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Not to be sexist, but...

...and she's a fine artist and far from any sort of tech-phreak.

Ahem, there EM. Am I detecting a little bit of stereotyping?

Being both a fine artist and a technophile, I can testify that they are not mutually exclusive. :D
Ahem, there EM. Am I detecting a little bit of stereotyping?

Being both a fine artist and a technophile, I can testify that they are not mutually exclusive. :D

Not at all - just fully qualifying her as a type of user. I dont know if you know this or not, but there are fine artists who ARE technophiles.

LOL - but srsly, techs and non-techs do tend to fall into sub-groups in my observations. So, stereotyping, no, classifying, yes. :) ;)
I can't help it but no matter how many times I read this, it looks like you're dissing Early's mom :eek: ....even though I get what you're trying to say....lol

As much as I'd like to agree with the statement from a man's point of view, it reminds me of back in the day when everyone claimed that women mostly drove V6 Mustangs while men drove the V8 variety. You'll always be able to find some stats that will back either claim or refute either claim, but the truth is that neither brand is gender specific nor is one brand manlier than the other.

To give you an example, most of the higher level executives at my place of employment use an iPhone and only 1 mid-level executive uses an Android. Does that then mean that the iPhone is preferred by the well to do? Most likely not, but one can always twist statistics to serve their own purpose.

And that's because 86% of all statistics are made up.
Not at all - just fully qualifying her as a type of user. I dont know if you know this or not, but there are fine artists who ARE technophiles.

LOL - but srsly, techs and non-techs do tend to fall into sub-groups in my observations. So, stereotyping, no, classifying, yes. :) ;)

I understand Van Gogh was a big fan of earbuds because he had trouble with the over-the-ear Bluetooth sets. ;)
I understand he tried the full-cup Bose one to try to cancel out the noise in his head, but it didn't work out for him.

Well, after that volume control accident with Beethoven, could you blame him for being a little conservative?
Well, after that volume control accident with Beethoven, could you blame him for being a little conservative?

Leading us full circle to the fact that The Sound of Silence was done by Simon and Garfunkel.

There are very few women in Simon and Garfunkel, mostly - just two guys - and so there's proof right there of what many have been saying all along.

No idea if Art uses an iPhone or an Android, but I did find this out -

Art Garfunkel Turns 70! Happy Birthday, Garfunkel!
And that's because 86% of all statistics are made up.



Did you make that up yourself Late-Mon?


You are getting naughty bruizer...

You always crack me up you Late-Mon you! :)

@HJAcevedo / Original Post

HAHA naah HJAcevedo bruizer there is no such thing as being a sexist!

HJAcevedo my awesome male amigo... do not be ashamed to show that you are superior to women in absolutely every single way...

We are better than women... period

BUT one thing is DEFINTELY for sure bruizer and don't you ever forget man...

A women's place is... and always... will be... IN ... THE... KITCHEN!!!

Stinky Slinky:


I said bring me another sammich women... OR ELSE."



lol I think Roze is gonna slap me silly one of these dayz... thank God she aint got no moderator super powerz any more :)

Naah but all jokes aside

Yeah I think it is not 120% correct and tis madness to say "iPhone is for ladies only"

That is not nice.

I have an iPhone and I think it is really cool.

Same goes for saying things like "Smart people where glasses... and girls are smarter than boys"

Tis madness.

P.S. I hope I have not hurt any 1's feelings I just like to joke a poop load so don't take it personally about the female / sexist jokes it is really not vindictive at all ;)

Thank you for your co-operation.
What's wrong with being sexy?


Absolutely nada ;)

Nothing worng at all with that :)

In any event... beauty is in the eye of the beholder,

Like this dog here:


I think this dog is really special and is really beautiful and this is NOT a joke.

I sometimes look at this doggy to make me smile.

But I love Jessie way more (My little Schnoogy).

Some people are so called "ugly" but that is just their opinion and nothing more.

