Guys like Dr. Dre and the other developers of Beats Audio can kiss my @$$; I've been a professional musician most of my life, but, I played in bands where guitarists were allowed to get their 'tone' for close-miking (loud, but not overly so - for 'clean' and 'dirty' sounds); bass players were 'line-in' through a direct box to the mixer; vocalists were miked and had monitors to hear themselves; keyboard guys had their own amplification (and direct boxes that connected them to the mixer, or, the 'mains'). The general idea was to keep the stage volume down, and let the 'mains' part the listeners' hair down the middle :rofl: ... in the bands that I played in that were loud on stage, I wore ear plugs. I still have near-perfect pitch at the age of 52, and no ear damage or tinnitus. This is probably one of the reasons I never became a national success :rofl:, plus, I was a partier for most of my career. Now, I'm clean, sober, and unknown... yet, my hearing is still okay. I still have dreams of making it in the music biz, even now. Wish me luck - LW