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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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This is from the testman website.

I think testman is showing old hours...
Thursday is still showing up for me (Lansing, MI)...how bizarre that it's disappeared from other places!

Also, what's with all the 8:30 AM openings?? No store anywhere around here opens before 10 AM...

edit: Wait, of the five corporate stores in the area, four of them still have Thursday, but the last one has it missing. How strange!
Read some of the comments, this version has been proven to work on LTE variants as well, just need to do one little trick to make it stick.

i get the desire to root. but we've been waiting for this thing for months. it's supposed to be Google's crown jewel, and what appears to be a really polished experience.

what's the big rush to root the GNex? perhaps wifi tether is something that you absolutely need. perhaps there are a few custom ROMs out there by the time we get our puppy.

i've had my patience worn thin with bugs from rooting and breaking data/ radio connections. for once i'm looking forward to enjoying this phone as it was originally intended (yes, even though vzw has had it's say i think it's still much the way google wants it).

if rooting immediately and trying to figure out how it'll work tickles your fancy, i'm sure you have your reasons.

for me, i'm gunna wait this one out. if the need arises, i'm sure one of you quick rooters and awesome devs out there will make it real simple for me :D

While we appreciate some new root information, we don't want something to get lost in this thread and not have it where it needs to be. So let's keep the root talk in the root forum.


Yes, indeedy. Take that valuable root info and make a thread or something in the root section. I'm going to need it there when this thing dropped. I've never rooted an non-encrypted phone, which should be easier than my dx, but it's different, so I have to learn all over again. Thanks!
So before the website said that the store i'm closest to times were

Mon - Sat: 10:00 AM 08:00 PM

now it says

Mon: 09:00 AM 09:00 PM
Tue: 09:00 AM 09:00 PM
Wed: 09:00 AM 09:00 PM
Fri: 09:00 AM 09:00 PM
Sat: 09:00 AM 09:00 PM

So I'm guessing they changed it for the holidays maybe, but it is weird they left out thursday....
Battery Update

First off - thanks cggorman for helping me out, I owe you a beer.

Ok - so I had a long-winded post earlier about the battery. I've just scanned cggorman's kernel pretty thoroughly and it looks like it's having similar issues as some of the GSM guys.

At a REALLY high level, the OS isnt entering a 'sleep' mode properly. You should not have AndroidOS taking up that much of your battery. I havn't discovered what driver it is yet (perhaps a sound driver), but it's constantly polling the CPU - thus eating through battery.

I'm willing to eat my iPhone (ok not really) that this is a reason for the delay. A new kernel version will most likely be pushed out fairly soon that addresses this issue. Most GSM people are reporting that after they flashed a new kernel, the driver stopped acting up.

I'll try and keep you updated if anyone is curious.

PS - Any questions, please PM - No way I can keep track of any replies the way this thread moves.

verizon should just release the phone and let me flash my own kernel. I don't need my cell provider to select or manage my kernel.
07310. Store in newport center is closing at 11pm and midnights now... weird. But locations nearby my office in nyc is unchanged.
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