9to5cynic Android Expert Mar 20, 2012 #152 And it knocked out your TV. Listening to good music right now
9to5cynic Android Expert Mar 20, 2012 #154 and got ninja'd by someone with dialup Checking guitar tabs.
Y Yeahha Usually off topic Mar 21, 2012 #156 but it was for a debt Thunderstorm screwed with my internet last night
A angldvl81 Android Expert Mar 21, 2012 #159 You'll fall asleep at work I'm getting a breakfast burrito
Y Yeahha Usually off topic Mar 21, 2012 #162 But you still have other suitors I couldn't come up with a way to rain on that
Y Yeahha Usually off topic Mar 21, 2012 #165 but it will be non-functional My hopes of going back to sleep were killed by the stomp stomp of little feet
but it will be non-functional My hopes of going back to sleep were killed by the stomp stomp of little feet
Y Yeahha Usually off topic Mar 21, 2012 #168 But you will have things to do on Friday The new thanks to tweet is going to up my twitter count
karandpr Android Expert Mar 21, 2012 #169 But nobody reads your tweets anyway ... The earth is round ,in my opinion .
Y Yeahha Usually off topic Mar 21, 2012 #170 But in reality the earth is rather bumpy and does have some flat spots... I just proved karan wrong as long as he doesn't bring up the fact that those "bumps" and "flat spots" don't cause the roundness to deviate much.
But in reality the earth is rather bumpy and does have some flat spots... I just proved karan wrong as long as he doesn't bring up the fact that those "bumps" and "flat spots" don't cause the roundness to deviate much.
agentc13 Daleks Über Alles Mar 21, 2012 #171 But he just ignored you. I just finished reading a book.