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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

Angry old woman is angry...

She short-sells her home and acreage so she could move nearer to her sister (whom she has historically not got along with), sells stock to make up for the price of her new home which is half the size of the old one, and now, just over a year after moving, wants to sell that house because she's a minority there.

Guess where she wants to move. Go ahead, guess!

Puerto Rico. Because that is preferable to remaining in the painfully liberal US of A. Yes, it has been pointed out that she'd be even more of a minority there, but she is undeterred.
I used to volunteer to work every holiday when I had a job that was a 24/7 type. Time and a half.
I've also "worked" during time off. Business closed between Christmas and New Years, but I'd go down to the office to water plants, make sure no packages on porch, no water in basement, etc. I lived close enough.

If I was offered time off during a holiday and didn't need it, I'd swap with someone who did as long as they covered for me when I wanted to go skiing.

I don't stand on dates for the spirit of a holiday. Christmas is when I feel like it - not Dec. 25. (Except for stuff that people who do on the 25th.)
Ok, you're taking a left...great...do you really need to stay in the middle of the road? Will that help you turn better? How about moving over just a little bit so the people behind you can pass - you make your turn and other drivers aren't hindered by your incompetent driving, everyone wins!
Ok, you're taking a left...great...do you really need to stay in the middle of the road? Will that help you turn better? How about moving over just a little bit so the people behind you can pass - you make your turn and other drivers aren't hindered by your incompetent driving, everyone wins!

I call them tractor trailor cars.:mad:
You aren't going to do much with people like that. They are not really secure in their skins and afraid of change and the unknown. Quite a few don't seem to make the connection between cause and effect.

Unless you totally want Big Brother or a true Nanny State, you can't do much about them. The old system of shunning works, and that's up to an individual to shun or not.

I agree with you. However, according the law in many US states, you cannot discharge firearms too close to other dwellings; i.e., 100 yards (Maine), and, in another example, 300 yards (South Carolina) from another dwelling. Even if you're on your own property, or, property you have permission to use. No one with a sane mind would want a Nanny State, or, Big Brother (I won't even attempt to discuss this subject; it belongs in another forum).

We have people in this rural neighborhood that let their animals run anywhere, when the law stipulates that the animal, when outside, needs to be under the owner's control; whether it is by voice command, or, on a leash; or, enclosed in a fenced-in area, or, heaven forbid, a dog pen - like the 'bait-and-wait' hunting set that I wrote about. Bait your quarry; set up a tree stand, or, turn the dogs loose - to run the game you're about to shoot at - to where you stand, by the side of the road, waiting... that's not hunting, at all.

Maybe I watched too much "Daniel Boone" on TV, back in the sixties.

When you want an example of Big Brother, look at the EULA (end-user licensing agreement) terms for apps from Google Play, or, The App Store. That, by itself, should give you some pause. It's an invitation to myriad third-party developers - developers who aren't necessarily writing code for apps, but, distributing your personal IP address, et cetera, to customize the advertising coming at your home page, or, on the free app you're using. If you've ever watched the TV series "Mad Men", the advertising game hasn't changed much - now, it's just cloud-based, and ever watchful...

You're right, zuben - people who are afraid of change, who still believe within their narrow minds that we're back in 1954, instead of the last gasp of 2014, are, in effect, one of the main reasons the USA (we're ranked 17th in the world, currently) is falling behind many other countries in education, economic development without relying upon the Wall Street club of legalized hedge funds and corporate welfare, to move the Dow Jones numbers on the upward tick; and, most of all: the ability for everyone with any form of common sense to inculcate the notion of what we all know of as tolerance, along with a good helping of acceptance.

Shunning, in my humble opinion, is ineffective. There are too many Americans that insulate themselves, from the outside world...

That's my nickel, zuben. Anyone who sat shiva for a cat - for three years - has to be a rare, wonderful human being - I like facile minds, and your mind is spot-on. ;) - LW
As an avid gun owner and 2nd amendment supporter, having people discharge their firearms within city limits irks me. That's illegal for good reason in most jurisdictions.
I'm not insulated. I choose my own path and to hell with convention and demographics. I accept being odd man out. I read almost everything except any kind of gossip. I simply don't care what the newest movie star did.

I shun. This whole freaking town. I refuse to shop for anything but necessities locally. I don't mind paying tax. The state gets that, the local merchants still miss sales which is my goal. We own a house, city gets property taxes. City gets share of gas tax. I want out, the Vulcan likes it here. I got pestered too many times before the Do Not Call and I hate answering machines. It's been said the best protest is with your wallet, so that's exactly what I'm doing.

