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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

It's hard to stalk if you are a BS artist. I must have 50 different persona on the web. FB, I have everything listed as me only, only reply to daughter and the conversations are general. If you usually only discuss moggies and wotters, it's kinda hard to sell anything. I don't think I've looked at whatever the home page is supposed to be. I just click on England and kid's name. I'm actually waiting for FB to kick me off for non-participation.

So far, Twitter hasn't. I only follow the Mars rovers. Opportunity still posts. No friends and no contacts listed.

Some people seem to feel entitled to be mean to enforce their opinions. It's much easier today to do so. It's a shame for those who are stalked.

I also do not do any social groups on the phone. I've either disabled or deleted. I'll use the laptop and all the security goodies provided for browser of choice. Same way I won't order any mdse on phone.

I'm still a sky blue pink polka-dotted cat-derived alien from Zubenelgenubi in Akrab. (the original Scorpius. It included what is now Libra)
Hello, everyone. Last night, I watched my two dogs kill a cat. No joke, and it really bothered me. I'm just an urbanite who lived near Massachusett's biggest city as a youngster, and, though I lived in a nearly rural area in the same Commonwealth during my teen years, I always went back to the city - to hang out with my childhood friends... I guess that I never got the gist of what happens in nature, aside from what I've read, or, watched on television.

So, I scooped the poor thing up with a shovel, and took it outside of the fence, to keep the dogs away from it. It was raining, so, I covered the cat with a tarp, and left it for me to bury today. Hobbling all around the yard, with a cane. You can't scold the dogs for doing what comes naturally, so, out came the training collar, today. The dogs aren't happy, I'm not happy, and the world just goes round, and round...

My electronic fence is still not functioning; yet, the dogs have been pretty good about the perimeter, for the most part - until that cat came along. A cute, calico female that was probably feral - there was no collar on her - with a broken neck. She only made one feeble vocal attempt, as both the dogs attacked her. The female, Java, was the one that I told to "drop it!" (the cat; which, she did). The dogs were looking at me, confused. I got them back into the house. My heart was wrenching, within my chest.

I buried the calico cat early today, in a pillow case. I separated the sod from the dirt, so it wouldn't look too obvious that I just buried something. My back is killing me. The screws in my spine; they torment me.

I even said some words, asking for Whatever the Universal Higher Power is - to accept her into grace. I cried. Like I've written before, organized religion and I don't get along very well, but, I know there's Something up there Bigger than I, and that I firmly believe that Humankind never got it right, between all of the religious writings (because Humankind can be selfish, and, unable to comprehend what really happened in those times; yet, the teachings of Christ still give me Peace, at least). So, I prayed. A fifty-two-year-old disabled musician, trying to do the right thing.

I hope that I'm not taking up too much space here, but, this forum is where I come to for camaraderie, support, and - of course - my rants. This one definitely counts as a rant... as I've buried three people in my family - between 1996-2006 (while trying to raise kids, and deal with a marriage to a functional alcoholic - while I was dealing with my own demons). I handled all of the affairs, the eulogies, the 'meets and greets'... with no help, from anyone.

First-born son from an Italian-American family. What I had to do - was expected of me. Nuts, to that.

Just like this poor cat. I'm not even a 'cat person'. Yet, it brought back all of the memories, and, my spirit has been crushed. Man, oh man.

I believe that I did the right thing. Yet, my heart still breaks. LW
I'm really sorry LV. That must have been very hard and emotional. You did what you could..you couldn't save her...in the end you gave her dignity and grace and someone who cared and felt deeply for her loss...
Thank you, huh. I appreciate that you know how I feel, and, I wasn't kidding about stalkers. I feel your pain, too - LW
Thanks LV
My stalker(s) were actually friends of mine.They don't understand boundries...Hubby say's it's more obsession...type behavior...it's still weird and creepy and makes me feel uneasy...One got a tattoo of me on their arm..um..okaaayyyy.... don't want to belittle anyone who is going through real life threatening stalker terror. My best friend had to live through that nightmare...and it was truly terrifying..she was in true danger..as well as her family and friends... her stalker ended up in psych ward I also believe he did a stint in prison as well...it was 20 years ago... hopefully he got the help and medication he needed..pretty sure he was classic paranoid schizophrenic ...
Thanks LV
My stalker(s) were actually friends of mine.They don't understand boundries...Hubby say's it's more obsession...type behavior...it's still weird and creepy and makes me feel uneasy...One got a tattoo of me on their arm..um..okaaayyyy.... don't want to belittle anyone who is going through real life threatening stalker terror. My best friend had to live through that nightmare...and it was truly terrifying..she was in true danger..as well as her family and friends... her stalker ended up in psych ward I also believe he did a stint in prison as well...it was 20 years ago... hopefully he got the help and medication he needed..pretty sure he was classic paranoid schizophrenic ...
huh, when your supposed 'friends' do what they did, it's not just about boundaries - it clearly demonstrates that we all need to be aware of the people that we associate with. I used to be a 'blind trust' kind of person - I had a magical mother, who always saw the goodness in people - no matter their situation, or background; ergo, I suppose that I picked that up from her.

