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My EVO vs iPhone 4 Impressions

The dirty truth about the EVO is that once you see the 4.3 inch screen, and how useful it is, you just can't go back to a smaller screen. I really don't care whether the phone is Android or Apple, OLED, Super AMOLED, or LCD, if the screen is less than 4.3 inches it doesn't suit my needs.

Sadly, I am afflicted with less than 20/20 vision so small screens like that of the Hero, Eris, Aria, or even Incredible (even though the Incredible has a sweet trackpad), are just difficult to see in real world conditions such as my morning and evening commutes. Matter of fact, I think I could comfortably go as high as 4.5 inches for a mobile phone screen.

If Apple would have gone with a bigger screen for the iPhone 4, Android would have had trouble on its hands... As is, screen size remains a key distinction between Android (EVO with Sprint; Droid X with Verizon) and the iPhone.
I hear what you saying.
Says the guy with 3G in his name. Not a very smart troll at all. They never are though that's why they use the iPhone. It caters to they're SPECIAL NEEDS. Evo is to advanced for iphoners. Its like handing a cave man an Evo. They just look at it scratching they're very small heads.

PS Make sure you hold your iphone right. That coupled with terrible att apple just handed Evo the crown thank you.

Lol! Seriously? I guess some people are too dense to see sarcasm these days. For the record, i own an evo and love it, and I came from the hero. Never owned any apple products. I own a pc, and a shitty mp3 player from walmart. And for my screen name, I own a blue civic, aka eg. It would look strange if my name was blueg, so I opt out for blu3g replacing the "e" for a "3". I use this name for most online accounts, considering I started with cars and racing forums. But if you wanna hate me because i have 3g in my name, then you are fapping way to hard. Last I checked, the evo runs on 3g also.
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Here's the iPhone version... The 24fps isn't helping when I'm rocking the phone here :(

Wow.. so OK... now I can see the issue you're talking about on my evo. The test that's easy to replicate is simply alternating two keys as fast as you can... e.g. "lalalalalalalalalala". On my evo, it comes out something like "laaaaalaaaaaaalaaaaaa". I even turned off prediction, vibrate, etc... still the same problem.
As pro-android and anti-apple as a I am, I have to admit, that is really f'ing lame. I mean, we have a phone with all these amazing capabilities, and they can't even figure out how to make sure they capture *all* of the keys entered??

This has not been a problem for me since I can't type that fast on a virtual keyboard, but I finally do see the frustration that a lot of people talk about. Is this especially bad on the evo? Or just the same on all android phones?

Umm. You do realize the whole point of Android is if you don't like you replace? Other keyboards have multitouch. I use Smart Keyboard Pro. Did your test and got lalalalala just fine.
If Apple would have gone with a bigger screen for the iPhone 4, Android would have had trouble on its hands... As is, screen size remains a key distinction between Android (EVO with Sprint; Droid X with Verizon) and the iPhone.

I'm guessing you didn't pay attention to the iPhone 4's PRE-ORDER numbers, did you?

It's going to out-sell everything.

Also, in terms of the keyboard lag on the EVO, I'm not having that issue at all. Kuass, you may have a bad phone.
Also said:
so am i correct in saying that the lagging keyboard issue is with non stock multi touch keyboards? if i'm not mistaken, the stock keyboard is not a multi touch one, so any comparisons or tests done on this feature is going to yield the same results. in the video Kuass posted, the typing on the evo's stock kb looked just as quick as the one he posted using the iphone...was he pointing out lag on the stock one as well, or was he using the stock kb in comparison to the non stock multi touch kb to point out the lag on the non stock. if the comparison is between the stock evo kb and any other kb including iphone's, and he's saying the evo's stock kb lags, then i'll just enjoy my ignorance, because i'm trying to see any lag and i just don't
iphone pre-sale numbers are amazing! Take into account 70 to 80% of that number is previous owners of an older iphone, that number looks quite a bit less impressive. At&t and Apple aren't getting many new subscribers, only upgraders.

I'm guessing you didn't pay attention to the iPhone 4's PRE-ORDER numbers, did you?

