I work on computers for a living and I can honestly say that I've never ever seen that. I've seen computers struggle to start because of all the crap that people installed on it. Take a computer out of the box. Turn it on. It boots normally with all the crap installed on it. People end up blaming the bloat, but it's not the problem. If it was the problem then the computer would be dog slow right out of the box.
Well this brand new Sony I was referring to that was taking nearly three minutes to boot out of the box, with all the pre-loaded bloat that came with the thing, there was Google Desktop, some Roxio junk, MS Office Trial, McAfee 360 Trial, WinDVD Trial, etc. useless bloat that we didn't need. Performance was very sluggish as well. After we had re-installed Win 7 fresh along with just the software we needed, MSSE, Open Office and Chrome, it made a world of difference to how machine performed. It took only a minute to boot for a start. Same thing for HP, Founder, Dell, Haier, Hasee and others that pre-load all this useless bloat, junk and trials.
You know why PC manufacturers fill their PCs with useless bloat? Because they get paid by McAfee, Norton, Google, etc. to put it on there.
Thing is it's not just that fact it's taking up HDD space, is that fact that all this useless stuff is running services in the background, which take time to start and are consuming real amounts of resources. The Sony PC was running at over 80 processes on Task Manager, after we had re-installed Win and just the software we needed, it was down to just over 50.
At the end of the day when you compare the resources that the "bloat" is using vs the resources on the computer, it's miniscule to say the least and has little to no effect on the computer. It's like someone wanting to put a sticker on the front door of my house. To me it's stupid, but if they really want to, I'll let them because it has no effect on me at all. Some battles just aren't worth fighting. Even if you win the battle and computers come with no bloat whatsoever your computer doesn't run any faster or perform any better. You've gained absolutely nothing.
I think more like when a manufacturer pre-loads McAfee 360 Trial or Google Desktop bloat on a computer. It's like buying a new car, that is loaded down with half a ton of bricks!
If one buys a new PC in China, they often come with some really nasty
spyware bloat, that is quite difficult to remove. A thing called QQ along with the totally useless Qihoo 360 "antivirus".