I don't think that's it at all. I actually would prefer to have a Nexus over my Rezound, but after going through two of them, both with unacceptable by anyone's standards reception issues, I needed a reliable phone. The Rezound has been excellent for me, but if I knew it would be mostly issue-free, I'd go back to the Nexus. I'm just not convinced anything has been actually addressed or fixed, and Verizon's statement that "there is no issue" does not inspire any confidence whatsoever. There most definitely was a real, tangible issue with two Nexuses I tried, issues that simply aren't repeatable with a different phone from another manufacturer. Kind of hard to ignore that. If it was just me, ok...bad luck on a couple of rotten apples. But this same story is being repeated many, many times by distinctly different users and sources.
Those that haven't experienced any issues with their own Nexus are probably thinking the rest of us must be pretty silly or very picky, or out to "get" the Nexus...we're really not. (Or even worse, that we just don't "understand".) But the vast number of people on this and other forums reporting these issues makes it extremely hard to pass off as just a handful of isolated issues. Also, not all of us are 19 year old kids with chips on our shoulders regarding whose phone is "best". Some of us are reasonably intelligent grown-ups who aren't complete noobs when it comes to these things.
Of course, there's always the argument that only those that have issues are vocal, so it skews the perception, but I honestly believe there is in fact an issue and be it hardware or software, it has to be addressed before I'd consider another Nexus as a reliable, practical, day in and day out device.