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Not to be sexist, but...

Maybe they'll bring the pink SGS2 to the US:
I know the movie backwards and forwards, it's one of my favorites. :)

I did miss the reference earier, tho.

Oh, yeah, I see the irony.

Sorry to question your Tap knowledge...:)

The funniest part of that scene, IMO, isn't obvious in that clip. A lot of people miss it, but I'll bet you know what I mean.
Ick. iProducts disgust me. Actually, I shouldn't say that. I have an iPod.

But, as a woman, I'd like to say that Andriod is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I have four grown children. One male and three females. The girls own Android devices and my son an iPhone.... go figure.

Imma hush...but felt compelled to quote this for some reason.....
Between myself and my boyfriend, we're both Android users (He's got the SGS2 and I've got the SGS) and my sister and her boyfriend are both Apple fanatics.
Apart from myself, my sister has an Android (Galaxy S2, never owned an iPhone) and her husband recently switched from an iPhone 3G to a Galaxy Ace.

Amongst friends I have one (male) with an resolutely stock iPhone 3GS and one (female) who has jailbroken and modded her iPhone 4 extensively. There are seven male (3 x HTC Desire, 2 x HTC Desire HD, 1 x Desire Z, 1 x SE Xperia Mini) and three female (1 x HTC Desire, 1 x HTC Desire S, 1 x HTC Wildfire S) Android users though.

So any way you look at it, Android wins hands down. :)
Apart from myself, my sister has an Android (Galaxy S2, never owned an iPhone) and her husband recently switched from an iPhone 3G to a Galaxy Ace.

Amongst friends I have one (male) with an resolutely stock iPhone 3GS and one (female) who has jailbroken and modded her iPhone 4 extensively. There are seven male (3 x HTC Desire, 2 x HTC Desire HD, 1 x Desire Z, 1 x SE Xperia Mini) and three female (1 x HTC Desire, 1 x HTC Desire S, 1 x HTC Wildfire S) Android users though.

So any way you look at it, Android wins hands down. :)

For your chick friend that mod her iPhone, it shouldn't be too hard to sell her Android. Just show her Tasker and she should jump instantly ;)
You know we could put this in the Games section and.... "Not to be sexist but..."

....Why do women need watches when there's a clock on the oven?

.....Why are women's feet smaller than men's? Cause smaller feet make it easier to tend to the oven.

^^^^ the statements above are by no means indicative of my single status btw, it's purely coincidental, I swear!

....When God created man he said to himself, "I can do better" and created woman.

....Why are men like tile? Because if you lay them right, you can walk all over them for years.

See, I can be sexist both ways...wait that doesn't make me bi-sexist does it?!?! :eek:
You know we could put this in the Games section and.... "Not to be sexist but..."

....Why do women need watches when there's a clock on the oven?

.....Why are women's feet smaller than men's? Cause smaller feet make it easier to tend to the oven.

^^^^ the statements above are by no means indicative of my single status btw, it's purely coincidental, I swear!

....When God created man he said to himself, "I can do better" and created woman.

....Why are men like tile? Because if you lay them right, you can walk all over them for years.

See, I can be sexist both ways...wait that doesn't make me bi-sexist does it?!?! :eek:


This just made my life complete :)
Well, I have to re-think my stance on the whole woman/iPhone conundrum. I had a dizzying conversation at work today. A girl was happy to tell the most convoluted story, I still can't figure it all out but here goes:

G1 screen fried
Went to Sprint
Salesman showed her an Epic
She asked for something smaller
He had nothing smaller that he could offer on warranty (for a G1?)
Showed her an iPhone
She bought it because it was the right size
(the right size, I later learned, was it fit in the pouch she already had!!!!)

I asked why she did not stick with Android and she told me
"I like Pandora" and "it fits in the case I have".

So, there ya go. Maybe some women really do need an iPhone. UGH. My head is still hurting.
Well, I have to re-think my stance on the whole woman/iPhone conundrum. I had a dizzying conversation at work today. A girl was happy to tell the most convoluted story, I still can't figure it all out but here goes:

G1 screen fried
Went to Sprint
Salesman showed her an Epic
She asked for something smaller
He had nothing smaller that he could offer on warranty (for a G1?)
Showed her an iPhone
She bought it because it was the right size
(the right size, I later learned, was it fit in the pouch she already had!!!!)

I asked why she did not stick with Android and she told me
"I like Pandora" and "it fits in the case I have".

So, there ya go. Maybe some women really do need an iPhone. UGH. My head is still hurting.

Some men are the same way tho. I knew a guy who wouldn't use any phone other than the iPhone because "it works for me" after he bricked it trying to jailbreak it I tried to convince him to go Android. He said he liked knowing he will get updates with iOS. I couldn't get him to understand that updates happen with Android as well there just isn't a press conference to announce every update with every device.
You know we could put this in the Games section and.... "Not to be sexist but..."

....Why do women need watches when there's a clock on the oven?

.....Why are women's feet smaller than men's? Cause smaller feet make it easier to tend to the oven.

