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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Still missing a Thursday here in Denver. And I'm still pathetically hitting F5 to watch it come back.

I had big plans on Thursday, Verizon. Give it back to me!
I jumped outta bed, and switched from the Tablet to the laptop to see if anything major was going on (im not gonna pre-order, but i wanted to be a part of it lol) and opened testman, and vzw and this site... and now nothing lol...

But there is a glimmer of hope and that banner posted earlier is pretty sweet. I really dont think its a photochop, because VZW doesnt currently have a Nexus Banner like that w/o the backround :)

That banner is used on Samsung Galaxy Nexus Android 4.0 Smartphone | Verizon Wireless you can get it by just right clicking on "galaxy nexus" and it will send you to the same banner
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Actually its not really the definition but it is a fun quote and pretty much sums us all up.
Of all the days that could have disappeared...Thursday had to be the day. Verizon website administrator your sadistic!
The lack of Thursday and the ensuing hype is absolutely freakin lulz. :D

Somebody in this thread has found a needle in the haystack throughout. We had pics of UPS/Fedex trucks at the stores on a supposed earlier release, we had the ad with the train doors that opened and showed the errant Nexus. And now the case of the missing Thursday. I LOVE this thread with every fiber of my being right now.

Did you see the missing comma on the text on their website!!?!?! You know what that means.... Not coming until the 30th now. lulz
Th. is Back!

Of all the days that could have disappeared...Thursday had to be the day. Verizon website administrator your sadistic!

This is my theory...Verizon sent out a list today of all store hours that would be on Thursday due to the Galaxy Nexus launch. The admin waited till end of day when the site could be modified and took all Thursdays down to the stores that would be affected and is gradually updating them. Some are changing, some are not. Either way...I see this as a really good sign. :)
This is my theory...Verizon sent out a list today of all store hours that would be on Thursday due to the Galaxy Nexus launch. The admin waited till end of day when the site could be modified and took all Thursdays down to the stores that would be affected and is gradually updating them. Some are changing, some are not. Either way...I see this as a really good sign. :)

I've really been digging your way of thinking lately keep it up ;)
This is my theory...Verizon sent out a list today of all store hours that would be on Thursday due to the Galaxy Nexus launch. The admin waited till end of day when the site could be modified and took all Thursdays down to the stores that would be affected and is gradually updating them. Some are changing, some are not. Either way...I see this as a really good sign. :)

Seems really inefficient to change all the hours one by one... I would imagine they have a database of hours that can be mass updated...

In other words I doubt they would remove the hours one by one.
Hey guys just thought id add some fuel to the fire... seems the same as the engadget email... interesting

The 15th is the date - photo proof - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com

p.s. love the community here ive been lurking since the beginning :cool:

I'm not gonna lie... this seems legit. Someone faking this would have to go to a lot of trouble, plus I don't think they would have added some of the stuff that does show on there (such as the mention of the 4th quarter at the top, etc). I'm giving this my gold star of approval. And for those who don't know, my gold stars are worth about as much as the gum on the bottom of my shoe. But booya.
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