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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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They have one activated unit there. It's soooo, so so good. So good. I was nervous about the plasticky feel, and its looks compared to the nexus. You guys, this thing is soo nice. Looks so good.

Tried NFL Mobile on it...flawless.

I need to get this asap!

NASH- red speaker grill is not as bad as i thought it might look. Not bad at all really.

I suggest everyone go check it out at the stores in person. I literally couldn't help but start laughing when he put the phone in my hands.


I may have to give this a try...although it will be a little embarrassing since I've dropped in there several times in the last month asking about the Incredible...and I'm sure they will be bummed that I ordered two online instead of from them! (But hey, I didn't want to wait for the rebate...)

not to be a debbie downer or anything, but those speeds are awful, I hope this is not what I have to look forward to. My ipod touch gets between 6k and 7k on wifi, and on 3G a smartphone should be getting at least 1k I would think? Anyone that can speak to this, I would love some more explanation of why the speeds are so slow? Were you definately on 3G??? and on wifi, do you have a "G" band router? i mean i'd have to think you do, but wowsers.....a little disappointed there.
Don't you just love the informed customer support?


Thank you for contacting Verizon Wireless. The order you are referencing, XXXXXXXXXXX , is an order for the new HTC Droid Incredible. That is a pre-order and will ship when the device becomes available on 5/29/2010. I apologize for any confusion that may have incurred due to the pre-order status. All Internet orders will process first thing 05/29/2010.

Thank you for your continued business,

Shawn Belt | West Area National Account Coordinator
Can sombody post the results of those video's? I cant see youtube at work :(

on wifi they were getting about 1k down and on 3g about 400k down.

As someone mentioned though, the reason they might have been running slow on wifi, was because they were run at the same time and sharing the bandwidth, so that's good news, but still sounds low to me.
not to be a debbie downer or anything, but those speeds are awful, I hope this is not what I have to look forward to. My ipod touch gets between 6k and 7k on wifi, and on 3G a smartphone should be getting at least 1k I would think? Anyone that can speak to this, I would love some more explanation of why the speeds are so slow? Were you definately on 3G??? and on wifi, do you have a "G" band router? i mean i'd have to think you do, but wowsers.....a little disappointed there.

WIFI _ The reviewer didn't mention what his ISP's speed was - perhaps he was on a cable connection (for example my cable max is 7mb, but during peak evening hours, i can only eek out 1-2MB - so the phone isn't gonna do any better then the connection it is given).

3G - i believe this is highly, highly unpredictable - for a real test you'd need far more repeated tests and take an overall average. 3 tests isn't going to give you much in the way of reliable results comparing two phones.
not to be a debbie downer or anything, but those speeds are awful, I hope this is not what I have to look forward to. My ipod touch gets between 6k and 7k on wifi, and on 3G a smartphone should be getting at least 1k I would think? Anyone that can speak to this, I would love some more explanation of why the speeds are so slow? Were you definately on 3G??? and on wifi, do you have a "G" band router? i mean i'd have to think you do, but wowsers.....a little disappointed there.

you sir, are on crack. router doesn't make a difference...54mbps.....Internet speeds aren't even close so his router isn't the weakest link to the speeds... Didn't watch video, but it's not 1, 6 or 7k.... wrong #s sir.
same here; when I asked VZW customer service about the order purgatory, this was their response which I find a bit disconcerting:

After a review of your account I do not find indication of an order placed. I tried searching using the order number you provided, xxxxxxx, to no avail. I received a message no order for equipment found.

I am able to provide you with the toll free number for our Internet Order Team, 800-711-7773 . Their hours of operation are M-F: 8 AM - 9 PM ET Sat: 8 AM - 5 PM ET. This team may be able to give you status of your order or let your know when you should expect shipment and delivery.

I would also like to thank you for considering renewal of your contract by making an equipment purchase. It is loyal customers like yourself that make Verizon Wireless a success, and we appreciate your continued business.

Should you have additional concerns regarding your delivery and shipment date or reaching the Internet Order team, please feel free to call me or send us a new email.

That makes me scared to call or email for an update......
I'm new here and just pre-ordered the Incredible yesterday. I've had a Storm 1 since a month after the launch and am sick of waiting for the iPhone especially. Having read the great info on this site, I am officially giddy about getting the phone next week. Is it April 29th yet? Perhaps I should cryogenically freeze myself like Cartman.

thats so funny, because thats exactly what I told my friend I was gonna do :)
you sir, are on crack. router doesn't make a difference...54mbps.....Internet speeds aren't even close so his router isn't the weakest link to the speeds... Didn't watch video, but it's not 1, 6 or 7k.... wrong #s sir.

its 1000kbps not mbps, numbers definately not wrong, if you've used the speed test, you'd have understood that i'm sure....

he was getting 1k kbps on wifi and 400 kbps on 3g, both were way low, compared to what i get.

7k on wifi and the at&t iphone in my buddies cube gets 2k kbps on 3g, i'd hope for at least 1k....
Can sombody post the results of those video's? I cant see youtube at work :(

The Incredible definitely has the higher number each time from sometimes only 100kbps all the way to a few hundred kbps differences over wifi, 3g is closer but still the Incredible has the higher speeds on average.
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