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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Ah, actually, before I hit the sack, I thought I'd share this:

Google Nexus Twitter Stats - Twitter Counter

There is mass interest in this phone guys, the number of people following the nexus account on twitter alone grows by ~426 people a day. And that's probably more the hardcore fans.
This phone will sell well. I guarantee it.
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Impressive. The force is strong in this one (Yes, a Star Wars reference).

How far is near? :p

I am starting to learn Star Wars references!

near is kind of like 'soon' - depends on how much you like driving

I just had an idea, an "Android matchmaking" service forum eh eh genius right

I've had this idea for a while. Wanna race to the patent office? :p:D

You might be on to something

Greetings. Am I reading Hershey as your location?

I LOVE chocolate :D dark please
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Hey everyone. Just got caught up. So unfortunately, real life still moves on, and I have to make an unexpected trip to MN to attend my grandmothers memorial, as she passed today. I hope you don't mind if I stick around, because hanging out here is a very fun part of my day, and she wouldn't want me moping around being a bump on a log.
So sorry to hear of your loss, Antimony.
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I have to say I have been mostly a lurker in here, but I started out really knowing nothing about Android phones; was all set to get the Charge; then found this great forum about the GNex. It definitely changed my mind to stick around and wait for this amazing phone. Trust me I have wavered several times especially since this ROGUE I have is useless.

I have to admit when you all talk about specs and rooting and all that other technical stuff I get lost, but like I said I am learning! I check in here every single day, several times a day! anyway... I just want to say thanks for all your input, opinions, and basic camaraderie (sp?) I found here!

**Special thanks to Steven and all the moderators! They are doing an amazing job!
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Thank you CinLou and if nobody has, I'd like to say welcome to the forum.

It always make me happy to hear that someone likes the forum, but I get a special dose of geek euphoria when I hear that someone has learned from the forum. As far as specs and rooting go, if there is anything you need clarification on someone can either point you in the right direction or explain it outright so don't hesitate to ask.
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No, I got that. I was referring to the seeming run around for when Verizon is actually going to release this thing. I can't imagine Samsung/Google is thrilled to wait because Verizon doesn't want to release this with the Razr launch happening and the interview with the Samsung VP kind of shows this by putting the launch in Verizon's lap. I just think that if Samsung/Google get tired of the run around from Verizon on releasing this thing that they eventually could put out an ad for it with a final tag line stating "coming soon to Verizon" which would put pressure on Verizon to release it. I also think this is pretty much a nuclear option to light a fire under Verizon and would be the last option that would be played. I also think that while Google has said that Motorola would act completely independant after their merger that Google would put some pressure on Verizon through Motorola (Verizon's seemingly favorite OEM).

'cept that Google isn't launching this thing until the 17th -- worldwide -- so it's a stretch to say that Verizon is dragging feet since many of us are expecting it to show up that day.

And even if VZW puts it off to the 21st, that's them just waiting for the other side of the weekend, nothing for anybody (but us) to get excited about.

Google's guy was awkward on the FOX show only because Verizon's public relations takes the lead on this device in the states, and in keeping with their MO, they've chosen to remain tight-lipped. He just had to watch that he didn't say anything Verizon didn't want to publicly release.
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Fooey, I say, to the state of manufacturing. That a few hundred thousand Nexi can efficiently roll down an assembly like staffed by a thousand workers, and not one of them has any inkling what they're building, how eagerly anticipated it is, and therefore don't bother to leak even so much as a "psst... We're Building Them!"

Fooey, I say, to the anonymity of containerization. That endless Nexi can be loaded into nondescript shipping containers, trucked to a port, floated across oceans, offloaded to more trucks, and distributed to distribution warehouses worldwide and not a single dock worker or driver has the inside scoop to leak "psst... They're Coming."

Fooey, I say, to the rapidity of overnight shipping. That a Verizon product manager can be sitting on top of hundreds of thousands of these desirable little boxes, keeping 80,000 employees in the dark, and with a single command can unleash these hundreds of thousands of desirable little boxes to a few thousand retail locations in a matter of a day or two, thereby preventing anybody from leaking, "pssst... They're Here!"

This launch doesn't prove Verizon or Google's marketing ineptitude — it proves this industry can keep a secret!
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