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*** Official Motorola Droid X Pre-Release Thread***

Gamble -- that's the one where I was today...

Small world haha.. I knew more about the phone than everyone working there combined lol.

If Best Buy screws me over then I will be there tomorrow to pick one up. Hopefully they'll have some until around Noon, I have to drop the kids off to the in-laws to babysit first. ;)
Small world haha.. I knew more about the phone than everyone working there combined lol.

If Best Buy screws me over then I will be there tomorrow to pick one up. Hopefully they'll have some until around Noon, I have to drop the kids off to the in-laws to babysit first. ;)

Good luck!
So how is it that people are getting any sort of information from corp Verizon store employees?

I've been to 5 in my area. Not a single one will let me test drive a model that I know they must have. Not a single one will comment on stock, other than "We should have enough". Not one will take any sort of pre-order list, or appt time, or anything.

Basically no infomation at all.

In fact, the only thing that they have been able to tell me are specs that I know to be wrong (like todays comment that the X has a 15GHz processor compared to the Incredibles 12GHz. :rolleyes:).

Maybe it's my personality or stunning good looks that's putting people off.
So how is it that people are getting any sort of information from corp Verizon store employees?

I've been to 5 in my area. Not a single one will let me test drive a model that I know they must have. Not a single one will comment on stock, other than "We should have enough". Not one will take any sort of pre-order list, or appt time, or anything.

Basically no infomation at all.

In fact, the only thing that they have been able to tell me are specs that I know to be wrong (like todays comment that the X has a 15GHz processor compared to the Incredibles 12GHz. :rolleyes:).

Maybe it's my personality or stunning good looks that's putting people off.

I don't think it is the stunning good looks, I have that and my store let me see a demo unit.:D

I don't know why they wouldn't let you, I called last week and they had one and let me mess with it.
So how is it that people are getting any sort of information from corp Verizon store employees?

I've been to 5 in my area. Not a single one will let me test drive a model that I know they must have. Not a single one will comment on stock, other than "We should have enough". Not one will take any sort of pre-order list, or appt time, or anything.

Basically no infomation at all.

In fact, the only thing that they have been able to tell me are specs that I know to be wrong (like todays comment that the X has a 15GHz processor compared to the Incredibles 12GHz. :rolleyes:).

Maybe it's my personality or stunning good looks that's putting people off.

I went into my local corporate store last week to look at phones for my son. I was talking to the sales guy about the X, and he says, here I'll show it to you. He came back out with a live working one and let me play with it. I was actually surprised he did that.
This store is telling me they are opening at normal store time tomorrow, and as of last night they had 25 phones. He said it was possible they might get another shipment in before Thursday. They are not doing holds/preorders at all.
I just got a call from one of the local verizon store reps. I had an appointment with her which she told me guaranteed a phone on launch day. She told me they had taken too many appointments and did not have the stock for everyone. I told her I would show up earlier...it didn't matter. All they offered was to order one for me tomorrow morning and have it over-nighted. She told me this was the same for most stores in the area...I live in a fairly large city in NC with many verizons and authorized retailers.

Thankfully, I anticipated this and have an "appointment" at another store that also claims to have one set aside for me. I'm going to show up early and be the first in line. I'm not sure these "appointments" mean anything...or if so, then there is probably no stock at those stores for the early bird/campers.

Good luck tomorrow.
I just got a call from one of the local verizon store reps. I had an appointment with her which she told me guaranteed a phone on launch day. She told me they had taken too many appointments and did not have the stock for everyone. I told her I would show up earlier...it didn't matter. All they offered was to order one for me tomorrow morning and have it over-nighted. She told me this was the same for most stores in the area...I live in a fairly large city in NC with many verizons and authorized retailers.

Thankfully, I anticipated this and have an "appointment" at another store that also claims to have one set aside for me. I'm going to show up early and be the first in line. I'm not sure these "appointments" mean anything...or if so, then there is probably no stock at those stores for the early bird/campers.

Good luck tomorrow.

