Just curious, what exactly do you call credible sources, since even the DOD providing their own training material and other events caught on video are not credible?
CNN, NBC, CBS? The media outlets that the high ups (CEO, board of directors, etc) all have close family members in the Obama administration? Is the only media you think is credible the ones that have reasons to cover for the corruption?
OK, I only have the evidence of a load of movies, games and TV shows for this, but I would have thought a far more reasonable explanation for this is that you want to train police in an urban environment because that's where they work and the 'targets' of women, children etc are put into these environments as common hazards you have to avoid shooting.
Seems to me that's a whole lot more reasonable and plausible explanation than 120,000 sworn officers of the law training to murder pregnant women and kids - and not a single one complaining.
But wasting time on stories that but a few seconds of rational thought show are clearly absurd and totally impractical just wastes time and takes vigilence away from things actually do matter, like the crazy political funding laws created (I use the word advisedly) by the Supreme Court. Those are a very real threat to your democracy, your rights and your financial, environmental and medical well being.
All this other stuff is entertaining, but it's total BS.
My objection is to 'belief' based systems that condemn and supress argument and rational examination. That covers the vast majority of organised religions as well as ideologies based on political, racial and any other dogma.
If we were to list the number of countries that have massacred people (religious and non-religious) in the name of religion, it would not only include all five on your list, but pretty much every country on earth.
The only exceptions I can think of are countries that were created recently - like the Czech Republic and Slovakia - but those were all created from countries of which this was true so, since changing your name doesn't make you innocent, they're guilty, too.
Still waiting to know what you would accept as a "credible" source, or is nothing credible if it involves a government turning against it's own people? And, BTW in case you didn't know, FOX has more viewers than all the other main stream channels combined as people are starting to realize how much the other networks refuse to report news.
I'm sure all of these victims never thought democide would happen in their country either:
China- 76,702,000 citizens from 1949-1987
USSR- 61,911,000 between 1917-1987
Germany- 20,946,000 between 1933-1945
Japan- 5,964,000 between 1935-1945
Plus many others just since 1900 including Cambodia, Poland, Pakistan, Yugoslavia, N Korea, Mexico, etc
BTW, in all of these instances the government never said it was legal for the government to kill citizens at any time with the only justification being the leader said to do it. The US government has said that. Obama has his kill list and the Attorney General has confirmed that the president can legally kill any citizen he deems deserves it on American soil at any time with no due process.
But, that's right, it could never happen again... just like all those victims thought it could never happen to them.
Or is history not a credible source either, since apparently anything that goes against unicorns and rainbows isn't credible?