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My Root process for those that want to learn the process !!


♡ Truth, Justice and the American Way !! ♡ ™
Nov 30, 2009
18th Hole Of the Golf Course
OK, well I finally took the plunge tonight on a whim with the help of Mahalo Cat, Thanks Bro, here is what I did so far, and I will keep adding to the original post as I see fit

My Software build is 2.27.651.6

I had both the Universal Androot and the Rom Manager on my phone already downloaded. I then was chatting with MC and simply hit the Universal Androot and rooted, LOL. Then I checked to see if I had SuperUser and I did. I then open the Rom Manager and had a blank screen for about 15 seconds and then there seemed to be a delay in the response of my phone, but then all came back, I then flashed the ClockWordMod recovery and then gave it superuser permission, then it brought me to a menu screen, where I then proceeded to scroll down to do a Nandroid backup, called it Stock_2.1 with no spaces "Very Important" and then it took about 3 to 4 minutes to do a full back up and then said back up was done. I then hit reboot phone in the menu. So that is it for tonight, I will play with it like this for a bit, then on the weekend I will flash a different ROM for the heck of it and see what that is like. Cheers all :cool:

[Complete Guide] Adding a great tutorial for peeps that want to root but are scared, this may convince you how easy it is, click

[Complete Guide] How To Fully Back Up And Restore Your Android Phone Using Nandroid Backup
, Click

Some screen shots with Shoot Me app for rooted phones


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Correct I will edit my original post so the peeps can see what build I was on, as I was still on .6 and had not update to the latest .7 build, thanks for the heads up

Congrats - and welcome to the club!

GEEZ - what took you so long!


on a side note - if you have updated to the 2.3.....7 version you will need superone click in lieu of androot. : )
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Just curious if one wanted to stay rooted and not explore Roms, which I will, but just curious, can they remove the Sprint Bloatware only, and stay stock without all that ??

Yep, you can stay stock and remove bloatware. Download Titanium Backup (highly recommend Pro), then remove the bloatware of your choice, but do tons of homework on which ones you can/cannot delete.
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The only ones I care about removing are, Sprint TV, Footprints, Nascar, Sprint Football, Teeter, and Peep !!

Yep, you can stay stock and remove bloatware. Download Titanium Backup (highly recommend Pro), then remove the bloatware of your choice, but do tons of homework on which ones you can/cannot delete.
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Now to find a good ROM for me to play with, I do not care about sense UI as I am not even using it right now, I have had Launcher Pro for months now and love that and also using my fancy widgets for my weather clock which I love, I want something that will be stable, one with no dial lag, one that will allow the use of Google Maps Nav., and one that won't give issues with Google Voice and Gmail.
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Now to find a good ROM for me to play with, I do not care about sense UI as I am not even using it right now, I have had Launcher Pro for months now and love that and also using my fancy widgets for my weather clock which I love, I want something that will be stable, one with no dial lag, one that will allow the use of Google Maps Nav., and one that won't give issues with Google Voice and Gmail.

Gotta go with CM6 then;)

No troubles with your above mentioned wants and needs:D Plus it's 2.2

I'm sure someone else;) will suggest aosp, which is great too:)

Make sure you update prl first before flashing
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Thanks I update the PRL all the time, lol I will check it out and see what the Cat has to say about as I am sure he has tried it out already, LOL

What is your preference after your testings so far

Gotta go with CM6 then;)

No troubles with your above mentioned wants and needs:D Plus it's 2.2

I'm sure someone else;) will suggest aosp, which is great too:)

Make sure you update prl first before flashing
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Thanks I update the PRL all the time, lol I will check it out and see what the Cat has to say about as I am sure he has tried it out already, LOL

What is your preference after your testings so far

I've been on CM6 since 8/10, never had any troubles with it. The differences between aosp and CM6 as far as performance, speed? Not much. CM6 has ADW as the launcher and aosp does not have a specific launcher so since you like LP, aosp might be the way to go. CM6 does have some nice performance settings in menu, settings. In CM6, you can enable/disable JIT, change your compcache settings, change your vm heap level. Aosp does not have these specific settings but vm heap is set at 32mb, JIT is disabled (you will have enable in terminal emulator). One thing I have also noticed, on initial boot up, CM6 has around 150mb of internal memory and aosp has around 100mb.

Dec has some nice kernels for these roms, CFS and BFS. Both stock kernels are good also and you can overclock the stock kernels either by setcpu or oc widget. If you plan on using apps2sd, both roms are native so no need to partition your sd card;)

Hopfefully there is some helpful information on the 2 roms and like I said both are great:D
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Even if CM6 has ADW, I can always add LP and use Homeswitcher to switch between launchers to see if I like ADW, now you mentioned JIT, assume that has to be flashed after you flash the ROM ?? and what does JIT exactly do ?? and VM heap I assume that is Voicemail, I don't use the Sprint VM as I use Youmail

I've been on CM6 since 8/10, never had any troubles with it. The differences between aosp and CM6 as far as performance, speed? Not much. CM6 has ADW as the launcher and aosp does not have a specific launcher so since you like LP, aosp might be the way to go. CM6 does have some nice performance settings in menu, settings. In CM6, you can enable/disable JIT, change your compcache settings, change your vm heap level. Aosp does not have these specific settings but vm heap is set at 32mb, JIT is disabled (you will have enable in terminal emulator). One thing I have also noticed, on initial boot up, CM6 has around 150mb of internal memory and aosp has around 100mb.

Dec has some nice kernels for these roms, CFS and BFS. Both stock kernels are good also and you can overclock the stock kernels either by setcpu or oc widget. If you plan on using apps2sd, both roms are native so no need to partition your sd card;)

Hopfefully there is some helpful information on the 2 roms and like I said both are great:D
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Even if CM6 has ADW, I can always add LP and use Homeswitcher to switch between launchers to see if I like ADW, now you mentioned JIT, assume that has to be flashed after you flash the ROM ?? and what does JIT exactly do ?? and VM heap I assume that is Voicemail, I don't use the Sprint VM as I use Youmail

Yep, you can do that with the launchers

JIT is 'just in time' compiler, Simply put, it uses the davlik cache to speed up the phone. Some people have success with it others do not. It's one of those things, you will have to play around with some settings for a day or two to see if your phone likes JIT. Enabling JIT is very simple in the CM6, just a check mark and then reboot the phone. Enabling JIT in aosp is a little more work look here xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM][GPL][NONSENSE] aospMod v0.9.6 | AOSP 2.2.1 (Froyo) [10/31/2010] Now, if I remember, this was to disable JIT in aosp's previous release. I would assume just do the opposite to enable it. Maybe Cat would have a little more insight;)

VM heap is NOT voicemail, look here for information http://ryanolson.wordpress.com/2010...ory-per-vm-heap-can-effect-your-rom-cyanogen/

Youmail is fine for voicemail. Remember, there is no VM in the CM6 or aosp's rom. You can also try GV. I've had no troubles;)
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Thanks bro, I will try the AOSP first and see,. and I do not need the sprint VM, I don't use it

Or...you can flash Sprint VVM - But you have to deal with strange texts replies - there is an easy fix for that.

Don - I flash between Cm6 and Aosp - use Aosp as my everyday rom - and Play with and tweak CM6 (Nov 2 nightly)
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