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Accessories [OFFICIAL] HTC Incredible Accessories Archive Thread

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This is great news, but it also pisses me off beyond belief. Why in the hell did HTC not include a larger capacity battery in the original purchase?! It would have ever made for better reviews, and more, given me longer battery life. And don't tell me it's because of price, because we all know these guys are making a killing on their hardware. I guess since these companies can not make money on proprietary cables anymore, they are now gouging us with batteries.
Are there any extended users of the seido large capacity batteries? When I was over at crackberry everyone stated that at first the batteries did what they were advertized to do, but after a few months there were users that kept coming back and stating that the battery no longer would charge, or it wouldn't hold as much charge as expected, and some even reported that the battery's casing was getting bloated and wouldn't fit in the phone as easily. Just wondering if anyone has had any long term experience with these batteries
Well, I do. I've used nothing but Seidio batteries for the last 5 years. Started with my HTC PPC-6700 (had the giant 3200mA one or whatever it was), then with my HTC PPC-6800 (the extended life, same physical size), and most recently my HTC Touch Pro (again, the 1500mA, same physical size). All of them consistently performed better than the OEM batteries.

I'm planning on getting one for my Incredible, just because I like having two batteries just in case (we have a cabin in the middle of nowhere with no electricity). Then, as I always have, I'll use the Seidio as my main battery and have the stock one as a backup.
Someone PM'd me to ask me how the results were going with my new TP2 battery that I've had for a couple of days. So I thought I would share with everyone in case anyone else is interested, so here goes.

Keep in mind, I'm a very heavy user. I'm an eCommerce Director so I get a couple hundred emails a day. I've probably had about 100 of those so far today and I'm connected via Active Sync to our corporate email with direct push enabled. I also have my Gmail connected and my Yahoo checking every hour. I also have the native facebook app and bloo facebook app going (one for personal, one for work). I also have Twidroid running and checking every 30 minutes. It checks two accounts (again, one personal and one work account) I've only spoken on the phone twice dotay and probably only for a total of 5 minutes. I have forced my screen to be 50% brightness. I have no BT or WiFi enabled. I have also read my FeedR RSS reader several times this morning and checked the AndroidForums via TapaTalk a couple of times. I've also tooled around in a couple of other programs like my TD Ameritrade app and PageOnce office Assistant checking balances and such. Oh, yeah and I updated 3 programs and installed a new one (DropBox's new App, LOVE IT! :D)

So here's where I stand. I'm on my 2nd day (cycle) with the TP2 battery and my phone says I've been "unplugged" for 5 1/2 hours and I have 65% battery life. So by my estimation I will be at about 50% at 7 hours. That means I'll get at least 14 hours of heavy use out of it and that's only after 2 charging cycles. I imagine that I will end up at around 15-16 hours after 5 or so charging cycles. With the standard battery I would get 8-10 hours and that's after the "typical break in period". So that's a pretty good increase.

Even so, I did just order the Seidio 1750 mAh to give it a try. I'm not satisfied unless I have juice to spare and I ran out at 9:30 last night in the middle of replying on the forums of all times. Lost about a paragraph of thumb typed text :(

But that's it for now. I hope you found this helpful. I should have my Seidio battery by next Monday or so, and I will put that through it's paces. By then I will know for sure how well the HTC TP2 battery performed.
Weird that they have two different model numbers for what should be the same battery, since the Hero is basically identical to the Eris.
Are there any extended users of the seido large capacity batteries? When I was over at crackberry everyone stated that at first the batteries did what they were advertized to do, but after a few months there were users that kept coming back and stating that the battery no longer would charge, or it wouldn't hold as much charge as expected, and some even reported that the battery's casing was getting bloated and wouldn't fit in the phone as easily. Just wondering if anyone has had any long term experience with these batteries

Good point. How reliable is that battery(brand)?
Someone PM'd me to ask me how the results were going with my new TP2 battery that I've had for a couple of days. So I thought I would share with everyone in case anyone else is interested, so here goes.

