Extreme Android User
My mum warned me about that forum. Isn't it where all the rough chaps hang out and are rude and sarcastic to everyone... I'd love to visit!

However, only one drawback... as a young, virgin, noob on Android Forums I unknowingly broke some of the rules... such as swearing. I used the, "B", word, (blimey), the, "C", word, (crikey), and, worst of all, the, "F", word, (flippin-heck).
After several warnings and infractions the Mod's, as is there want, ganged up on me and offered me 2 choices...
1. Suspension, (please don't ask what they threatened to suspend me by!), or
2. I could redeem myself by being polite, kind and helpful and if I reached 3,000 Thanks they would wipe the slate clean.
I, of course, chose the 2nd option and am working my way to that goal.
The Mod's, to ensure that I stuck to my part of the bargain, removed the keyboard key between, "Z" and "C", so that I could not visit the site that you mention, (*da developers).
So... there you have it. If you like this post, please press the Thanks button... every little bit helps!
(P.S. Does anyone know of any good se* chat lines?)
I'll give you one guess....
:beerglass: :cheers:
Typical! Give a dog a bad name... Hawker has only emerged from his cave on Mount Doom in the Welsh Mountains, just to mock the afflicted.
As it happens, I realised yesterday that I had not been to confession since the end of last month and so I packed a picnic hamper and took a thermos flask of coffee and went to see the padre. :tongue: