Ex CEO-DNPSEA foundation
And this is how rumors spread and others adopt. That is not true at all. It was because of poor-fitting prison wear. Many prisoners were issued sizes that were too large and with the combination of lack of belts (for prevention of suicide), sagging developed. It was spread to mainstream with the popularity it had with Hip Hop artists.
It has NOTHING to do with gay people "advertising" themselves in prison. No gay man in prison would advertise himself for sex in prison and it isn't done today. It supports the notion that gay men don't get raped in prison because they like it anyways, which have led to abuse of gays in prison.
Really amusing to see how easily the rumor spread within just this one thread without any? I thought it sounded absurd.
That could very well tie in to its origins but it's a well known fact that men in prison who wore it below their butts were advertising that they were homosexuals.