Well-Known Member
For me, it started with marijuana in my teens. My kids are now 22 & 21, and even though I was a 'party boy' while my kids were growing up, I kept the drugs away from the house. My kids resent my sobriety because of where they live: the REAL world. The world where people come home from work, and drink or use in order to mellow out, gain coping skills, et cetera. Where my kids came of age, it seemed like watching "King Of The Hill" for interminable episodes. There weren't many great role models for them. For example, they defend my ex for being a functional alcoholic because all of the people they associate with now, as well as in the past, "...come from the same stock." They see that kind of lifestyle being 'normal'. They will have to learn through life experience what is good, or bad. My daughter talks with me more often than my oldest - my son. From what I understand, he's still has a long way to go to find balance; it took me over 40 years to find it, so, I cannot sit in judgement. I have a gig tomorrow night, so, wish me luck. Have a good weekend, whbisondtr.
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Life is what we make of it, and our kids tend to emulate what we do. Hopefully someday they will see that your change is good. They are still young and have a chance to see sobriety is better. I wish you all the best man. I hope your gig went well, and you're having a great weekend yourself. I just had a night with 5 girls (sleepover for daughter) and I survived! Lol.