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Accessories [OFFICIAL] HTC Incredible Accessories Archive Thread

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Yeah!! case mods ftw :D

Will be interesting to see just how much bigger the battery will extend out....with 2150mah I'm thinking it will be rather minimal.

Launch guide states an additional 1mm of thickness with the new battery and door. Not much, but enough to have to buy a new case...
i cant wait. 2150 should make. big difference for me. i have literally been stuck to this phone since i got it. with better habbitsi might make it through a day on a charge. =P

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Thats great, almost double the capacity of the stock battery. However I have never tried a 3rd party battery (even back in my BB days). I always had a weird trust issue with them (not from experience, completely me being anal). I will be very interested in seeing how people fair with it though.
I can get about 1.5 days out of a charge. That's with moderate data use, very little voice and a few txts a day.
Looking at my holster/case combo from Verizon, I think if they just extend the battery portion of the back I can dremel that part out of the case. Since the phone faces inward in the holster it wont affect that. The case is stiff enough that I think it will be okay.

Life without a Dremel would be no life at all...seriously the most dynamic tool out there.
VZW stores needs to read from the same script of info. The stores here do not know anything about a 2150mah battery coming real soon.
right now I am lucky if I get through the day, I make a lot of phone calls and get a lot of email (exchange), some texting also. I have been in work an hour and I am down to 85% already. I also noticed last night that my phone was fully charged by 2am so I unplugged it, when i woke up at 6am it was already down to 92%, I have the app killer and nothing was running but GMail and lock... I plugged it in while I got ready for work so I was able to leave with a full charge. I hope this gets better after some more cycles
I don't think Verizon has really ever sold a case to fit an extended battery, correct me if I'm wrong since I haven't been around forever but I don't think this will be any different.

This device is so thin already, you will have very little problem finding a case to fit. The tight fitting protection covers are a different issue. Perhaps the source for the battery & cover will offer one?
I was considering the extended battery but after a week of ownership and charging, I'm now getting to the end of the night with 30-40% charge left with my usual usage (I came from a Curve). Considering the new back, new silicone case, etc I will stick with the stock for now until I see a need to switch. I would advise anyone to go through a full week of charging cycles, let the newness wear off, and see where your battery needs stand.
I last like half a day. But I surf/txt a lot. Can't wait for the extended battery. Wish it was the same size as the original, I like the fact that the phone is super slim. If the new batter makes it bulky looking, I guess I'll purchase a Seidio.
I easily make it thru the day and can make it till about Noon with very moderate use I'd like that same life with heavier use.

From what I've heard it will only be 1mm thicker with the new back and batter, thatwill actually make the phone easier for me to handle. I'm thinking you could make the silicon cases fit if you heated them up slightly then put the phone in it, might stretch out just enough for a nice fit

I'm going to be ordering this as soon as it's available so when I do I'll try to get a silicon case to fit on the phone with the extended battery and new back
I'm interested in the extended battery, but I want to see how much thicker it makes the phone and if there will be a case for it similar to the black/red gradient case.
This is very good news. I am hoping to get one towards the beginning of my trip to San Fran on the 8th. Would be great if they were in stores Monday.
I've called verizon atleast 5 times since I bought my phone asking if anyone there had heard anything about the mysterious 2150 battery and none of them know what I'm talking about. They just laugh and say go look at the website. I'll believe it when I see it. I'm jumping on the 1750 battery because all we have now is rumors and no set date. It may be this week, next month, or never. We don't know.
I've called verizon atleast 5 times since I bought my phone asking if anyone there had heard anything about the mysterious 2150 battery and none of them know what I'm talking about. They just laugh and say go look at the website. I'll believe it when I see it. I'm jumping on the 1750 battery because all we have now is rumors and no set date. It may be this week, next month, or never. We don't know.

I think we need another EPIC thread about the rumored 2150 that will rival the rumors of the HTC Incredible. Can you imagine? All of your favorites coming together again? Kappy . . . Montana Man . . . Anon . . .reunited to usher in user's guides for the new battery that doesn't exist? A white Lexus with a WHOLE BOX of something that feels like batteries? "Shopped" photos of the battery. Size comparisons that have been created on someone's computer comparing the new "spec" sizes to the current battery. A pre-release insider's memo with the Next Evolution in DROID POWER Coming Soon . . . and then BOOM! We'd be able to sign up for a pre-order notification before we were supposed to. Just imagine . . . I'm for another EPIC thread! Whose with me?:D
Just an FYI on the black high gloss silicone case: i went to three stores yesterday in Southern NJ (VZW corporate store; Best Buy and BJ's Wholesale) and they only had the red silicone case, not the black. So I came back and ordered online with free overnight shipping. Called CSR today b/c I didn't get a tracking number or shipment notification, and was told that the black high gloss silicone case is out of stock, and they won't even process my order for a couple of days. Would have been nice if the website had shown that it was out of stock. I'll probably pick up the body glove one today, since it appears that you can take the clip off.
My conversation with a Seidio On-line chat representative:

Please wait for the next available representative…
Customer76: *** Accepted the Chat ***
There is 1 person in queue ahead of you. Thank you for your patience.

Rachel: Hello! Thank you for contacting Seidio Online! How can I help you today?

Customer76: Good morning any idea when the 2150MAH Battery for the Droid Incredible by HTC will be available?

Rachel: Good morning. We will be releasing a 3500mAh extended life battery for the HTC Droid Incredible very soon, but unfortunately we don't have an ETA on the release at the moment.

Customer76: Any idea on the size sepcs, I mean how much thickness and weight it will be adding to the phone?

Rachel: Its going to add about 4mm to your device.

Rachel: The battery back door might add 1-2mm more than that.

Customer76: Although no exact ETA are you thinking sometime within the next 30 days. The reason why I ask is I have 30 days to decide if I keep my Incredible or not. I know that I love the phone , but the battery life is atrocious.

Rachel: Honestly, all these new phone's OEM batteries are going to be only like 1000mAh, but yet they come with all of these applications on them.

Rachel: More than likely, its going to take more than 30 days to release this battery. But I do know that the 1750mAh battery adds about 300mAh than the OEM battery.

Customer76: Thank you very much for your help. I will look into the 1750mAh. Is there a link that you can give me to the product?

Rachel: Seidio - Your Single Source for Premium Smartphone Accessories
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