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Official EVO Rumors and Speculation thread

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So is today going by awfully slow to everyone or is it just me? I'm so anxious to get this phone I can't concentrate at work. Then once I get it, I still won't be able to concentrate b/c I'll be busy playing with it :)
Some of us are hyperventilating, some of us are in psych ward at our local hospital after having fits with RS/BB/EVP. and some of us are just quietly and patiently waiting for tomorrow to pick up the EVO and scream out like girl scouts meeting Smokey the Bear for the first time. lol

Although this thread is suppose to go the way of the DoDo tomorrow, I just might leave it up over the weekend, since I too will be playing with my EVO (damn that sounds dirty) lol anyway.
As for the new thread, I'll take suggestions as to what to call it.


EVO Talk part 2 The EVOlution continues...

The more incredible EVO

I EVO, you EVO, we all EVO ( lol )

post up your suggestions...


I like the more incredible EVO personaly... but I'm outta time and outta here... going home then going to BB to play with the EVO for a while... It's not cheating.... don't judge me :D
I like the more incredible EVO personaly... but I'm outta time and outta here... going home then going to BB to play with the EVO for a while... It's not cheating.... don't judge me :D

Hey guys I think we need an app subforum. I have a ton of questions about apps coming from the iphone- and I would imagine many others do.
Until then; why does the facebook app on android suck so much monkey meat?
We have a Application forum, its not EVO specific, but doing that would be overkill.

TS isnt that what the evo is all about? Overkill?
BTW Two iphones for sale 250 for both.
And if your in this forum and want the phones just goes to show a sucker born every minute!
So Today's my lucky day. Called into Best Buy to ask about the PreOrders and the guy told me they were going to begin setting up appointments in an hour, but since I was already on the phone, he let me get first pick. I of course chose the 9 A.M. so I'm super excited that I'll be among the first like you guys to have the phone in hand(my first appointment was set for 5 P.M). If I were you guys I wouldn't have been surprised to see a story on the news about a kid with hyper-excitement killing himself at around 3:30 PM. but anyways it's almost gametime boys(and gals) so lets get ready to EVOrumble.
My suggestions: "Got a little EVO in your life?"
"I waited for over 2 months and I all I got was this lousy(AWESOME) EVO"
"An EVOlutionary topic"

Ok, I could keep going but it's only going to be lamer...
At BB we'll need to pay an activation fee on top of our phone's purchase price, right? Even if we're just upgrading? Forgive the blasphemy I'm about to spew out, but what happens if we decide to return the phone within the first 30 days? I'm assuming the activation fee goes bye bye, but are there other fees that we'll need to pay on top of that? Thanks in advance!

The activation charge is put on your bill. You can call Sprint after you get your EVO to try to get it taken off.
Just spoke to Nathaniel from Dan@Sprint.com, & among other things, I asked him about returning phones to Best Buy within the 30 day period. He said that as an upgrade customer I'll be reimbursed my $18 upgrade fee, and the phone's purchase price less a $35 restocking fee. Just in case anyone was interested.
Just spoke to Nathaniel from Dan@Sprint.com, & among other things, I asked him about returning phones to Best Buy within the 30 day period. He said that as an upgrade customer I'll be reimbursed my $18 upgrade fee, and the phone's purchase price less a $35 restocking fee. Just in case anyone was interested.

You spoke to Nathaniel or got an email from him?

Just curious, why would you even be contemplating the return of your EVO??
You spoke to Nathaniel or got an email from him?

Just curious, why would you even be contemplating the return of your EVO??

I sent him an email last week & he asked me to call him, so we got to talk today. I'm still on the fence on whether or not I'm willing to spend an extra $10/mo if it's exclusive to this phone only. I told him I wouldn't mind paying if it was a plan increase or a charge for all future 4G phones, but the way it's been described (and the way he described it again) it's exclusive to the Evo 4G, and future 4G phones may not be bound by the same terms. I know I'll get bashed for that opinion now, but you asked, that's the answer. Still on the fence... :confused:
Hey, found the users guide on Sprint site. Go to support & choose the EVO. You will find the Get Started Guide & Users Guide...:)
Speaking of which, Engadget just posted the Evo manual. Check it out

EVO 4G manual goes online, should hold you over for the next few hours -- Engadget

EDIT: I didn't see it posted yet, but if it was, my apologies.

Evo General Discussion Thread (aww, I'm not creative)
AND here is the link for the goodies (user manual, getting started, tutorials...)

Info on the - HTC EVO 4G

The link is from Sprint itself. The user manual is impressive.

Have fun guys!

Edit: Oops, the previous message $14697 said the same thing. I did not look at all the messages before posting the link. Nevertheless, clicking on the link will take you directly to the site.
FYI: I got a call from Sprint yesterday offering me a $40 bribe to give up my spot on the "reserved" list at the Sprint store. They said they'd ship it next week instead.

My guess is that they are realizing there aren't going to be any units available for walk-in customers tomorrow, and are getting worried.
FYI: I got a call from Sprint yesterday offering me a $40 bribe to give up my spot on the "reserved" list at the Sprint store. They said they'd ship it next week instead.

My guess is that they are realizing there aren't going to be any units available for walk-in customers tomorrow, and are getting worried.

You know what I say to that..... too bad.... Walk-ins can wait, thats why pre-orders exist! Not to sound blunt, but who's with me..... I'm just hopeing it's not the other way around, where they may have over done it with the pre-orders for you...
You know what I say to that..... too bad.... Walk-ins can wait, thats why pre-orders exist! Not to sound blunt, but who's with me..... I'm just hopeing it's not the other way around, where they may have over done it with the pre-orders for you...

Thats what I was thinking which is why I got the first apt of the day... just over 15 hours left and 8 of those I will be asleep!
Well...I'm third in line at the store (was first, wtf happened?), so I'm not too worried about that.

However, it does show that either Sprint got taken by surprise by the volume of preorders, or they are having a lot of trouble getting the units through manufacturing in sufficient volume. The latter would not bode well for them.

I suppose it could be a positive though. They could be like this summer's Tickle-me-Elmo.

Here's hoping I don't get stabbed by a mob of desperate house-fraus at the store tomorrow.
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