Since I use my phone as a reference library, I've disabled location, maps, and deleted all social networking. The apps I purchased are self contained and do not need any connections to run. They'd be useless if they did. I will block local ads since I won't shop locally. Send me ads from places like Adorama and B&H Camera, Orion Telescopes and Binoculars, King Arthur Flour to name a few and I'll look at them to see what's new, but I'll still use a bookmark on the computer to order, or get their newsletters and order from there. I order nothing over the phone. I also give the Vulcan's phone number for callbacks. If I don't recognize the number, I don't answer and I don't have voicemail. I never checked the answering machine, so why should I bother with VM? There's a missed call log.

I do read the EULAs from Play. Appbrain and Amazon still list individual concerns with an app, so I can avoid most of the "blanket" permissions by searching for apps there. I won't install apps with things I disagree with.
Re animals:
Try living in an unincorporated area. You fence cows in and horses out. You'd find someone's horse or the town donkey staring in your kitchen window at dawn. Drive over a cattle guard and you are at the mercy of the cows. I had to wait for a bull to finish wallowing in the road before I could drive on. Animal was bigger than my Spitfire. The fire department or rescue team would get calls to get the donkey out of the main road.

People moved to these areas and promptly got dogs and let said dogs run. Sometimes dogs would pack and attack kids at bus stop. There were leash laws, but no enforcement, unless dog bit. I did my fair share of complaining about the dogs. I had cats, and my cats were leash trained! They didn't go out.

Here we have poop laws, and those don't get enforced. Some people let their leashed dogs go right on your lawn or in your driveway. Entitled people - entitled dogs.

The Vulcan and I were volunteer fire, so we had a radio. This was a usual call:

Lady very scared of snakes, and every snake in the gully decided to sun themselves on her patio. She called sheriff, sheriff said call animal control, animal control said call rescue and fire department. The postmaster was also on the fire board and he had a radio. He finally locked up the post office, walked over to the lady's house with a shovel , and shovelled all the snakes off the patio. None of the snakes were venomous.
I have 22 updates for my phone. Half of them I did not willingly install, but came bundled with my device (and of course, I can't uninstall without some gymnastics), one is Tapatalk 4.10.2

Has anyone downloaded this version, and does it fix everything that's wrong with 4.10?

On-topic: why is it that my fancy battery packs which can juice up my phone at 2a will only recharge themselves at 0.5a? That seems counterintuitive to me.
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Re animals:
Try living in an unincorporated area. You fence cows in and horses out. You'd find someone's horse or the town donkey staring in your kitchen window at dawn. Drive over a cattle guard and you are at the mercy of the cows. I had to wait for a bull to finish wallowing in the road before I could drive on. Animal was bigger than my Spitfire. The fire department or rescue team would get calls to get the donkey out of the main road.

People moved to these areas and promptly got dogs and let said dogs run. Sometimes dogs would pack and attack kids at bus stop. There were leash laws, but no enforcement, unless dog bit. I did my fair share of complaining about the dogs. I had cats, and my cats were leash trained! They didn't go out.

Here we have poop laws, and those don't get enforced. Some people let their leashed dogs go right on your lawn or in your driveway. Entitled people - entitled dogs.

The Vulcan and I were volunteer fire, so we had a radio. This was a usual call:

Lady very scared of snakes, and every snake in the gully decided to sun themselves on her patio. She called sheriff, sheriff said call animal control, animal control said call rescue and fire department. The postmaster was also on the fire board and he had a radio. He finally locked up the post office, walked over to the lady's house with a shovel , and shovelled all the snakes off the patio. None of the snakes were venomous.

People moved to these areas and promptly got dogs and let said dogs run. Sometimes dogs would pack and attack kids at bus stop. There were leash laws, but no enforcement, unless dog bit. I did my fair share of complaining about the dogs. I had cats, and my cats were leash trained! They didn't go out.

Here we have poop laws, and those don't get enforced. Some people let their leashed dogs go right on your lawn or in your driveway. Entitled people - entitled dogs.

I used to be Volunteer Fire, too, zuben. On a barrier island off of the coast from South Carolina. I had a walkie-talkie, and a cellphone in case there was a call. Most fires were created by our good friend, 'Arson'; when the property was on the beach, and, the owner decided they wanted out... there we were, doing the 'soak and surround' thing, to prevent neighboring homes from igniting. Our neighbors, the Police department, would occasionally get calls about raccoons in the trash, but, we had a resident animal guy who had a 'serpentarium' - literally, an indoor snakepit - he even had alligators that were disabled on display, and, whenever an island visitor would call, screaming "Eeeek! There's a snake right near my car! Help!", or, "OMG - there's a raccoon in our trash, and when I took my trash out, it hissed at me!" - they would contact the 'serpentarium' guy, as he was also employed by the Wildlife Division (part of DNR), so - he'd capture the animals, and relocate them to their natural habitat.

