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Nexus One experience started off great but then quickly became a nightmare with HTC.


Jan 21, 2010
I know it's long but please read. This is a cautionary tale of buying a new phone when none of the parties involved (Google, HTC and T-mibile) want to deal with accountability.

I ordered my phone unsubsidized for the $530 on January 7th and promptly received it the very next day on January 8th. My phone was working beautifully and i didn't see any of the problems that plagued some other users (ie. spotty 3G). I spent the next few days telling people that had heard the negative feedback and were hesitant in buying the phone about my great experience. That all changed 10 days later.

On the evening of January 10th i was playing a quick game while my phone was charging. After about 10 minutes my screen went blank My battery was at 60% at the time but the phone would not restart, even the battery charge indicator was not lit. I did the usual battery pull gto no avail. So, i let it sit charging for about 30 minutes hoping that would solve the issue. No luck.

Of course Google doesn't have or want the support in place to deal with this and the number on HTC's site just takes you to a general info number. That leaves T-mobile. I promptly called t-mobile technical and it automatically forwarded me to HTC's technical support. Guess they were sick of Nexus Ones users calling and wanted to pass the buck. The rep there had me do the usual battery pull, and hard rest (power on while holding down volume. Still no luck. Phone officially bricked.

The rep gave me the option of either sending the phone in for repairs or putting another $530 on credit hold while they send me a new phone and the packaging to send back the old one. I was still within the 14 day grace period so I just opted for the new phone. The rep sounded pretty new and borderline competent but how hard could it be to screw this up? I quickly received an email from HTC with my ticket and was told that i should get another email with my Fed Ex tracking number. I was also told that i should receive the new phone within 2 business days with the packaging to return my old phone.

By Tuesday January 19th i had still not received an email with a tracking number. Since I called on a Sunday night and Monday was a holiday I didn't think it was a big deal but I figured I'd give HTC a ring again to check on the status. After being placed on hold a few times the rep told me that there was some mistake and that they only had on record that they would send me the packaging to return the phone first. He then told me he rould escalate it and have me sent the new phone along with the packaging to return old one. He then said i should get my Fed Ex tracking number in my email shortly.

On the evening of Wednesday January 20th I still had not received any Fed Ex tracking so I gave them a ring again. The rep told me that the phone had been sent but was unable to give me a tracking number because "someone had incorrectly entered it into the system". I told him that he may have been looking at the correction the day before where they had incorrectly sent a courier with just the return packaging. He again said he would escalate the ticket but seemed to be sure that it was sent out. However he still could not give me a tracking number. Instead he advised calling the next day in hopes that the tracking number would be corrected.

Thursday January 21st, I called back to check the tracking number and was in the middle of the call with a rep when the call was starting to get staticy. I asked him for a direct number and his name. He politely gave it to me and told me to call him back and ask for him directly. I called again and got some other support rep who told me that he was unable to transfer calls and I would have to work with him. Ok, so i proceeded to go through the entire verification and explanation yet again for the fifth time. He put me on hold and FINALLY got me a tracking number. I said my thanks and ended the call. I then went on Fed Ex's site and entered that number just to find that it didn't exist. Argh.

So, i called yet again told this nice lady all the details of my experience with HTC and pleaded for her to help. "Where the hell is my damn phone?!" but phrased in a slightly nicer manner. She entered in the tracking number that i was given and told me "The number he gave you was the tracking number for when you first ordered the phone". If this lady wasn't so apologetically nice I would have put my fist through the line. She then gave me another tracking number which i checked online while she was still on the phone. No dice. She put me on hold again for 10 minutes and when she came back she told me that I was initially put in the system incorrectly. In their system i was supposed to first receive the packaging to send back the old phone and then i would get the new phone after they had received the old one. Shocking...No new phone had been sent yet!

She then said that she would escalate this ticket to have some one correct it. I said Hells No, this would have been the 3rd time it would have been "escalated" with no contact or solution occurring. So, i waited another 10 minutes as she put me on hold to speak to her supervisor in person about it. She came back and told me that i should finally get an email with my tracking number "within 24 hours" and that I should get my phone within 2 business day but to check back Monday January 24th if i still had not received it.

Hopefully this is all finally sorted out but I will update this as Monday approaches. After my initial call it took 5 calls just to find out that they bungled my order and no new phone was on it's way? This is absolutely unacceptable and a colossal failure on HTC's part.

This pretty much sums up the Nexus One launch. Google wants the cachet of releasing their own branded phone but does not want the accountability. T-mobile doesn't want to deal with tech issues and instead just wants new subscribers. And HTC just wants to make the phones but doesn't want to deal with any possible defects or doesn't have a competent infrastructure in place to deal with the surge of problems.