It's going to out-sell everything.

Also, in terms of the keyboard lag on the EVO, I'm not having that issue at all. Kuass, you may have a bad phone.
And i feel the EVO in its current state is a really bad example of what Android can do. It's pretty sad my moment is more fluid than the EVO, despite much less processing power/RAM. HTC needs to get on this and fix it.

For someone with a Moment, you sure spend plenty of time trolling the Evo forum and bashing it every chance you get. Why is that? Your Moment is running plain old boring vanilla Android. The Evo has Sense over it which is a pretty heavy UI. Big difference. Turn Sense off and the Evo is much faster than your Moment in every category. I will sacrifice a TINY bit of speed (hardly noticeable IMO) to have a much better UI than stock Android.
Now some Iphones have swapped volume buttons...

I'm gonna have to go ahead and call shenanigans. Do you have some sort of palsy that causes you to drop things over asphalt?

Doesn't the Moment have a glass screen?

Go ahead and call shenanigans all you like. And I do have a screen protector, no case.

I have the tendency to leave my phone on my lap while driving sitting etc, and when i stand up and forget about it. Well, it hits the floor. Sometimes violently.

For someone with a Moment, you sure spend plenty of time trolling the Evo forum and bashing it every chance you get. Why is that? Your Moment is running plain old boring vanilla Android. The Evo has Sense over it which is a pretty heavy UI. Big difference. Turn Sense off and the Evo is much faster than your Moment in every category. I will sacrifice a TINY bit of speed (hardly noticeable IMO) to have a much better UI than stock Android.

Yes, because voicing my concern over legitimate issues, and weighing my issues as an informed consumer really makes me a troll. Check my threads before the issues were uncovered, cupcake. I was very excited about the evo. I can't believe your going to start with this crap again, son. You get owned every time you come up against me, and yet keep going. I guess since I come against the issues in my moment that makes me a troll in the moment forum too then. :rolleyes: You really need to learn what a forum troll is.

Also, UI is subjective, and personal opinion. Person opinion =/= Fact.

And there's no doubt the evo is faster than my moment. But sadly my moment renders graphics better than the EVO, which yep, you guessed it, can make the UI (what you love so much) look choppy and horrible. That's also why I've got my eye on the galaxy S pro, which in all categories, outperforms the EVO(sometimes only slightly, but still) But on the other hand, I am still weary of "Samsung issues" so I'm going to wait until it's released and in hands for a little while before I make my move. But 16GB internal storage, 3x the GPU, Hardware slider(personal preference), super amoled, 4.0" screen that is perfect for ME, and 4G to boot? Well, how can i pass up NOT taking a look at this thing?

BTW mbell, next time you have beef with me, take it to PM. If you don't, well, it's safe to assume your only interested in arguing publicly because you have nothing better to do, which is sad.

Oh and btw, *thread reported*. Maybe this time they'll do away with you for good.
To me it should be all about who gives the best coverage in your area.. if its AT&T, get the iPhone, if its Sprint get the Evo.. simple as that.

AT&T coverage is large in my area but I still drop calls all the time around my apartment.

Sprint coverage is smaller but so much more reliable.. I've never dropped a call since switching to Sprint when the Evo came out.
Okay, I just did the lalalala test on my evo, and I swear it went just as fast as the iphone video. I really think there is something wrong with that Evo that it lags so much.
Okay, I just did the lalalala test on my evo, and I swear it went just as fast as the iphone video. I really think there is something wrong with that Evo that it lags so much.

Please please please do a video to show it cause it's driving me freaking against the wall...

I tried this on all THREE of my EVOs and all of them exhibit the same issue... Albeit they're all 002s...
so am i correct in saying that the lagging keyboard issue is with non stock multi touch keyboards? if i'm not mistaken, the stock keyboard is not a multi touch one, so any comparisons or tests done on this feature is going to yield the same results. in the video Kuass posted, the typing on the evo's stock kb looked just as quick as the one he posted using the iphone...was he pointing out lag on the stock one as well, or was he using the stock kb in comparison to the non stock multi touch kb to point out the lag on the non stock. if the comparison is between the stock evo kb and any other kb including iphone's, and he's saying the evo's stock kb lags, then i'll just enjoy my ignorance, because i'm trying to see any lag and i just don't

No... If I typed lalalalalalalalala on the EVO, trust me it will only register about 30% of all the buttons pressed even if the preview window shows the registered hits... Not only that, the pattern will look like this llllllaalllalallllaaaaaallll....

