Oh, no! Some friend.

I'm almost fanatically obsessed with not losing/breaking my pencil. I would be
livid if a 'friend' took it.
When I came home from the hospital, the FIRST thing I looked for was my cherished lucky pencil. I knew I had left it on the dining room table, six months earlier, between a laptop and a Nikon. I didn't care about the laptop or camera! I just had to make sure my pencil hadn't 'walked' while I was gone, what with so many people going in and out of the house.
They would bring me videos of Joy Noelle--which I insisted on, to prove she was still there, and alive and healthy--but I never asked for videos of my pencil.

I should have! What the hell, my husband, daughter, and others already think I'm nuts, so who cares?!