Keep in mind, I'm a very heavy user. I'm an eCommerce Director so I get a couple hundred emails a day. I've probably had about 100 of those so far today and I'm connected via Active Sync to our corporate email with direct push enabled. I also have my Gmail connected and my Yahoo checking every hour. I also have the native facebook app and bloo facebook app going (one for personal, one for work). I also have Twidroid running and checking every 30 minutes. It checks two accounts (again, one personal and one work account) I've only spoken on the phone twice dotay and probably only for a total of 5 minutes. I have forced my screen to be 50% brightness. I have no BT or WiFi enabled. I have also read my FeedR RSS reader several times this morning and checked the AndroidForums via TapaTalk a couple of times. I've also tooled around in a couple of other programs like my TD Ameritrade app and PageOnce office Assistant checking balances and such. Oh, yeah and I updated 3 programs and installed a new one (DropBox's new App, LOVE IT! :D)

So here's where I stand. I'm on my 2nd day (cycle) with the TP2 battery and my phone says I've been "unplugged" for 5 1/2 hours and I have 65% battery life. So by my estimation I will be at about 50% at 7 hours. That means I'll get at least 14 hours of heavy use out of it and that's only after 2 charging cycles. I imagine that I will end up at around 15-16 hours after 5 or so charging cycles. With the standard battery I would get 8-10 hours and that's after the "typical break in period". So that's a pretty good increase.

Even so, I did just order the Seidio 1750 mAh to give it a try. I'm not satisfied unless I have juice to spare and I ran out at 9:30 last night in the middle of replying on the forums of all times. Lost about a paragraph of thumb typed text :(

But that's it for now. I hope you found this helpful. I should have my Seidio battery by next Monday or so, and I will put that through it's paces. By then I will know for sure how well the HTC TP2 battery performed.

Can you confirm that the TP2 battery is the exact same size as the 1300 stock, or does it make it a tight fit for the standard cover?

EDIT: czm2000 replied me thru PM since I PMed him also. He says it is slightly larger but the cover still goes on with an extra snap. Thanks
Looks like I was late to the game :)

so since the OEM TP2 battery works on the Incredible, would an aftermarket TP2 battery also work if it were the same size? Like the Seidio battery for the TP2?

If so, here is a link on Amazon for $39.99 with free shipping!

Amazon.com: Seidio Inno 1750mAh Extended Life Battery for Use With HTC Touch Pro 2 and HTC Hero (Black): Cell Phones & Service

I have that battery and it is slightly bigger. The back cover has a slight gap in it. I just ordered the Seidio Eris 1750
This is my second seidio battery first was for a storm and now for the Dinc. I am very pleased with the performance, I am seeing about 25% more life.
so has anyone done a full comparison of the seido 1750 to the stock battery yet?

After reading that study that shows that they greatly over estimate the mAh....I'm worried about ordering.

As much as I don't want to add to the thickness of the phone (because of cases / docks / etc) I don't want to waste money on a battery that looks like it should give a lot more power...but in the end....doesn't.
I just got off the phone with Seido, and they said that they just ordered a huge batch of batteries so if you order them now, they'll be shipped right away. No wait.
Add me to the list of people that just ordered from Seidio :) I'd rather not wait 2-3 weeks for $8 less. I'm excited to see all of these great reports.
Now I'm wondering where all the naysayers were getting their information..? I did see that page that lists all of the batteries, but these are real use scenarios, not a battery being tested in a lab environment. I guess a lab environment would normally be trusted more lol. I don't know anymore.
Just posted this over on the Nexus One forums in a thread there about the sleeve and how to get it and figured I would post it here as well.

Saw the sleeve that comes with the Nexus One posted in one of the Case threads here with pics showing that it fits the Incredible perfectly. So I just ordered one up for myself.

You can order it directly from HTC Customer Support at 1-888-716-3594. Press 2 for HTC Accessories. They'll ask you for the MUI number from your Nexus One; just tell them you don't have an N1 but are interested in just purchasing the sleeve that ships with the phone.

The sleeve is $7.99 and it's $7.00 to ship it standard ground service (3-5 business days). Overnight shipping is also available for a whopping $22. There are also other shipping options with various prices.

I haven't received it yet, but here are some pics of how it looks I pulled from some other sites:

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