I always factor in cost to everything that I do. No one looks at their credit card account more than I do. I could afford spending the extra $300-$500 for my notebook that I got at a huge discount (even though it was new and from Amazon!)

It's a 17" notebook that really no other 17" that I also compared with can match up. 17" Apple laptops excel in design, battery life, form factor (thinness), screen quality, speakers, materials, and again... design. The only other one that can remotely compete is the HP Envy 17. It falls short immensely on battery life. It's very difficult to find another 17" notebook that meets my expectations.
If anyone can find another 17" laptop that can match up with Apple... let me know!
Apple is like the luxury brand for laptops. HP is probably distant 2nd with their Envy line. All others... very different. Apple = Mercedes Benz of laptops.
My views stems a lot from my parents who are "separated" and one lives in an 8 bedroom house and the other in a 6 bedroom house. Status is very important to them and to my extended family. No one in my extended family owns anything less than an Infiniti (which they view as "My First Car" kind of company) I've always grown up in that kind of environment and just see things differently.
Bah, I hate the apple is mercedes pc is muscle car comparison.
If your apple laptop is the lightest 17" pc out there and easiest to carry around, and maintains enough power to do basic task you need, then thats fine that it suits your needs.
I do want to compare apple to fashion (way more than cars, and steve jobs probably hates that people do). However, I view apple in the exact same way I view fashion. Slapping a brand like "louis vuitton" makes something worth a lot more. I can accept that different brands of clothing do fit different people better. Abercrombie's jeans fit better than american eagle for some people, thats fine. Telling me those jeans are all universally better than some jeans I can pick up at walmart? ehh.. your stretching it.
Something can look great and stylish and be a totally unfashionable brand, vise versa.. I have seen some gawdy, expensive, fashionable purses and clothes.
People do have brand preferences, I can live with that. When FASHION is a reason for brand preference? I cringe.. I cringe hard. Especially now that apple is popular. I don't feel fashion should ever mix with electronics. I was always interested in games, computers and stuff and was happy growing up because all the "cool kids" who were into "shopping for new shoes" as a hobby could have their hobby and not bother me with mine, I really don't want them coming into my world now because, some company realizes the "cool kids" are willing to be "interested" in my hobby so long as there is a brand they can pay more money for than i do, and then try to say their product is better than mine.
I use to deal with a guy who got new shoes every month. Why? I don't know.. I wore shoes till they wore out. They are SHOOOEEEEESSS you walk around in them, they touch the ground, they keep crap off your feet if you accidently step in crap. Sure I understand the appeal of having more then one set of shoes.. One set for "yard work" one set for set for "public" and then maybe a "formal events" pair.
Believe it or not I was actually quite made fun of by peers growing up for these reasons. I had generic clothes, I didn't have brand name khakis in school, nor brand name maroon polo shirts. (its funny how the justification for uniforms was "there will be less bullying" at the schools around my town, when the only thing that changed was what people are bullied over.. I was picked on but, never bullied for my brand of clothes.)
It is kind of funny at age 12, people would make fun of my generic clothes.. and I would make fun of them for wasting money. Pointing out I could buy a lot of games for the same price.
These people weren't high class.. infact they really amount to brainwashed more than anything. I actually remember asking my mom one day "whats the difference between the brand name clothes and walmart brand clothes" answer "cost". Sure in retrospect I realize that there is more that goes into different brands than just what the cost is.. But, for a 12 year old in middle and highschool? whats the point of wasting money on brand? who cares if they fit slightly better.. clothes can be comfortable without being the 'perfect fit'. You can be stylish without being a fashionable brand whore.
So now that I'm grown up how do you think I feel about the "cool kids" joining in the eletronics world and touting their brand superiority? In middleschool I didn't care clothes weren't what I gave a crap about. 10 years later, working on a computer science degree? I want to take a baseball bat to steve jobs for creating a huge wave of fashion in eletronics world. Sure there have been some upsides.. but, i hate it anytime I overhear a conversation where someone with no idea what they are talking about starts praising jesu... apple.
Yes I realize android fanboys are
just as bad however, apple fanboys and trolls have been around for quite a while longer.. Apple iphone came out.. people got more interested in macs.. and aside from the outright trolls you every so often saw people ask "Why does everyone keep ripping on me for owning an apple product!?" well.. to be polite.. because, hardcore mac fans have been ripping on pc since long before you ever got a mac.. or an iphone.
I mean.. apple has a bad habit of being arrogant. Sure they got a second wind with the iphone... But, well.. arrogance comes before the fall.. and while android fanboys are growing... the truth at the end of the day is steve jobs arrogance has acted like a catalyst.
I am using catalyst in chemistry terms here. It accelerates things without being affected itself. Steve jobs arrogance has in many ways propelled apple forward in terms of profits and other things.. The flipside? he makes so many of the choices about apple, what happens when he is gone? Not just that but, if they had come out with the iphone and not been as arrogant.. would google have even had a chance?
Lets face it.. part of the allure of apple for a lot of people has been the exclusivity however, if apple wasn't s controlling and still offered the same feature's and benefits the way they do now it may not have "propelled" them into the block buster sensation they are now but, it could have been a possibly long term dominance..