It took me quite a few times of getting bit on the proverbial @$$ - before I started really paying attention to whom I befriended. Here's some great news, that I just got today from my 'better half': She's flying back to Colorado in February, due to her mother having back surgery. I'm only going to have her for a few weeks, then, off she goes again. Hopefully, her stay will only be for one week - as her Mom has a dual-sciatica impingement problem. She will get laser surgery, and be back up on her feet - in short order.

I wish that my back problems could've been corrected with the modern methods used now.

Back to what we were discussing... some of our friends have the propensity to be quite weird, don't you think? I've had people say the same about me - LW
I'm freezing right now!

I tend to run warm, always have. At my regular job (a desk job) I freeze all day, because it's an old building & we seem to have a heating/cooling system that likes blowing cold air on us, so I use a space heater & some days I still need to bundle up at my desk. There's a thermometer that usually insists the temp is 72 or 73 at that job, but there's almost always a cold breeze.

In my apartment, it's always warm so I don't even turn my heat on unless it gets really cold, if all my windows are closed it can easily heat up to almost 80 if it's around 20 degrees or warmer outside. One of my friends says I live above the portal to hell & some days I wonder! :p

Right now we have some colder temps - 20's or below with wind chills putting us with a "real feel" in the minuses. I have my bedroom window & patio door open just a smidge (literally, just a crack) to let in some cool air, and now it's too cold... so I'll close them before I head out to work tonight & when I get home, I have a feeling it'll be too hot again (easily mid to upper 70s).

I really wish I could easily keep my place around 68 all year long.
I'm freezing right now!

I tend to run warm, always have. At my regular job (a desk job) I freeze all day, because it's an old building & we seem to have a heating/cooling system that likes blowing cold air on us, so I use a space heater & some days I still need to bundle up at my desk. There's a thermometer that usually insists the temp is 72 or 73 at that job, but there's almost always a cold breeze.

In my apartment, it's always warm so I don't even turn my heat on unless it gets really cold, if all my windows are closed it can easily heat up to almost 80 if it's around 20 degrees or warmer outside. One of my friends says I live above the portal to hell & some days I wonder! :p

Right now we have some colder temps - 20's or below with wind chills putting us with a "real feel" in the minuses. I have my bedroom window & patio door open just a smidge (literally, just a crack) to let in some cool air, and now it's too cold... so I'll close them before I head out to work tonight & when I get home, I have a feeling it'll be too hot again (easily mid to upper 70s).

I really wish I could easily keep my place around 68 all year long.

I worked in one office where a co-worker insisted on 65 degrees. Plus it was when you had to keep the damn computers in an airconditioned room. My revenge was to wear a wool shirt and let the cats sleep on it at night.
The computer desk, rug, chair had cat hair embedded. I told them I'd ditch the shirt if they made CJ leave the thermostat alone.
I know I've already said this, but people who can't take the extra 10 seconds to put their shopping cart where it belongs before they leave, really really really make me mad... I think messing with a person's car is as cowardly as it gets but these people deserve to get their tires slashed.
Two things are grinding my gears after a recent road trip.

Piggybackers. You know, lazy simpletons who's trucking company is either too cheap to hire two more drivers or lazy drivers who can't go back and pick up the remaining trailers, and instead endanger motorists by towing three or more trailers at the same time. Usually spotted weaving all over the road seemingly incapable of going anywhere near the speed limit. In most places this is illegal but for some reason the Highway Patrol ignores them.


Number two. tailgaters. I despise them. Either pass me or Drive slower. Many times I'm already going well over the limit yet these morons want to act as if they're about to ram me from behind unless I go 99...

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