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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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its 1000kbps not mbps, numbers definately not wrong, if you've used the speed test, you'd have understood that i'm sure....

he was getting 1k kbps on wifi and 400 kbps on 3g, both were way low, compared to what i get.

7k on wifi and the at&t iphone in my buddies cube gets 2k kbps on 3g, i'd hope for at least 1k....

I just tried on my BB Storm. I got 2996 KB/s on a 1 meg test.
This was done on Mobile Speed test
Hi guys.
Posting from my Incredible. :)

This is a lot different from my curve. Gonna take some time to get used to this.
Are you posting via the browser you might want to try tapatalk I prefer this method verses the browser. The free version will not let you post but will let you see if you want to pay for it.
Just joined the ranks of the "pre-order" society of Incredible people. Took forever to get it done and confirmed online. Just when I thought I would keep my Eris and go through an Android Forum detox, I had a relapse and now I have to wait for FedEx to get my mojo back.
its 1000kbps not mbps, numbers definately not wrong, if you've used the speed test, you'd have understood that i'm sure....

he was getting 1k kbps on wifi and 400 kbps on 3g, both were way low, compared to what i get.

7k on wifi and the at&t iphone in my buddies cube gets 2k kbps on 3g, i'd hope for at least 1k....

Well, from what I have read VZW's 3G is slower that AT&T's signal. Just the fact is that VZW has a bigger area with 3G available.

So I think we can expect slower speeds than an iPhone. Also, it may depend on the time of day like an earlier post said. Absolutely more testing needed.
i'm guessing i'll see charges on my card, or pending charges on my card before I see it updated here, just an idea for something else to check for people that may have used some plastic for the device

Yeah, they charged me $1.00 on my card but the status on my card is still pending. I ordered it on Monday. I am hoping that $1.00 turns into $229.99 tonight and my status on the site changes to something else, like SHIPPED :)
Sister update:

Remember you all got mad at me because my sister replaced her BB curve with a Tour? Well she saw the video for the incredible and now she's gonna get it!!!! I wiiiiiiin!!!!

She's joining the Incredible cult! :) mwah hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Good work, Steven. My brother, who is currently sporting some sort of broke @ss Treo on Sprint is also now ready to make the leap. He is joining me on a VZW family plan and we're both pre-ordering ours for 4/29 delivery. He's become almost as excited as the rest of us.
I just got back from my local Verizon store and they told me I cant use my NE2 discount on a 1yr contract - any one know if this is legit or did they just not want to help me out?
Hey guys, long time lurker, first post. Just wanted to thank you guys for all the the great info over the past months (special shout out to you Anon!), it's made the wait so much more bearable. Been rocking a garbage storm (1st gen no less!) so this phone has seemed like a journey to the promised land and I finally see it on the horizon!
Quick question for y'all, any word on the fade to black case from technocel? I've been looking at the cases available on VZW website, and not sold on any of the colors or designs. I know this forum was the first to break the news of the case's existence, but haven't heard a peep about it since. Think it will be available on the 29?

BTW, Nunyabizness, you're a hottie!
don't report me to the hubby ;)
You are wise beyond your years brother

Thanks, I like to think so. I have a sister and mom that act the same way. If they didn't get their way it would be chaos sometimes. So after a short time being married I realized it was the same way. I found life to be better for myself after this realization. hehe. Doesn't mean I still don't get what I want, by why start a argument when you don't have to?
I may have to give this a try...although it will be a little embarrassing since I've dropped in there several times in the last month asking about the Incredible...and I'm sure they will be bummed that I ordered two online instead of from them! (But hey, I didn't want to wait for the rebate...)

Strange...my store actually told me to order online when I went in last week. They took back my droid, reactivated my old blackberry curve and told me to preorder online on the 19th.
Ooohh :eek:

The glass isn't recessed inside of the metal ring?

I guess that depends on whether or not you consider the metal ring to be part of the lens; but the lens glass itself should be recessed. The primary lens element, the first one intended to bend the light on its way to the sensor, will be convex. If the first piece of glass that's visible is flat, then's it's an extra protective layer and is not the actual lens.
same here; when I asked VZW customer service about the order purgatory, this was their response which I find a bit disconcerting:

After a review of your account I do not find indication of an order placed. I tried searching using the order number you provided, xxxxxxx, to no avail. I received a message no order for equipment found.

I am able to provide you with the toll free number for our Internet Order Team, 800-711-7773 . Their hours of operation are M-F: 8 AM - 9 PM ET Sat: 8 AM - 5 PM ET. This team may be able to give you status of your order or let your know when you should expect shipment and delivery.

I would also like to thank you for considering renewal of your contract by making an equipment purchase. It is loyal customers like yourself that make Verizon Wireless a success, and we appreciate your continued business.

Should you have additional concerns regarding your delivery and shipment date or reaching the Internet Order team, please feel free to call me or send us a new email.

Were you getting the same order status notification as the rest of us before you emailed? did you have a confirmed order number too?
Again, I ask, ANYONE that has the phone already . . . have you tried out the tethering feature yet? Does it work now? Is it simply there so that it can be added later?
I guess that depends on whether or not you consider the metal ring to be part of the lens; but the lens glass itself should be recessed. The primary lens element, the first one intended to bend the light on its way to the sensor, will be convex. If the first piece of glass that's visible is flat, then's it's an extra protective layer and is not the actual lens.

But if that first piece of glass were to get damaged, ie: scratched, it would affect the picture no?
Were you getting the same order status notification as the rest of us before you emailed? did you have a confirmed order number too?

YES -- got the same order status notification and a confirmed order number; sent a copy of the order confirmation to the representative and asked him to follow up.

Have YOU tried connecting the phone via the tethering ability built into the phone? I want to know if it works out of the box or if it is a function that will be activated down the road. Surely SOMEONE with the phone has tried it.
YES -- got the same order status notification and a confirmed order number; sent a copy of the order confirmation to the representative and asked him to follow up.
Care to share the rep's email address? I'd love to follow up with regards to my order as well, as we're in the same boat.
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