THANK YOU!!!! I couldn't remember the name and didn't want to reference it without that. I did loose friends in OKC, and that is once again, a case of an extremist who doesn't speak for an entire religion.
As i've said above a few times, building close to and building at are 2 totally different things.
Obviously not, as some victims have been clear it's hurtful. We don't get to decide what's hurtful to the victims.
I dont think anyone who supports the first amendment can say they object based on the perpetrators of the attacks that they dont think a house of worship for a given religion shouldn't be placed somewhere.
I support the first amendment, I object to them building it there, And I will fight for their right to do so. How's that for contradictory.
It doesn't matter if I agree with it. They have the right. Whether I like it or not, doesn't really matter.
Thousands of metaphors could be used, No churches in hiroshima and nagasaki shouldnt be built because a primarily christian military nuked em?
Could you imagine the response, if we tried to build a Christian church near either of those sites within the first 10 years after we dropped those bombs?
Obviously, it's a different story
NOW, but a mere 10 years afterwards? No, it would have been received worse than this is.
No asian religious (Shinto, Taoism etc) temples in hawaii because of pearl harbor?
Pearl Harbor has mainly been put behind the Hawaiian society (used to live there for half a decade). However, within 10 years of Pearl Harbor? No, I don't think that would have gone over well either.
To me this is another form of bigotry, allowing a few extremists to color a view about an entire religion.
I'm sorry you can't understand that this is hurtful to many who survived 9/11 and many who lost loved ones in 9/11.
In time, it won't be a big deal. In time, no one will really care. It's just not that time yet.
It is easy to dismiss opinions that you don't understand as bigotry. It is far more difficult to make an effort to understand those opinions. Which is kind of ironic. The VERY behavior needed to end bigotry, is the very behavior that is also need for people to stop calling others bigots unnecessarily.