The tiny conspiracy theory part of me thinks HTC is intentionally stalling sending me a new phone so that my 14 day return grace period expires and I'm permanently stuck with no recourse.

Does anyone know of any class action lawsuits against the three parties for the Nexus One debacle?

My advice for those on the fence about getting this phone...look for a different one. Or at least until these three parties get their act together.

UPDATE: Jan 22nd

24 Hours after my last call and i still haven't received the prepaid label or tracking number yet again. I've called up and the HTC rep told me she was going to yet again "escalate my ticket" . I've asked to speak to her supervisor since this is now the 8th call but she conveniently "can't find one around". She claims that my information is "incorrectly in the system and will correct it" again. She then offered to clear out the old order because it is screwed up and re-do it from scratch. Instead of getting the phone Monday I am now looking at Wednesday. This is unbelievably frustrating.
First, I want to say that it sucks that you had to go through that frustrating ordeal. It seems that for every 1 or 2 positive stories, inevitably there is one who has to endure an experience like the one you are having. Certainly, Google is working on improving its ability to support these kinds of issues and maybe are realizing that they bit off more than they thought they could chew.

As far as litigation is concerned, I don't know if a Class Action Lawsuit is an option as long as goods are delivered. In this case, you'll have to wait until Monday to see if they lived up to their promise. If they don't and they do not refund your money in full, then at that point, litigation can be pursued. But I don't think they'll let it get to that point. Even so, at this early stage of the Nexus One experiment, I doubt that there are any existing CAL pending against the three parties.

It's a great phone no less. I think that its fortunes will turn around once it gets to VZW. VZW is pretty meticulous about the details. The only reason the DROID went through the 12/6 update was because VZW did their own QC/QA on the phone and was heavily involved in the pre-release QC/QA. I don't think VZW can afford to deal with unhappy N1 owners so it'll be sure to be straightened out before it reaches Big Red.

Again, sorry for your troubles. I hope you get the phone on Monday so you can thoroughly enjoy it!
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Well I'm going through the process of returning a phone for an exchange (completely horrible battery life issue)... I don't know why, but I only got the "send my phone back, and then they'll send me a replacement"... with this option, only $28 "hold" gets put on my card... (and it better be just a "hold"!)....

My call to HTC ended about 11a this morning. About 4:45p got an email with returning labeling (link to Fedex basically to print out the label). So far so good. But I'm leary of shipping it back.... not knowing what kind of black hole I'll end up in and how long before I actually get a replacement.... :(

But I guess I have little choice... HTC is slowly proving itself to be a company that is FAR from having their shyte together... This upcoming experience I will have with them will define my impression of them.... so we'll see what happens.... :rolleyes:
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Best of luck to you mi_canuck.

I posted my rant on google's phone support forum too and one responder said he encountered a similar nightmare as me but received a refurbished phone back. I called HTC and the rep spoke to his supervisor that claimed that they were only sending new phones in swaps right now. If i get a refurbished phone I'll probably just eat the $50 restocking fee and cancel the phone entirely. I didn't spend $530 to end up with a refurbed phone after 2 weeks.

You might want to call HTC and see if they are sending you a new or refurbed model.

I still haven't received my shipping label or tracking number yet.

Again, good luck. I hope you don't have the same nightmare experience.
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In Googles defense this is a common practice, even with dealing directly with Tmobile. I have purchased "brand new" phones from the carrier. 5 days later it was sent back and replaced with a refurbished unit. I raised concerns about it, however it really is the way things are done. Your options are return for refund in the 14 day window or live with it. It sucks but is more of a psychological thing than anything else. The refurb worked better than the new one!
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lactose: i am sorry you're going through this man. that sucks! but i cant help myself to say to you: WHY DID U BUY THIS PHONE SO QUICKLY! WHY? sorry man but you rushed.

now hopefuly MML and AIRFORCE wont come here and dismiss this user's grievance as irrelevant; MML has already envisioned that 90% of people who are going to purchase N1 are morons....

anyways, good luck next time and remember: never take the dive before testing the waters!
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Well, everyone has their own reason for ordering the phone. Mine was my old phone was broken and i needed a new one. Simple as that.

When the phone worked it worked beautifully and i didn't encounter any of the problems that anyone was having (including spotty 3G).

I've had plenty of gadgets and smartphone and now and then you will inevitably get a dud. I understand that but have never ever had to jump through so many hurdles just to find out where and when a replacement was being sent because i somehow got lost in their system.

The issue really wasn't google making a foray into retail without having all the kinks worked out. The problem with me lied with a known and (formerly in my mind) respected phone manufacturer. The reps were all friendly and apologetic enough but during the 6 calls i made with them their recurring "solution" consisted of "I'm going to escalate this ticket and someone will send you a new tracking number soon". Except I never got one because no phone was ever sent.

