I consider myself a very open minded person, I am also very tolerant of differences amongst people.
Everyone is this country has a right to practice any religion they want, including Muslims.
With that said, I do not agree with the mosque being built so close to ground zero. Muslims need to understand, when it comes down to it, it was indeed Muslim radicals who were responsible for the murder of thousands of people on 911.
Nobody is saying don't practice your religion, we are just saying, please understand the sensitivity of the matter. Please understand the wounds are still fresh. Please have some tact and some class, please don't insist on having your mosque so close.
Nobody is saying all Muslims are terrorists, all I'm saying is try to think beyond your religion, try to realize the magnitude of what happened that day. This was not some tiny attack or something that should go unforgotten. Planes were flown straight into two buildings in New York, amongst other places that day. Two of the tallest towers were crumbled, thousands of lives were lost. America, and the world watched in horror as people Jumped to their deaths. Imagine how hot, how unbearable, and how horrific it must have been, the heat, the pain, being cooked alive, your only option was to jump, to jump, knowing you would die, yet you would have 30seconds of time where you were no longer in pain from the heat as you fell to your undeniable death.
There is a level of tact that Muslims which insist on this mosque being so close are missing. A level of sensitivity that is absent. A brash strong persistence, that honestly is somewhat scary. A persistence that makes me sit back and reflect for a moment, is there an ulterior motive? Is there some kind of statement being made? A hidden agenda? A hidden message? We will build this mosque here no matter what, our mosque will serve as a symbol, a symbol that 911 ended in victory after all? These questions must be asked, when the insistence to build is so strong, especially amongst a city, a community, a country that says please take it somewhere else.