It's only rated at 100mbps throughput and my current plan boasts up to 150mbps.
I just looked up my
current router, and its specs aren't nearly as outdated as I thought they must be: it's rated for speeds up to 300 Mbps.
I've never actually seen its top speeds...because my plan is nowhere near that! But if you get the updated, current version of that model, you should be pleased with it. I mean, my Linksys routers have worked great and lasted long.
This one, which looks exactly like mine [for whatever that's worth!

], looks promising. I hadn't exactly
planned on buying a new router right now, but I don't know.... Its features and specs are impressive, and at just 40 bucks it's a good deal. Hmmm....
BTW, this isn't as random as it may sound. I've been having to reboot my modem and router every few weeks for several months now, because my speed drops to AWFUL:
As you can see, I snapped that hours before this discussion came up.
My plan is technically 50/5, but sometime last year its download speed increased to ≈70. I vaguely remember something about a 'no extra charge' upgrade. Anyway, look how bad my speeds get. Since both my modem and router are several years old, I have been tossing this around a bit.