My family and I had a house near there, with dogs, barn cats that we fed and cared for, and horses. We had a low-impedance electric fence, with solar-power cells to back up the AC power, as well as a battery to back things up when it was dark, and the AC power was off due to a storm, etc., to keep the horses in. We had problems with some deer hunters, but, since we owned the right-of-way to the road that we lived on, we made our desires very clear - no running dogs on our property - so, after we got the Department of Natural Resources involved, they stopped.

They got permission to hunt deer on property owned by a nearby paper company. It wasn't far from our property, and you'd still hear distant 30.06 rifles - but, problem solved.

Where I live now, the area is in a different county than the actual 'town' is; and, it's annexed to the nearest city; also, it's considered to be part of another township, due to the United States Postal Service. Since I researched the area where I live, at least I know that I don't live in 'Nowhereland'. The county laws apply here, as well as the nearby township's - discharging a firearm within 200 yards of a dwelling, whether you're on your property or not, is illegal. Our neighbor apologized to us for discharging his, and we never had to get law enforcement involved - so, everyone is getting along nicely (so far). Actually, he'll let us know when he needs to 'sight-in' a weapon, during the day, which is fine - but, the nighttime shooting had to stop. We also have a handgun for protection. Still, we have other neighbors nearby that like to go 'bang-bang' at night...

The main reason we don't like all of the noise is that our Irish Setter mix, Java, cannot tolerate it. She literally jumps out of her skin; then, drools. Our Border Collie cannot stand thunder. It makes him so scared, that he'll try to burrow under the couch - anyway he can; or, crawl under the end table, and go behind the couch, pulling out all of the outlets out, making lamps fall, and charging smartphones hit the floor.

I suppose the dogs we have reflect their owners, huh? Here I am, suffering from bipolar-depression, PTSD and chronic pain, while my wife-to-be suffers from depression, anxiety, PTSD, and she's a recovering alcoholic, who will be 12 years sober January 11. I'm so proud of her. Me, I've been drug-free (my drug of choice was Mary Jane) for almost seven years. I just take what the doctor prescribes, for my problems (insulin, clonazepam, and the occasional oxycodone for pain - which I hate taking, as it affects my digestive tract in a bad way, so, the bottle stays nearly full - well-past the refill date).

zuben, I must say that admire the way you deal with things. I need to adapt to your way of finding apps that won't tie you to a EULA that blows your privacy out of the water. You're cool with me, as I can understand about cows and donkeys - hell, one of our horses walked right up the brick and concrete steps to our front door. That was hilarious. I took a picture. Unfortunately, my ex-wife has it - as I'd share it with you. AppBrain seems to have a lot of those types of apps (or, they used to, back in the days of Gingerbread... my phone is unrooted now, due to a locked bootloader, and ext2 read-only memory... I'm stuck in read-only JellyBean).

My rant for the day: I'm definitely against people who walk up to your lawn with their dog, and let the aforesaid animal relieve themselves, say "Good dog!" - then, leave. I think that people with poop-scoopers and poop-bags are cool. I lived in the city as a youngster (a ten minute drive from Boston, MA); then, when we moved to the South Shore/Cape Cod area, it was nearly rural, but we weren't far from civilization.

I'm not far from the State capital where I live now, so, I'm able to get a cultural injection - whenever I need to get away from tobacco country. Still, there's that annoying stripe of people that think it's still 1954. Hopefully, with further education and future generations, we'll all be able to get along. As it should be. No politics or current affairs today, Unforgiven. It's overcast, and mild - but, rain's on the way. My spine is already feeling it. This is LW - signing off.
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It's not cool...it's creepy...and not normal....seriously...it's not ok to be a stalker...That's why stopped going on FB to begin with! among other things...
thanks a lot...now I can't even wish anyone a happy Birthday or anything!!!
It's not cool...it's creepy...and not normal....seriously...it's not ok to be a stalker...That's why stopped going on FB to begin with! among other things...
thanks a lot...now I can't even wish anyone a happy Birthday or anything!!!
I completely agree. I closed my Facebook account last year, and, stalkers are just plain BAD. My wife-to-be got to know someone online; it was back around 2009 or so (before we met), and, a friendship developed. It turned out that he lived one county away from her, and, through hacking her computer (she allowed him remote access, when she ran into some problems with the computer), found out where she was by her IP address, etc.

