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My hybrid HTC Incredible review

First off, thank you for taking the time out to do this. I've never owned, or even USED an android device, so everything will be foreign to me. If you aren't able to answer this, maybe another forum friend can: Coming from a Palm Pre (and dumb phones in the past) how difficult do you think it will be to learn the ins and outs of the (I plan on getting an) EVO, Droid, Sense, etc? Now I'm a pretty smart chick, and catch on to things fast, but is there anything I should know, or might need help with?

Thanks so much again for doing the reviews and TIA to anyone who can answer my other question!

It will feel fairly new at first but you will catch on quick. It's so user friendly and pretty much makes sense like they say in the videos. It will be little tricks and nick nack stuff you will still come across after having the device for a few weeks that you never knew you could do. The Hero was my first device and I caught on quick. Like any phone you jump to, you will have it down in a week tops or less. You'll love it. Just make sure you charge it fully before use. Cause like he said in the video, any smart phone and android being at that drains battery.

Ok, disregard the Red Wings comment for the time being :-/

Watch the video, get back to me with what you want to see!

My Hybrid HTC Incredible Review on Vimeo

Hey, you said the battery sucks. Did you charge it up all the way? I definitely don't expect it to be all that but I would expect a day use or longer if charged fully and moderate use.
Hey, you said the battery sucks. Did you charge it up all the way? I definitely don't expect it to be all that but I would expect a day use or longer if charged fully and moderate use.

I would say a day charge at moderate use is about the best you can hope for. I dont see anyone getting more than that without an extended battery.
my pre has that. i learned to ignore it
Hey, you said the battery sucks. Did you charge it up all the way? I definitely don't expect it to be all that but I would expect a day use or longer if charged fully and moderate use.

I did, I charged it fully before use, all the way down to 10% and fully charged it back up for today.

Took it off the charger around 9 am and we'll see how it lasts today.

Gonna work on some of the questions today, some with pictures and text as responses.
I did, I charged it fully before use, all the way down to 10% and fully charged it back up for today.

Took it off the charger around 9 am and we'll see how it lasts today.

Gonna work on some of the questions today, some with pictures and text as responses.

Could just be that your battery meter isn't calibrated correctly yet, usually happens with new phones or when you get a new battery. Just let the battery drain all the way down then give it a full charge usually fixes it.
Could just be that your battery meter isn't calibrated correctly yet, usually happens with new phones or when you get a new battery. Just let the battery drain all the way down then give it a full charge usually fixes it.

I am not sure why everyone finds this hard to believe. These batteries are not going to last days without needing to be charged. It will most likely last through the day and need to be charged every night.
I am not sure why everyone finds this hard to believe. These batteries are not going to last days without needing to be charged. It will most likely last through the day and need to be charged every night.

Your right. These batteries are not going to last. Im a heavy user so I need daily charging. They should try some Tegra stuff. Maybe in the future.
First off, thank you for taking the time out to do this. I've never owned, or even USED an android device, so everything will be foreign to me. If you aren't able to answer this, maybe another forum friend can: Coming from a Palm Pre (and dumb phones in the past) how difficult do you think it will be to learn the ins and outs of the (I plan on getting an) EVO, Droid, Sense, etc? Now I'm a pretty smart chick, and catch on to things fast, but is there anything I should know, or might need help with?

Thanks so much again for doing the reviews and TIA to anyone who can answer my other question!
I also have a palm pre and I have never had an android phone before.. any help would be very helpful. Thank you.
First off, thank you for taking the time out to do this. I've never owned, or even USED an android device, so everything will be foreign to me. If you aren't able to answer this, maybe another forum friend can: Coming from a Palm Pre (and dumb phones in the past) how difficult do you think it will be to learn the ins and outs of the (I plan on getting an) EVO, Droid, Sense, etc? Now I'm a pretty smart chick, and catch on to things fast, but is there anything I should know, or might need help with?

Thanks so much again for doing the reviews and TIA to anyone who can answer my other question!

1. applications really dont get closed by YOU.. Android is powered by Linux. The OS will handle cleaning itself and managing memory for apps. It will leave app running in the background. So when next time you call that app up again.. The App will wake up and snap to work! If the app stays in the background for a long time, and android needs to give memory to something else... It will then close the app down.
This took a lot to get my mind to addjust too. I wanted to kill the app! If you do.. you are messing android up. Leave it alone.. let it do what it does. You, the phone, the battery, the apps will all be more happier in the long run.

2. The Market Place is a bit huge awesome benefit of this phone. embrace it.. If you need your phone to do something.. the chances are it is there! and many times it is free!

3. this think is soo freakin customizable.. it is crazy.