"True Love is blind" in any event :)
I understand Van Gogh was a big fan of earbuds because he had trouble with the over-the-ear Bluetooth sets. ;)

Not to veer off topic, (or at least not to get blamed for the direction it's gone thus far) but did anyone else catch 60 minutes where they claimed that Van Gogh didn't cut off his own ear?
In my house, it's the exact opposite - I (the female) have the Android, and my husband is the i-Sheep.
Not to veer off topic, (or at least not to get blamed for the direction it's gone thus far) but did anyone else catch 60 minutes where they claimed that Van Gogh didn't cut off his own ear?

I heard that was part of the negotiated settlement in the copyright suit where Apple originally wanted an arm and a leg.

Srsly tho, I have heard that as well, but not on 60 Minutes.
Not to veer off topic, (or at least not to get blamed for the direction it's gone thus far) but did anyone else catch 60 minutes where they claimed that Van Gogh didn't cut off his own ear?

He absolutely cut off his own ear. It has nothing to do with him losing on the spread to my uncle Tony in South Philly. Nothing at all. Oh, and those bruises on his kneecaps were from when he fell right after he cut off his own ear. Yup. that's the way it happened.
He absolutely cut off his own ear. It has nothing to do with him losing on the spread to my uncle Tony in South Philly. Nothing at all. Oh, and those bruises on his kneecaps were from when he fell right after he cut off his own ear. Yup. that's the way it happened.

LMAO... Nice.

PS: Tell Tony I din't see nuttin.
Not to get back on topic but...:p

I think EM is subtly saying here that gender doesn't matter with regard to phone use- Just intelligence. Ergo, smarter people use android...

I'd agree with that. Plus, my wife is really smart, and *she* uses Android, so, there you have it! Proof positive Android phones make you smarter *and* sexier!

I don't think intelligence has anything to do with what brand of phone someone chooses. Look at me I chose Android ;) But out of the people I know at work with smartphones all but one have Android phones, the other is a BB user. When I said something to one of them about using android and why she didn't get an iPhone (she was asking about getting a Siri type app) she replied "I don't have an Apple computer so I couldn't use an iPhone..." I didn't bother trying to explain Android being Linux to her and I am not calling her an idiot but she is clueless when it comes to technology.

My guess is that if there was a random sample of smartphone users the male vs female ratio for Android and iPhone would be about the same.
First smartphone the wife got which she have now is the LG Enlighten, now I think was a bad choice. But she got it before I got mine.
To go back on topic intentionally.....

I use an Android (Obviously) and my girlfriend uses a BlackBerry.

Two girls and no iPhones.

Honestly, I think a lot of people thing iPhones are for girls. It may have something to do with all those pink and bedazzled cases they sell for them.
This is hilarious!!!

For Android, according to the Japanese, nothing wrong with that at all.

Note well that the dude is named Apple-kun.

I know a lot of ladies with iP4S, but most have BB cause of BBM, & QWERTY.
I do miss my QWERTY, but it was love @ 1st sight for my & my droid.
Exponentially better than any BB I've ever owned, same goes for the "crapple" products I've owned or have used.
(Not hating on apple users just my experience, of having my apple products "Crap out" on me right after my extended warranty expires.)
When my mom was 80, she picked up my Evo and its use mastered in under 5 minutes. After that, her first question was why my sister went with such a hard to use and obtuse phone - the iPhone.

But Early, your Mom is Countess Lovelace! Oops, I mean great grandma. :eek:

I use an Android (Obviously) and my girlfriend uses a BlackBerry.

Yep, this is her desktop:

Another chick with an Android. First smartphone was an Android and I am been faithful to Mr. Andy.

iOS is too boring for my taste. It also is not very intuitive. I usually get frustrated with one whenever I use it. Why I will never own an iPhone is my deep hatred for iTune.

@OP, you would be surprised at how many women that are members here. Most of them don't go out of their ways to differentiate themselves as a female.
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