He started showing up at her house, and when she rebuffed his advances, he started driving his vehicle to her driveway, and parking. When she called the police, she put a trespass order on him... but, he continued to ride up and down the road she lived on, revving his engine, and by the time the police arrived, he was gone. It took a long time, and a day in court - to stop this guy - he actually responded to the judge with the strangest answer, as to how he was going to plead: "Guilty with an explanation, Your Honor." I'm sorry, huh, that you're experiencing this problem. Stalking is just wrong. Period. Be well, and I hope you had a wonderful Holiday. Good luck - LW
About the subject of stalking - it can happen anywhere online, even Twitter. All one can do is keep personal information down to a bare minimum, use a screen name that isn't anything like your real name, and be careful who you interact with - there are correctional institutions that allow computer use, and once the inmate finds a proxy, then, it's open season.

I've never experienced any kind of stalking in these forums; which, is really cool. We have Moderators, Guides, and Well-Known Members like me who try to be, just, nice. I may rant from time to time, but, it's usually about something personal, or, an observation that I want to share. Stalkers, beware! LW
It's not cool...it's creepy...and not normal....seriously...it's not ok to be a stalker...That's why stopped going on FB to begin with! among other things...
thanks a lot...now I can't even wish anyone a happy Birthday or anything!!!
I have two rants, one as a member, the other as a mod.

Rant 1 - the support threads don't start out long. Read all of the 9 posts before responding to post number 3 with a big opinion full of indignation. When you do that, someone has to grow the thread and point you to the answer in post 7 - that you get all bent over because they didn't address your rant. By now the thread has 25 posts and now comes the type that reads the title and the last two posts and contributes more to the circular arguments. None of us can ever go back to the thread and help newcomers find the answer even though we know it's in there somewhere, because now the thread goes on for months and pages while the answer is discovered 6 more times.

Take a freaking breath and read the thread before posting. If it's too long already, try to search it ok. And use our new "best answer" feature to highlight the solution post - then rant if you want.

It's called sharing the space ok.

Rant 2 - you've discovered the great Android secret and want everyone to know the real truth. So you search the forums and find just the right thread. You even call out others for getting it all terribly wrong. But you didn't stop to notice that no one has been in the thread for years, it was a different phone than yours, an old version of Android you haven't run and no one has the phone any longer.

Spammers do that all the time. It's hilarious because they're easy to spot and we get to banish them.

But when members do it, it's not funny and we can't ban them for talking to past ghosts. It just makes paperwork when we have to decide when to archive things.

If you want to show everyone what you know, great - tell people who are listening.

Oh - and if it's topical, even on an old thread and still relevant today, post away. It's not hard to tell the difference between those two types of old threads.


Thank you. :D
I start to read an article, and it's a really long one, but I run into an issue right off the bat. I mention that I've only starred reading the article, but...

The author replies that I should really read the whole article because all my questions will be answered.

They weren't. Not even remotely. I'm just glad I read through the entire article before apologizing.
I have two rants, one as a member, the other as a mod.

Rant 1 - the support threads don't start out long. Read all of the 9 posts before responding to post number 3 with a big opinion full of indignation. When you do that, someone has to grow the thread and point you to the answer in post 7 - that you get all bent over because they didn't address your rant. By now the thread has 25 posts and now comes the type that reads the title and the last two posts and contributes more to the circular arguments. None of us can ever go back to the thread and help newcomers find the answer even though we know it's in there somewhere, because now the thread goes on for months and pages while the answer is discovered 6 more times.

Take a freaking breath and read the thread before posting. If it's too long already, try to search it ok. And use our new "best answer" feature to highlight the solution post - then rant if you want.

It's called sharing the space ok.

Rant 2 - you've discovered the great Android secret and want everyone to know the real truth. So you search the forums and find just the right thread. You even call out others for getting it all terribly wrong. But you didn't stop to notice that no one has been in the thread for years, it was a different phone than yours, an old version of Android you haven't run and no one has the phone any longer.

Spammers do that all the time. It's hilarious because they're easy to spot and we get to banish them.

But when members do it, it's not funny and we can't ban them for talking to past ghosts. It just makes paperwork when we have to decide when to archive things.

If you want to show everyone what you know, great - tell people who are listening.

Oh - and if it's topical, even on an old thread and still relevant today, post away. It's not hard to tell the difference between those two types of old threads.


Thank you. :D
That's why I still have an iPhone![emoji14][emoji14][emoji14][emoji8]
Students wanting me to do their homework. I ought to charge for this.
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