im planning on switching to verizon soon.
im on sprint with the epic 4g (not the sgs2)
after looking at the nexus and seeing how similar it looks to my now 1year + old phone, i dont want it. and to me ics doesnt even look like that big of an upgrade.
its just all touch screen which im not sure how i feel about.
i would rather go for a more solid phone, the rezound, and have some nice head phones, probably a better camera, and nice build quality.
the thin samsung phones feel really cheap and very breakable ( even though theyve been proven to take a hit) i dont like the feeling.
one thing though, they rezound is apparently pretty thick.
cant be more thick then my phone with the slide out keyboard, but thick none the less. we'll see tho. leaning towards the rezound.
the razr isnt even on my radar, its just a typical motorola phone.
it looks more like a driod x 3 then a razr if you ask me