4. oh... and it is a phone too!!!!

Hey Auto, you still taking suggestions?

Do me a favor if you don't mind? If you have a Qik account could you take a few seconds of fast motion video, upload the same video to Qik at HQ setting and then to YouTube at 720p?

I just want to compare Qik's HQ setting vs "raw" 720p, although I know some quality from the original will be lost when it gets uploaded to YouTube but for now it's the best I can do.
Hey Auto, you still taking suggestions?

Do me a favor if you don't mind? If you have a Qik account could you take a few seconds of fast motion video, upload the same video to Qik at HQ setting and then to YouTube at 720p?

I just want to compare Qik's HQ setting vs "raw" 720p, although I know some quality from the original will be lost when it gets uploaded to YouTube but for now it's the best I can do.

The Incredible doesn't record in 720p, unless you are suggesting loading it as 720p because it has less compression or something.
The Incredible doesn't record in 720p, unless you are suggesting loading it as 720p because it has less compression or something.

Humm... nope I was assuming since it had the same lens it would record 720, but that's ok do 480p if you can. You'd get by definition what "High Quality" would/should stand for in Qik, my curiosity is more so in how much more noticeable a fast action downscaled video would look like on Qik in HQ setting when compared to a "uncompressed" (even though it technically is) on YouTube.
Having an 8MP camera =/= being the same camera...I'm not so sure they are.

I was going by this comparison spec sheet:
Verizon Droid Incredible vs. Sprint Evo 4G vs. Google Nexus One -- Spec fight! | Android Central

Quite honestly who cares, I just wanted to compared the loss of quality from the original recording after it's been re-compressed through Qik. I decided the moment I looked at the Incredible it wasn't for me anyway it's too narrow and long, looks funny. Just wanted to see how bad or good Qik was on it's HQ setting, since I don't have an EVO it's kinda hard to do it myself.
Hey, Auto,

Thanks for putting up this thread and the videos. I agree with others that it's pretty cool seeing you on video and the other videos you took with the phone were great. If that's VGA, I can just imagine how the videos are going to look in 720p on the EVO.

I'm looking forward to seeing some of the pictures you said you'd showing tonight. That would be very good considering the EVO and the Incredible have the same camera.

Since you've had the phone a few days now, no doubt you've had a chance to become pretty familiar with it. In the evo vs incredible thread, I posted a picture with the iPhone, EVO, Incredible and Hero together so you can easily compare the phones by size. The one thing I mentioned in that thread was that the Incredible and the Hero are pretty close width wise and my Hero is too narrow to be able to type on comfortably.

I'm wondering if you care to comment about the size of the phone, what your impressions are of the AMOLED screen and finally, I'd like to know if you're impressed with the Incredible enough to keep as apposed to switching it out for the EVO 4G when it's ready?

I'm going against Self Praise and Jackson who both think the EVO will launch in June, but I'm betting it will launch this month - hopefully on May 22nd.

Thanks again,

So OP I just watched your two untitled videos and the sound was all garbled to hell and back, are these videos taken from the Inc? I couldn't even hear what was going on, do these videos play fine for other people? I know I have a beta version of Flash installed but your first video worked fine, so I really doubt it is that.
So OP I just watched your two untitled videos and the sound was all garbled to hell and back, are these videos taken from the Inc? I couldn't even hear what was going on, do these videos play fine for other people? I know I have a beta version of Flash installed but your first video worked fine, so I really doubt it is that.

They sound fine for me, on my Inc and on my computer.

I will post everyones answers/questions in a few, next intermission ;)

EDIT: Ok, they sound pretty ****ed up now, no idea why.

They weren't like that before at all. I'm confused.

I'll try re-uploading them on YouTube and embing them here.
Ok, recorded and uploaded a video on Qik in high quality, not too impressive but this is 640x480.

Comprehensive post coming in about 30 minutes.
1-One thing I would like to see is the video quality of the camera.
2-How the screen looks like in sunlight.

Thats all I can think of.


Here you go. Possibly crap-ified by YouTube.

YouTube - Driving with the Incredible

YouTube - Testing the HTC Incredible video camera




I'd really like to know as well about the fingernail, glove and stylus working on the screen.

No, no and no.

Articles say otherwise, which I have linked, but none of them worked for me.

Coming from a Palm Pre (and dumb phones in the past) how difficult do you think it will be to learn the ins and outs of the (I plan on getting an) EVO, Droid, Sense, etc? Now I'm a pretty smart chick, and catch on to things fast, but is there anything I should know, or might need help with?

Honestly, you should have no problem. There are plenty of websites with tricks and tips. Plus, you got a Pre which was the first WebOS phone and I
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