Just hopping into this thread after a hiatus from my Note 3 fact finding here on this forum during pre-orders. I recognize a few veterans (Samsung Diehards) here from the HTC Droid pre-order days.
My buying pattern is not as religious since I have skipped every other SG issue only to boast having no problems or disappointments during each of my device ownerships. I consider myself a Samsung loyalist. My phone requirements are not as drastic as some of you, but I do like having bonus features just in case I plan to use them. For my basic need it has always been 'size matters' and of course, a good battery life. I've never had a problem with storage capacity be it internal or external SD card - it has always been more than adequate. Like one user noted, I too utilized clouds since their inception. Sporting a Note 3 has been fine so far for me and may continue to be a Guiness book of records for me as far as going beyond two years of a brand model.
In reading all the posts, I can see the angst many of you are displaying with the N5 shortcomings and so-called stripping of desires. But, one needs to grasp reality and look into the crystal ball. 'Cellphone Apocalypse' has begun!
With the recent shift in Carrier business models which no longer cater to Manufacturer exclusivity and phone subsidy, the Carriers have now cut the cord to force Cellphone giants to duke it out on their own. Carriers are shifting focus to GB's of data and price structure to rape our bank accounts. It was apparent with the advent of the 'Cloud' that they would now have a new cash cow because of data transfer. IMO, the Cloud was a key factor of getting rid of the unlimited data plans and using it as the new carrot on a string in the way of upload/download usage. Remember, they did this way back when with text messaging which was a goldmine for them.
Where does that leave the Cellphone Manufacturer? Figuring out how to be profitable again without the luxury of boning the Carriers with exclusivity agreements and guaranteed volume orders while leaving them with new phones in inventory because the Giants began coming out with a new model every 6 months to a year.
The stripping of phone features is not a surprise as profitability forges toward the mainstream user (which many of you are NOT). Let's get real! The MicroSD is going by the wayside as did the CD tray on desktop/laptop computers. Phone obsolescence and 'The Cloud' is what the Manufacturers wants to focus on because it's going to provide frequent upgrading and a monthly income through cloud storage subscription, ergo, nix the batteries & MicroSD cards. Cash flow is better than selling the product itself. Take printers for instance, the printer bears little profit, it's the ink that brings home the bacon. In the future, we may be more likely to choose a Carrier who offers the best DATA package and Phone Manufacturer that gives us the best CLOUD subscription package.
Phone prices will drop dramatically because they will no longer be marketable at high cost when peddling directly to the thrifty consumer. Case in point is the Moto X Pure Edition at $399. For now they will hook everyone with a removable battery and MicroSD but once they got you on board they will likely drop those features like the others are doing. Motorola may be playing a strategic move here and it could be the jawdropper that puts them back on the map. I remember when HTC rattled the world with their Droid which was my 1st ever pre-order. What is making me boil right now is that Motorola can offer what appears to be a high tech device for around $300 less than what I've been paying for my last two outright purchases (to keep my Verizon Unlimited plan). It just goes to show how much extra we've all been duped into paying one way or another through Carriers. What will make me laugh is that Apphole is going to squirm when all of the Giants start following suit to fight the low cost cellphone war. Even the no-name Chinese brands like Huawei will gain recognition along with others as they are all based on Android operating systems. Time to get the popcorn out and see what Apphole does to maintain their price dictatorship.
@chief, I too will be passing on this N5 as my N3 still roars like a Lion and I see no true upgrade this time around. Like yourself, I too will stop being a Samsung loyalist and be closely looking into the Moto X Pure Edition. I remember having a small Motorola flip phone with Tracfone provider and that damn thing picked up better signal than anyone elses phones available through the various Carriers, therefore, I'm not apprehensive about going over to their camp again while saving a boatload of $$$'s. I may be visiting their forum as well soon. Last one to leave the Samsung Forum - don't forget to turn off the light.