I still wonder why some stores take appointments and some don't. They should all be doing it, or none of them should. I think there is too much confusion going on at Verizon. Mine isn't taking appointments and I am glad, I know I will be there early and don't have to worry about them making me an appointment and not having enough.
I just got a call from my Verizon corporate store, saying one is held for me and confirming I would be in at 7am tomorrow to pick it up.

Awesome, now I can get it, bring it into work (I work at 8), and demo it for the customers who preordered with us and will be getting phones that day :D
And now it is time for me to shoot myself in the foot, a sales rep from my store called me just now and said they would be opening at 8 and asked me if I would like to make an appointment with her to pick one up. She said she would pull one aside and hold it for me. I asked her if this guarantees me one and she said that it is mine.

So should I just show up at 8 now? I cannot believe after all this time, I called late yesterday that now they are doing appointments.
LOL atleast you're getting one for sure now. It does kinda kill the excitement of not knowing though. The satisfaction of knowing you beat someone to it!
Especially when a member of your family works as an asst mgr at a VZW store!!! Store normally opens at 9, but they are opening tomorrow at 8 because of the X and I am one of about 10 people who got the lowdown about opening early!!!!

They have 30 Xs and 4 of the MM dock - looks like I am bringing home EVERYTHINg tomorrow!!!

And now it is time for me to shoot myself in the foot, a sales rep from my store called me just now and said they would be opening at 8 and asked me if I would like to make an appointment with her to pick one up. She said she would pull one aside and hold it for me. I asked her if this guarantees me one and she said that it is mine.

So should I just show up at 8 now? I cannot believe after all this time, I called late yesterday that now they are doing appointments.

Haha...the store that I still have one "reserved" for my "appointment" told me to come in at 9. When I made the appointment they were planning to unlock the front door at 9. Now they're opening at 8. I'll be there at 7.
Here ya go!

LOL atleast you're getting one for sure now. It does kinda kill the excitement of not knowing though. The satisfaction of knowing you beat someone to it!

Yeah I know, I was hoping to have to fight someone off, lol. At least I don't need to stress about that now. I was really looking forward to hanging out there with my brother-in-law. Oh well, I would rather know I have one guaranteed.
And now it is time for me to shoot myself in the foot, a sales rep from my store called me just now and said they would be opening at 8 and asked me if I would like to make an appointment with her to pick one up. She said she would pull one aside and hold it for me. I asked her if this guarantees me one and she said that it is mine.

So should I just show up at 8 now? I cannot believe after all this time, I called late yesterday that now they are doing appointments.

This crap is BS I've been calling and they say nope to everything now how do I know they didn't suddenly change and are now signing people up that came way after me? If you aren't taking Preoders or having list THEN DON'T !!! aggghhhh
you should still go hang out , watch all the procrastinators fall over themselves trying to get one!

Well I'm not a procrastinators I've gone by what they say but that seems to change daily.I've been planning on going there on the 15th but for all I know they started a list today and are holding them all for others now. It's BS.
This crap is BS I've been calling and they say nope to everything now how do I know they didn't suddenly change and are now signing people up that came way after me? If you aren't taking Preoders or having list THEN DON'T !!! aggghhhh

Yeah I agree, I think this is a bunch of crap how they are handling it. I could have been screwed if this rep didn't call me. I seriously called last night and they said no first come first serve, she then calls me today and says she will put one aside from me.

I would have been pissed if she didn't call me and when I get there they would have already had them all spoken for.

Fortunately I did get the call and will have one tomorrow.

Good luck to everyone else!!!!
Well I just called the stores in my area and I have to say WHAT A BUNCH OF $$$%#$%

The one store that as told me multiple times NO LIST no pre-oders apparently have a list for NEW customers and they will hold them for NEW customers and now have "very few" for us poor longtime customers.

I call another store and they will make me an appointment for 11:00 but they still can't hold it or guarantee me a phone. So what f'ing good is the appointment?

Neither open early but I won't be surprised if I show up at 9:00 to find they've been open since 8:00. :-(
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