Extreme Android User
I have been waiting for the correct moment to say something in this thread (read: now is the time).
Those who believe MS is benevolent in its actions surrounding malware you have a point: Windows is the target of the majority of viruses/trojans/etc. That said, it is understandable that a company would do SOMETHING to prevent attacks. But has Microsoft ever considered rebuilding the OS from scratch to fend off this nonsense?
Think about it: When Apple launched its Walled Garden, OSX, it was a complete 180 from all MAC OS's that had preceded it. Built on the Unix kernel(read: stable, dev friendly, vulnerable to attacks but not nearly on a scale seen by MS) from the ground up, with planned backward compatibility (read: cocoa apps, etc) and a commitment to a unified experience. Regardless of market share, this methodology rescued a fledgling company and created a jumping off point for greatness, innovation and birth/rebirth of (an) industry. Why does this apply???????
Windows, even in its current iCore 64-bit form is still DOS at its heart. And one could teach a monkey the keystrokes necessary to program a virus/trojan/etc to compromise this flawed environment. So MS is lazily taking a step to lock down the hardware since it is abundantly clear that while it may have gotten fortunate to have such a huge market share in the PC world, stability and security is had in a UNIX based environment, not in an outdated, hacked-over, and over, and over, (read: Windows 2000 Pro was THE MOST "secure" iteration of Win but who cares now?) OS. Kudos to MS in its lazy approach to security. Boo to MS for trying to implement security that blocks a truly stable environment. You only have to look at OSX's 12 year of outstanding security and UNIX's long standing history of the same to deduce: MS needs to rebuild!
I don't like that Microsoft is taking this approach. Until proven of anti-trust it can run with this nonsense.
Take off the blinders...Linux is Super Awesome.
BTW...I have been a user of MAC OS.x, OSX.x, Basic, DOS, Windows.x and Ubuntu.
I own an iPod Shuffle and a Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus. In think iPhones are sexy looking but too impractical for my my inner geek. My name is jmar and this is my 2¢.
Got your back Mr. Early.
OS X does not get attacked nearly as much as MS because it has a much, much smaller market share. When you have one OS who's market share is 90% + and another OS who's share is in the single digits, who are you going to attack if you're a virus writer. It doesn't matter if a trained monkey could write a virus for the OS with the single digit share or not. No one is going to. It's not worth it.
We've seen malware and viruses on OS X. Apple just refuses to acknowledge them and usually the stories go away. A lot of the malware is simple social engineering that takes advantage of user's stupidity. A lot of the malware on Windows is the exact same way. Windows is attacked far more often just because it is the 500 lb gorilla. And no OS is more or less secure with a clueless user at the keyboard.
I'd like to ask for two counts to be taken into consideration m'lud. I would have bought a Linux ready/pre-installed machine in both cases but:
- It was cheaper/more convenient to buy what I eventually did.
- I got some perverse satisfaction knowing that Microsoft and others would have subsidised my purchase with their c**pware 'free for 30 days trial' nonsense. Which unceremoniously got consigned to /dev/null before it ever saw the light of day.![]()
When I've looked on line, the Linux boxes tend to be cheaper because you're not paying MS licensing. Your mileage may certainly vary. I don't doubt that. Then you have to factor in shipping and it may well be cheaper to buy in the store where you can't buy Linux pre-installed for the most part. In any case, if you bought a Windows machine, MS got your money already.