I'll do a final video showing EVERYTHING later today and post a new thread to make it official... I'll first do the lalalala on the stock keyboard, then do it on a hacked one (don't matter which one it is) then do it on the iphone 3G...

I'm not doing it to say iphone is better, I just want to bring it to the powers that be's attention that there is room for improvement...

That is the one thing keeping me from really enjoying the phone... I can't type like I do on a computer, and I know that going in, but not being even able to type 10% as fast is something I personally think is a big handicap for a phone I planned to use as a mobile web browser from the get go...

In fact, can someone who owns an Android device outside of EVO try this test on video as well? Just to see if it is an EVO related issue... I'm fully blaming it on the 30fps issue...
No... If I typed lalalalalalalalala on the EVO, trust me it will only register about 30% of all the buttons pressed even if the preview window shows the registered hits... Not only that, the pattern will look like this llllllaalllalallllaaaaaallll....

I just did the "lala" test on my EVO 0003 I got exactly what you have mentioned above.
I don't understand the 'lag' some of the iPhoneboys talk about with the Evo. Coming from an iPhone myself, it's hardly noticeable. I had tons of lag with my keyboard on my 3G, plus ... typing with Swype on the Evo is like butta'

I second that. Had a 3G myself and I don't experience any noticeable lag with my EVO.
HTC is just not up to the task of making real quality devices right now. If the EVO had really good build quality, and the same smoothness as the incredible, most of these threads would not exist...Granted, Android has a little way to go before they reach the polish of a fluid OS. however, as of now its still really awesome, and time will just make it that much better. I have to say the videos I have watched of the Droid X make it look just as smooth as the iPhone, and just as on point as far as build quality goes, so I for one will be giving it a look. As for the iPhone 4, I made up my mind to pass as soon as I heard the external Antenna was going to be a problem, and hurt reception signals based on how you hold it...

To me....Android is just really getting started, and will eclipse everything out there in the near future.
HTC is just not up to the task of making real quality devices right now. If the EVO had really good build quality, and the same smoothness as the incredible, most of these threads would not exist...Granted, Android has a little way to go before they reach the polish of a fluid OS. however, as of now its still really awesome, and time will just make it that much better. I have to say the videos I have watched of the Droid X make it look just as smooth as the iPhone, and just as on point as far as build quality goes, so I for one will be giving it a look. As for the iPhone 4, I made up my mind to pass as soon as I heard the external Antenna was going to be a problem, and hurt reception signals based on how you hold it...

To me....Android is just really getting started, and will eclipse everything out there in the near future.

I agree, I won't ever go to AT&T but as of now, the iPhone 4 > EVO.

Everything the iPhone does is refined, everything the EVO does is rugged.

If the iPhone is a Porsche, the EVO is a Pickup truck. Sure the truck can haul more, but the Porsche is damn sexy and everything it does is better than everyone else trying to do the same thing.
I don't understand the 'lag' some of the iPhoneboys talk about with the Evo. Coming from an iPhone myself, it's hardly noticeable. I had tons of lag with my keyboard on my 3G, plus ... typing with Swype on the Evo is like butta'
+1 here...

I do not see any more "lag" than I did on my 3GS and that was nil. I just don't get what people are saying here. No "fanboism" just don't get it!
Ok you guys that don't have lag, if you can demo the lalalala test on video like I did on my last few I would just like to see the difference... Once I have the other EVO owners come back I'll do the end all be all video to show you guys what I mean...

Would appreciate it if the fortunate ones with no problems can do the same...
I, for one, am getting tired of my "friends" sending me screenshots of their iPhones getting 3mbps over 3G. I put quotes because I use the term loosely.
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