No surprises here. Microsoft's scorched earth business model with regard to competition came to me early on in my Linux adventures, and in a simple way: Going into Best Buy to get the latest SuSe, TurboLinux or RedHat disc over time I began to see fewer and fewer of them on the shelves next to the Windows 98 OS boxes.
I did query a floor monkey about it, and her response was, "I guess Linux (pronounced "lie-nix" by her) isn't selling much."
Down the line it began to come out what was really happening, no more boxed Linux distros retail, but still downloadable and still available from the various distro devs themselves.. but again, no more boxed retail because Bill Gates was literally disallowing them in the stores via his marketing strategies.
For a while there Linux as a community was really screwing itself, branding SuSe and others as "sell outs" because they were in fact boxed and marketed in retail outlets. Too bad. If they'd gotten together instead of bickering, who knows what the result would have been.. something like what we see with Android vs Apple in the smartphone market?