They are, my mother in law was refused dyalisis. I had a friend that needed stitches, refused. It happens everyday. And it is funny that you say it is off topic, because it is pretty much on topic. You just dont like having your own examples turned around on you.
Now, people are rfused hc on a non emergency basis every day. How many people get cancer, and dont find out about it till the later stages? Those people MAY end up getting care, but it is a lot more expensive at that point. Would it not make more sense to spread the cost of the cheaper treatment around, over the way more expensive treatment?
The issue as I see it is not UHC but how it is being implemented and forced down our collective throats. It is largely unconstitutional and even Obama does not believe in the plan he signed into law. You apparently think it is a good idea. Have you read it?
Hence the thread about Obamacare waivers.
We have turned a bad idea into an unfair plan that will not do what it was written to do and if a business owner does not want to play, there are ways to simply avoid it. Through waivers or by simply dropping their employee plans.
When the plan (if it remains) is in place and running at full speed, you will see hospitals overloaded with patients that do not need emergency care. And they must serve these patients or risk being sued.
Doctors are increasingly not taking Medicare patients and this is another barrier to truly "free" health care. We will simply end up with a complex and bloated plan that adds costs and reduces the available care to the masses. The plan will cost you money and more money in the form of higher taxes. And you will be paying for me and everyone else.
You might not be given a bill but you still pay. And if I did not have HC, you would pay for me, my family, and illegals that come here illegally.
Lets face it, life is not fair and we simply cannot care for everyone.
There are good proposals out there designed to help clean up the system and lower costs across the board. It does not mean heart transplants for everyone or the "right" to visit the hospital every time you get the sniffles.
The current Obamacare invites tremendous abuse and that drives up costs.
The bean counters in Washington might simply tell your father he cannot be treated for dialysis or something else because of his age. The term "Death Panels" is unfortunate, but quite accurate.
Sorry for your family issues, but some will suffer. It is not fair and some will suffer because they cannot afford top drawer care. We simply cannot afford to treat everyone for every problem. Sorry, but if you or your family cannot afford the cost, they will suffer. And deciding who should be cared for and who suffers is tough.
Frankly, and take no offense, but my family is more important to me than your family. And most certainly, your family is more important to you than mine, in your view. Nothing wrong with self-interest.
I do not know what the solution is. We need to make changes to the system to lower costs and that is clearly possible. But not today because the current administration is heavily invested in the HC plan. Hopefully, we will set things straight with the next administration.
Here is what I suggest: download the health care plan; it is some 2,000 pages and have a look see. Then, if you think it is a great idea, get back to me. It will scare the hell out of most reasonable people.