This has nothing to do with being an early adopter. This all has to do with incompetent customer support from the product manufacturer.
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This has nothing to do with being an early adopter.....

i disagree; in 10 days, your phone stopped functioning properly; this is a hardware problem, period. off course, anyone is prone to this with any electronic device as a matter of luck; however, early adopters are simply more prone to it because they take a higher risk in adopting a brand new product. had you waited for a little while, you would be less likely to have gone through this ordeal; perhaps the next batch of N1 will function better; perhaps the N2 would have been better for you...who knows? all u had to do is wait a little. your phone broke? no problem; get an old phone from a friend or something and insert your sim card in it.

if you go through these forums, you will notice that the N1 has issues in virtually every aspect of it. we're talking both soft and hard ware. you would have been better informed about the N1 had u just waited a bit and read throughout the forums. alas, u and a lot of other people just rushed into it as though it was a "hurry up while supplies last" kinda thing...phone aint goin anywhere; waiting gives you more information and a little more waiting would even give you a price cut.
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I will add that there is nothing wrong with refurb electronics. If they aesthetically look perfect then all the better. Refurbs get the personal attention of a tech who meticulously combs through the device adhering to a detailed checklist. At the end of the day, refurbs will get the attention that phones off the assembly line may not get. Having bought a number of refurbs they are just as tight if not tighter than out of the box brand new.
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[EMAIL="sale-mrvbb-1564422899@craigslist.org?subject=Free%20Pine%20Armoire%20(West%20end%2C%20lower%20mainland)&body=%0A%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fvancouver.craigslist.ca%2Fvan%2Fzip%2F1564422899.html%0A" said:
sale-mrvbb-1564422899@craigslist.org[/EMAIL]lactose;284845]Well, everyone has their own reason for ordering the phone. Mine was my old phone was broken and i needed a new one. Simple as that.

When the phone worked it worked beautifully and i didn't encounter any of the problems that anyone was having (including spotty 3G).

I've had plenty of gadgets and smartphone and now and then you will inevitably get a dud. I understand that but have never ever had to jump through so many hurdles just to find out where and when a replacement was being sent because i somehow got lost in their system.

The issue really wasn't google making a foray into retail without having all the kinks worked out. The problem with me lied with a known and (formerly in my mind) respected phone manufacturer. The reps were all friendly and apologetic enough but during the 6 calls i made with them their recurring "solution" consisted of "I'm going to escalate this ticket and someone will send you a new tracking number soon". Except I never got one because no phone was ever sent.

This has nothing to do with being an early adopter. This all has to do with incompetent customer support from the product manufacturer.
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I will add that there is nothing wrong with refurb electronics. If they aesthetically look perfect then all the better. Refurbs get the personal attention of a tech who meticulously combs through the device adhering to a detailed checklist. At the end of the day, refurbs will get the attention that phones off the assembly line may not get. Having bought a number of refurbs they are just as tight if not tighter than out of the box brand new.

This is a very good point ot consider. New gadgets (of any kind) get extremely little, or more offen than not, no testing whatsoever. Refurbished devices go through a maticulos checking process making sure every part of the phone is funxction and in an 'as new' order, so unless the outside is visibly worn or used then I would stick with the refurb
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vido makes a great point.. it's par for the course... new adopters... like it or not, we are in a way the "final" testing phase... it's just impossible for a company to cover every single little usage pattern that exists out there... that's why having sold a small amount in the first few weeks will actually help Google/HTC in the long run...

honestly, whether I get a new or factory refurbished (which get all new covers and such if needed, new packaging, new accesories, and a more thorough testing) it won't matter to me as long as I get a device that works 100%

i'm already in major withdrawal! ugh!... Nexus One got boxed and shipped out this morning... gotta make it through the whole weekend without it! :( :D

let's hope the replacement shows up soon and works without any hiccups!
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Update Jan 22nd:

24 Hours after my last call and i still haven't received the prepaid label or tracking number yet again. I've called up and the HTC rep told me she was going to yet again "escalate my ticket" . I've asked to speak to her supervisor since this is now the 8th call but she conveniently "can't find one around". She claims that my information is "incorrectly in the system and will correct it" again. She then offered to clear out the old order because it is screwed up and re-do it from scratch. Instead of getting the phone Monday I am now looking at Wednesday. This is unbelievably frustrating.
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My package is on its way to HTC in Houston... got the label yesterday about 5hrs after having a call with them. Problem is, since I didn't manage to ship it out yesterday (was too late really), now they are scheduled to only received on Tuesday instead of Monday. That means probably next Thursday til I get a replacement. A whole week without a Nexus... I'm gonna go crazy!!!!!!! :( :D

Why I wasn't given the option of getting a replacement first before shipping my defective one back to them, I truly don't know... incompetence/lack of experience with their call center people? :thinking:)... I would have taken the $530 hold on my card to avoid a lapse in having a Nexus... as it stands... only a hold of $28 on my a card until they receive the return...

