No I'm talking about real life business uses. Developing multimedia web design? Useless on a mac. (you know, that little Flash problem and all)
Running RIP software or even getting Mac OSX to talk nicely with one of my printers(even the IP based one's that require no RIP software)? (industrial/commercial) Nope, completely useless.
Hell even networking with a MAC is a PITA. Seriously.
Usb Plug & play connectivity on not so common devices? Forget about it.
How how about right clicking to create a text file? Seems pretty simple to me.
Or how about setting up a picture as a background? No.. that should be 1-2 clicks but instead its this long and drawn out process.
Or how about merging folders? I do this all the time with Windows. With Mac OSX it won't merge the folder, it simply replaces the old one. Lame.
Or how about selectively deleting ONLY certain items in the trash bin?
Or restoring from trash. You can't restore a file from trash to its original position, you have to manually put it there.
Or selecting a bunch of files and determining what is the total size... mmm nope, can't do that either. It only show's the individual file sizes.
I suppose it depends on your uses and needs for the OS.
For a start I don't make websites or get involved with RIP printers, only a regular Canon injet here. As for networking I've found things easier for I want to do on a Mac. That is make the computer into a WiFi hotspot(internet sharing). One can apparently do this on Windows, but it's a PITA to configure.
As for right clicking to make a new document quickly, I didn't even know one could do that. I presume this is a new feature for Windows 7.
Any devices I've wanted to use on a Mac have never been problem, although I'm not using anything weird or exotic here. Only the Canon printer, Samsung Android phone, various USB sticks, HDDs, and a China Telecom Huawei CDMA 3G modem.
I regularly have to mark homework from the students here, which comes to me on USB sticks. For this job it's strictly Mac or Linux only. I do not want to be using Windows for this job. Most students are using pirated XP on their laptops and netbooks...nuff said.
I use the QQ instant messenger all the time. The Windows version is just a horrid,
spyware bloated mess.
The Mac and Linux versions are light, clean and simple.
So to sum it up, we use the best tools for the jobs and needs. Windows might suit you, Mac along with Linux suits me.