^^^^ the statements above are by no means indicative of my single status btw, it's purely coincidental, I swear!

....When God created man he said to himself, "I can do better" and created woman.

....Why are men like tile? Because if you lay them right, you can walk all over them for years.

See, I can be sexist both ways...wait that doesn't make me bi-sexist does it?!?! :eek:
My vote for quote of the year/decade!
Made my day(probably week), I lol'd so hard.
Well, I have to re-think my stance on the whole woman/iPhone conundrum. I had a dizzying conversation at work today. A girl was happy to tell the most convoluted story, I still can't figure it all out but here goes:

G1 screen fried
Went to Sprint
Salesman showed her an Epic
She asked for something smaller
He had nothing smaller that he could offer on warranty (for a G1?)
Showed her an iPhone
She bought it because it was the right size
(the right size, I later learned, was it fit in the pouch she already had!!!!)

I asked why she did not stick with Android and she told me
"I like Pandora" and "it fits in the case I have".

So, there ya go. Maybe some women really do need an iPhone. UGH. My head is still hurting.

G1?? on sprint?

warranty?? on G1?? = EPIC??
@OP, you would be surprised at how many women that are members here. Most of them don't go out of their ways to differentiate themselves as a female.

Can you blame them??? I once befriended a fine young man doing some masters work in psychology. He was a she in the chat rooms taking serious notes :)

Back on topic

My wife yields an ignorant flip phone of some ancient nature. Lately she's contemplated stepping up to a smart phone. Now that she has a Kindle Fire.. she has a great yearning for an Android phone. She is like me though... far to old to be thinking of stylin.. it's more about enjoyment.
My first smartysmart phone was an Eris. My second was an incredible. My third, an Incredible 2, (obtained as a warranty replacement for my gingerbroke Incredible. ) When the iPhone first hit Verizon I considered it, but the lack of Google maps killed it for me. I just bought my hubby his first smart phone, an Incredible 2.

So, no iPhone for this girl, even if they do have curse accessories. ;-b
In my house, it's the exact opposite - I (the female) have the Android, and my husband is the i-Sheep.
i-Sheep!!! Love it!!!

I have an HTC Incredible S and bought my gf a "Feminine friendly" HTC Rhyme for Christmas. It is a purple color, comes with docking station / charger, a purse light that hangs outside her bag so she can see when she gets calls / msgs and then pull the phone out with the bauble wire. Given the size of her purses, not digging for a ringing phone was worth it for her alone.

She converted from a Blackberry which I would put before iCrap as being more popular with women. BBM is quite popular with them for texting with friends.
I think unless your girl is a geek, most of them like beauty, so my experience shows that even those with Android don't care about customization and go for the looks :)

With most people I think it goes in order of price, function and then form. With some there is form over function, but price is usually the biggest issue. I see a lot of women using lower priced Android phones. Most of them were looking for a phone that could go beyond the extra features that a feature phone provided. Now, many are picking up these phones because they are free. I can't say that I have met too many people that have bought a phone based just on the way it looks though.

Does it help that my Nexus is drop dead sexy? Sure, but I wanted ICS more than anything and function was definitely my first priority. Then again, I am a geek. ;)
My aunt is 63 and she has a iphone4, my mom is 53 and she has an iPhone 4s.
They both struggled with there old phones, but over a matter of few months, they both mastered the iPhone and swear that they cannot live without them.

Now, I do agree that iPhone is more appealing to women because of all the cool accessoriess out there.
At the same time, in Japan, there are mannnny android phones that are obviously designed for women.
So you would after see either girls with iPhones with bunny rabbit covers, or they have pink androids with preset wall papers that are hearts and sparkles and looks like somethng pink threw up on it.

With most people I think it goes in order of price, function and then form. With some there is form over function, but price is usually the biggest issue. I see a lot of women using lower priced Android phones. Most of them were looking for a phone that could go beyond the extra features that a feature phone provided. Now, many are picking up these phones because they are free. I can't say that I have met too many people that have bought a phone based just on the way it looks though.

Does it help that my Nexus is drop dead sexy? Sure, but I wanted ICS more than anything and function was definitely my first priority. Then again, I am a geek. ;)

I got my phone since I liked the spec, feel, & look.
I also wanted something not everyone had, I love Samsung's products but everyone & their grandma has them around here.;) j/k
( I live in "Hong-couver", I'm 4th gen Canuck born Chinese.)
It all came down to the way the device felt in my hand,the specs,& the screen size.
BTW: url nexus it drop dead gorgeous.

My aunt is 63 and she has a iphone4, my mom is 53 and she has an iPhone 4s.
They both struggled with there old phones, but over a matter of few months, they both mastered the iPhone and swear that they cannot live without them.

Now, I do agree that iPhone is more appealing to women because of all the cool accessoriess out there.
At the same time, in Japan, there are mannnny android phones that are obviously designed for women.
So you would after see either girls with iPhones with bunny rabbit covers, or they have pink androids with preset wall papers that are hearts and sparkles and looks like somethng pink threw up on it.

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