Man was that painful to read with the lack of punctuation! I think I got the point though.
It isn't used for convictions because it is illegal. They use the data, then fabricate an investigation (also illegal), but the NSA "evidence" is hidden from defense attorneys, prosecutors, and judges (all illegal)
There is no end to the corruption. All empires throughout history have fallen. America has been great for so long because the Constitution of the United States is the single best, most powerful document ever written. Unfortunately, the corrupt politicians in DC have been destroying it little by little for years and the idiots keep electing the most corrupt (Feinstine, Reid, Pelosi, Bohner, McCain, Graham, just to name a few).
I hope things change, but I really don't think they will. There are so many brain dead voters that don't have a clue and don't want to understand anything before they vote that I think what is coming is inevitable. I dread what is coming, but I will be prepared.