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Some people seem to be missing the point. Its not about buying a new phone when it first comes out. His main problem isn't that it broke. Its after it broke when the problems come in due to the craptastic support Google created. The fact you have to lay another $530 on hold, which I assume has been on hold through the OP's entire ordeal is ludicrous.
This is why I'm hoping Verizon gets another spandragon Android before or around the time the N1 goes live so I can buy it, and take it to a store if it should have problems then deal with the N1 support.
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Just called back to first ask WHY the EFF I was only given the option of sending in my DEFECTIVE (aka POS) Nexus One BEFORE a replacement sent back to me. Now I'm without my Nexus for what's going to amount to at least a WEEK!

Got that douchebag "Chris" on the phone this time. Arrogant little prick kept saying "I'm sorry sir, there's nothing I can do.... Low man on the totem pole, you know?" The way the put you on hold to "talk to their supervisor" - a huge CROCK that is. He had the NERVE to say... Sorry sir, this is "Google's phone"... "We just do tech support here". It's like they are all passing the BUCK!!! WTF??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark my words - this is the LAST POS HTC device I'm ever buying. I can't say I'm a big Moto fan, but as soon as there is some sort of GSM Moto Android unit with high res screen and T-Mo (AWS 1700) 3G bands, I'm ditching this effing Nexus One...

I was willing to give these guys a break, but EFF that!!!!

Anyone know how we can log formal complaints against HTC "tech support" jerkoffs? This has honestly got to stop. They are running their operations for their flagship device with a bunch of high school dropouts. Saying shit like "Sorry sir, but this is *Google's* phone... we have nothing to do with it, except tech support". That is so far from an UNacceptable statement, it's not even funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I just had a call with someone over at HTC that actually seemed to care. Whether anything gets done, I don't know. But Gina - a person I spoke with last about my case, was seemingly very helpful and emphatic. She at least took the time to verify whether anything else could be done, and mentioned that she took my feedback regarding "Chris Otter" in order to "escalate" the case.

First of all - this "Chris Otter" - don't know if the same 'Chris' that System6 above had issues with - when he put me on hold, it took all but 5 secs for him to get back to me saying "yup, nothing my supervisor can do either"... He then had the NERVE to say "well sir, this phone is *Google's* phone, it's not HTC's phone, we are just tech support. But it is Google's phone" is a quite derogatory tone. He then proceeds to say "sorry sir, I apologize, but... you know... low man on the totem pole... you know...". Very much the snide, smug attitude that System 6 above talks about. So again, dunno if the same Chris, but sounds like it might be.

All this because of the initial tech agent's (Tony or Anthony Templeton) utter failure in giving me the correct, quickest, most inconvenience-less option of getting a replacement. He stated, "this is the quickest way for us to get you a replacement phone" - ie. me sending my unit back, before they send me a replacement. Why I believed him, I still don't know. All I want is a Nexus One that will work properly. So now I'm stuck without a Nexus for a whole week, as they will only be receiving my defective Nexus on Tuesday 1/26. So likely, they'll only ship out on Wednesday 1/27 and IF it's overnight, will get back on Thursday 1/28. But that's only if all goes smoothly. I expect Friday, or who knows, maybe even later the way things are going with HTC. I'm gone on a trip starting Feb 1st (Mon), so at this point, I don't even know if I'll get it back before then. :(

For all we know, their names are just aliases... So not only did I log my complaints with Gina (who again, was super nice, and took time to investigate other options, and here my complaints about how the previous tech agents handled my ticket), but I also called HTC back at their main hotline number. I logged a formal complaint against both Chris Otter (for his extreme lack of courtesy and professionalism) but also against Tony/Anthony Templeton for this complete incompetence in giving me - the customer - the best and quickest means of getting a replacement device. Who the hell knows if that will go anywhere. But at least I feel better for at least having tried to make it known to HTC the issues that some of their tech agents are causing, and all the while, I've kept my cool, never "lost" it, never even raised my voice or used profanity against any of the agents. I sincerely hope they do record phone calls, because they (whoever they are) at HTC will realise how POOR "most" (not all) of their Nexus One tech support agents are at handling these initial issues with the early adopters.

Note, I'm not angered about the device itself, or outraged about it having issues. I accept the risks of being an early adopter of a new device. But my beef is with the tech support and how my particular case was handled. And it sounds like many people, just from the threads in this very message board - which is but a small % of the Nexus One community, I'm not alone in my disappointment in HTC's tech support.

I even commented to Gina that if I was asked "if I'd buy another HTC product in the future", my response would be "most likely not".
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