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Neat ROM

Sale, I know this is a selfish request, but can you make a mod to turn off wallpaper scrolling again and Also a mod to turn on boot up sound? :(
Philz kernel 3.73 up, but as always, for the majority of use this will make little difference.

Also just noticed sale is getting an s3. Hope that doesn't mean the end for those of us tied into our s2s. Eeek.
Any One Else Get A Problem With The Flash Player?

Every Time I Restart My Phone I Need To Re Instal The Flash Player!

Anyone Else Get This Issue?
I have been using this rom ever since it released (Neatrom Lite JB). It is an excellent rom in all respects. Despite the lack of a custom kernel, it is quite smooth and the battery life is adequate (thanks to ironass's tips). The core apps work flawlessly. Camera is awesome. I have had a couple of random reboots (cause unknown), but this is a minor niggle in an otherwise excellent rom. Thank you sale. Keep up the great work mate. :D
Gents I have a problem I've searched but to no avail

In the clockwork mod folder on my external sd there is the blobs folder

Now I believe that this something to speed up the back up of roms (I think) but the one I have is 25gb in size... I've tried to delete it using root file explorer but it just says "cannot delete as this file is read only"

Could anyone advise on how to delete this please...? And is it ok if I do

I have deleted mine two different ways.

Either plug your phone into your PC and delete it from there or the other way I have done it is by using the stock My Files program. Be advised.... if you use the My Files program, it will take a very long time for it to delete the file. I tried to delete a blob file with it before that was 1.5GB, and it took about 10 minutes.

That being said if the blob file is over 2GB I usual go with the PC method as long as I have the time and my computer handy.
Cheers mate thank you...

After investigating further it seems I cannot delete ANYTHING from my external Sd...

I've got a few films and when I confirm delete.. They just stay there

Never had this before
I appear to have found a solution to my battery drain. I have been getting a lot of wlan_rx_wake wakelocks and managed to find the culprit. The problem doesn't lie with the ROM, but with the router. I have since altered my router so my phone connects with a static IP and this appears to have helped so far (I'll know more tonight when I connect back to my home router & the problem should start up again).

Check out this thread for a little more info....
I'm finally getting around to flashing the latest Neat lite ROM, starting with a full wipe. One question before I start: should and/or can I run Hawker's Kernel wiper before flashing the ROM? I'm in a little doubt to do so because it's not possible to use Dorimanx or Siyah kernel...
I'm finally getting around to flashing the latest Neat lite ROM, starting with a full wipe. One question before I start: should and/or can I run Hawker's Kernel wiper before flashing the ROM? I'm in a little doubt to do so because it's not possible to use Dorimanx or Siyah kernel...

no point mate as cache/dalvik/system are all removed in the neat installer.
As you are intending to install with a full wipe, which I always recommend, I would run my ROMWipe script before Neat
I'm not entirely sure this is the correct thread to post this at, as I'm sure it has nothing to do with salesale's ROM. I believe it is either a JB thing or more likely a Philz kernel problem.

Basically I can't make a backup from CWM, it FCs. I can only make a backup from recovery, and then it gives me a "Blobs" folder as well as the back up in the CWM folder. I wouldn't be bothered but the "Blobs" folder is over 2Gig in size! What's all this about then?
I'm not entirely sure this is the correct thread to post this at, as I'm sure it has nothing to do with salesale's ROM. I believe it is either a JB thing or more likely a Philz kernel problem.

Basically I can't make a backup from CWM, it FCs. I can only make a backup from recovery, and then it gives me a "Blobs" folder as well as the back up in the CWM folder. I wouldn't be bothered but the "Blobs" folder is over 2Gig in size! What's all this about then?

you need to set your backup format to tar in CWM Recovery backup+restore options.

the blobs folder is used for incremental based backups. Your backup sits inside there and further backups are made outside the blobs folder and are smaller in size with only changes since the blobs version.

personally i dont use this option. I stick to tar. I feel safer that way, but if you are going to use this format, make sure you have a .nomedia file in the blobs folder, or better still in the clockworkmod folder above, as your media scanner will grind to a halt.

I assume CWM FC you mean CWM Manager. I never use CWM manager to make backups. Again, I feel safer doing it through recovery.
Spent tonight flashing the ROM and Aroma mods. JB takes a little getting used to, but not too much ;-) As always, sale has outdone himself again! I (we) cannot thank you enough for al the effort you're putting into your work!

There's only one thing I miss in the Aroma mods that was there in the ICS version, and that's the "Back to Kill" option. Is it possible to flash the one from the ICS Aroma mods?
Not sure if this is the right place to post either, but I have the ICS NEAT ROM (with Siyah) installed and I want to install the new JB version.

There's a kernel and ROM wipe script that I downloaded, and I'm not sure if I need to use it in order to install the new rom with the Philz kernel.

Would running the scripts make the phone run more smoother than if I were to just install the JB ROM?
Ok I have taken the plunge and listened to hawker and ironass to install this rom as I've been on aokp for months both ics and jb and flashed latest NeatROM Lite 4.0 last night and used Hawkers rom nuke script to purge the aokp out of my phone as painful as it was.

My pain was quickly relieved when booting new rom. :)

I am very impressed and love the interface. Sale Sale has done a great job.

And now I can once again appreciate the stock experience as it's fast and smooth :):thumbup:

It's been under a day so far no issues or lags.

Hi five
On Neat Rom Lite (JB) when i use the home button to turn my screen back on, it sends me to the home screen instead of returning me to the screen it was last on. Any ideas?

Call Recording

No Increase Ring

USB Mode
- Mass Storage

- Swype
- Android 4.2 Keyboard with Gesture Typing
- Emoji Keyboard 4.2

Fixed Skip Songs

Fixed Home Button

Fixed MultiWindow
- Black
- Transparent

Torch on Lockscreen

INK Effects

AOSP Lockscreen

Note 2 Gallery

Camera Mods
- Enabled Vol as Shutter Button
- Take picture/video below 15%

Video Live Thumbnails

Gmail 4.2
- Pinch-to-Zoom
- Swipe-to-Archive/Delete

Disabled Scrolling Cache

- Default Font
- Choco, Cool, Rose Font

Battery Style
- Green Circle Animated
- Green %
- Blue Circle Animated
- Blue Animated
- Blue Honeycomb
- Blue CM
- Stock
- Small Blue Android - Big Thanks to Mr.Greg
- Big Blue Android - Big Thanks to Mr.Greg

JB Blue Status Bar Icons + Blue Toggles + Blue Battery

Kernel PhilZ v3.73

JB Blue Status Bar Icons + Blue Toggles + Blue Battery:

Big Blue Android Battery

Small Blue Android Battery

AOSP Lockscreen


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