
became a fan because they started suing their fans?
Thats the first time I heard that.
Heard a lot of people moved away from them because of that entire debacle.
It was a big deal. Metallica got tired of having their hard work being freely distributed on the web and they took umbrage and went after Napster in Federal Court. I became a fan.
Many fans objected because although the loved the band, they did not want to pay for the music.
Apparently, the song, "Happy Birthday" is owned by AOL Time Warner, so be careful. They might drop the billions of AOL install disks on your head and crack your brain.
honestly that does not make any difference to the point he made.
before software licenses you bought something it was yours to modify or destroy as you wanted to.
where would the auto industry be if you could not modify your car?
Paint it, chop it, channel it, chrome plate the body, remove the carpet or chop it up and sell the pieces, it is yours. Absolutely, no problem.
However, you can't copy it and sell those copies. Forgetting just how much work would be required, you cannot manufacture and sell Fords of Corvettes. Nothing has changed.
You do not own the software you purchase, just the right to use it in accordance with the TOS or licence agreement you signed. You can purchase a DVD, but you are not purchasing the content, just using it. Ditto books.