There are reasonable arguments both pro and con comparing SD Card storage vs. the cloud. The choice of which is best to use is an individual decision. Fair enough.
There are those who say the glass back on the 5 is slippery. It is. My first thoughts when I picked up the 5 was it reminded me of both the original and Note 2 phones. I had the bright glossy white Note 2 phone and that was one slippery phone. Since I always use a cover, I never experienced a problem with the slippery back on my 2, and I doubt I will on my beautiful, best yet Note yet, 5. Remember all the flack Samsung took over how cheap the plastic was on those earlier Notes? And on my 4, I remember people slamming Samsung for putting out such a cheap looking fake leather look. But I thought the 4 was my best phone, ever. Who cares about the plastic? Go figure! So, the pluses and minuses of SD/Cloud, slippery back, etc. has been thoroughly covered on this thread. Enough!
So, to prevent this thread from winning the "Most boring" thread award, let's put these two issues on the back burner, and see some factual comparisons why you would switch from the 5 to another phone based on substance.
My earlier posts I suggest the Note 5 is the best yet, IMO. Possibly the best overall Smart Phone available today, IMO. But, I'm just an old guy who loves the Note series, what do I know? Show me a more complete product, available for purchase right now, to best my 5.
But frankly, IMO, I doubt you'll find one.