We heard a lot of rumors about Android Silver and it replacing the Nexus program, but then the Nexus 6 was leaked and we found there would be a Nexus phone this year. Here's my theory as to what happened. Tin-foil hat required (or should I saw Silver-foil hat

- Android Silver is planned, to replace the Nexus program and offer a stock Android experience for all carriers but with a premium build
- Google drew up arrangements/contracts with the carriers to carry X number of units (depending on carrier)
- Whether due to Nikesh Arora leaving or because the program just fell apart, Android Silver is dead
- Google now has contracts with the carriers to provide devices, and needs to scramble to bring back the Nexus program. Enter Moto S.
- Since Google wasn't planning to sell the Moto S Android Silver device directly, they now have basically no stock to sell, as it's all tied to the carriers
- Google manages to get a (very) limited stock on hand to sell for their "pre-orders".
- The "Pre-order" happens and Google's extremely limited quantity sells out in minutes (seconds?) since obviously even a fraction of the demand would sell out such a small quantity of units that were able to have outside of the carriers
The good news if my crazy theory is correct? The carriers should have plenty of stock, and should be identical to the Play Store version, where the apps installed are based off of your carrier and their sim card. So I am guessing 11/12 you'll be able to buy this sucker from T-Mobile (and hopefully the other carriers follow shortly thereafter) and I am wondering if you won't be able to buy from T-Mobile well before I get the one I have pre-ordered from GPS...
Ok, end of crazy theory.