.