Thinking of jumping ship as well, the iPhone that my boss uses has had five updates since he's had it. My droidx had two in that same time frame. the RAZR, none....
All the time, we hear about updates and such, but there is pretty much nothing to do but wait and have the carrot dangled in front of us. Its almost as bad as being on a BlackBerry again, same stuff, different device. Same carrier, though....hmmmmmmm?
Wow, this us just a ridiculous comparison. The Razr has had three updates to GB, which have really been performance tweaks. The blackberry comparison is way off the mark. Having owned several "effing" BBs I can say with 100% certainty that BB updates were absolutely critical to getting those POS "smartphones" to work properly at all. Be thankful we are NOT on a BB update cycle!
So far the Razr updates have brought some useful functionality, but in general there hasn't been anything broken about the phone. The Droid X updates were fixes, not so much enhancements. So to seriously whine that Moto hasn't done updates to GB while they are also rolling out a major change to ICS is just ignoring reality.
Additionally, it is quite clear Google screwed the pooch here. ICS was their big ballyhoo, and was launched in an incomplete state. You don't need to look at Razr ICS to see what a mess things are, look at the GNex. ICS is frankly still a work in progress, and nearly 7 months after the big unveiling, is still having issues.
Finally, how many of those fruit phone updates have been for functionality versus bug fixes? And why won't the port Siri to the older 4 models that are hardware capable.
Pick your poison, but to imply any of these hardware guys or carriers are better than three other is somewhat short sighted.
And I, for one, am not willing to take a step backward to "upgrade". ICS has to be as rock solid as GB before I'll go to it.