Android Enthusiast
A couple of contemplative thoughts:Verizon sure loves to push ATK on everyone....
Android is very good with process management. Even though you'll see programs 'running' that you aren't using when you use a task manager, having a task manager constantly running to auto killing them can make your phone run slower and drain the battery quicker.
You should really just let Android manage your phone. It's much better at it then you are..
If I'm trying to use ATK in an effort to help stretch my battery life, why would I leave it running all the time? I would just start it when I wanted to use it, like any other app, and then kill it off when I'm done.
If Android is better at managing my phone than me, then why doesn't it offer a way to completely close apps when I'm done using them? This is one of the few glaring flaws I've seen in smartphone OSes. I might only look up something on Google Maps or some other app, maybe one time a week, if that - I surely don't need to have an app running 24/7 that's only going to see very sporadic use at best.
Having owned a computer services and repair business for several years, I would doubt that a phone is better than managing itself than I am (not trying to elevate myself here, just a point of fact that some of us here are not just your average Joe/Jody user ~couldn't forget the ladies here~). Mac, Windows, and Linux sure aren't better at managing themselves. I think many of us here do a better job of managing our devices than they themselves do.

There might be some things that a given system might be better at managing than a person could, but not everything. There is a reason why networks have systems admins, why there are high level OS troubleshooters employed, and why apps like ATK and other management apps exist - because computing devices are not always best at managing themselves in all aspects.