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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

Work rant

I'm not racist by any means so please no body take this the wrong way.

So I'm the only white person who works here.

The manager is Hispanic but the rest are black.

So they've been telling me I talk to much (I talk alot but I already knew this) see but when the new black girls who were hired along side me talk to them it's not a big deal.

Well I found out what they all meant by 'talk to much' they mean they don't trust me.

Not gonna lie I'm really feeling like it's the fact that I'm white that's causing them to feel this way. Ugh I really don't know what to do. :/

You must earn the trust of your co-workers as everyone must no matter race, sect, or creed. Only time will build such bonds. You are fortunate to work in a mixed environment. There is much to be gained from all peoples as we slowly melt together.
You must earn the trust of your co-workers as everyone must no matter race, sect, or creed. Only time will build such bonds. You are fortunate to work in a mixed environment. There is much to be gained from all peoples as we slowly melt together.
I voiced my concerns and my thoughts were confirmed.

Where I live in Georgia white people and black people are unfortunately pretty segregated. Apparently my enthusiasm and acceptance was somewhat off putting to them as they don't normally get that here. :/

(where I lived in Texas black and white people got along very well so I've never been one to segregate myself from anyone)

I can definitely feel alot more respect from my coworkers than before.
My rant for the early morning hours... software based recording systems, that feature onboard instruments that sound so good, until you have to make tracks with them! I'm so frustrated that I'm going to do my tracks in my ten-year-old sequencer, add my vocals and other keyboard and vocal tracks as needed, and hope for a decent master recording that I can convert to mp3, and burn to disc in HD audio. You strike the key on your keyboard, and there's a MIDI delay that I've tried to offset by going into their 'advanced' MIDI (musical instrument digital interface, first developed in 1983) settings, and taking care of the MIDI delay by the maximum value the software allows, which is -100 ms (milliseconds). Dammit, Jim! I've got a 64-bit processor in this laptop, and, @#*! I'm totally frustrated - wishing I had a dedicated digital mixer and recording system like I used to have. However, let's end the rant with something positive... my cousin bought me a true stereo street PA/Amp for Christmas: with four channels of input, 50w class D (that's loud enough for mid-sized clubs) power RMS, twin 8" high-excursion woofers with 2" tweeters, and up to 20 hours of operation on 8 AA batteries. I won't get it until January 6th or so, since they had to back-order it... but, he even bought an AC-adapter for it, so for the indoor gigs, I can go full-tilt. Aahhh... that's better. My clonazepam supply has to hold out until January 2, so, that news makes me feel better. Yes, it does. I miss my fiancee... but, she is healthy, and I'm holding on until January 7, when I pick her up at the airport. May everyone's weekend be blissful - LW
I've held my tongue expecting this to burn itself out but that's not happening.

Here goes.

I'm going to ask - and enforce - that the rehash of hateful, racist and nationalistic remarks ends here and now.

I'm sure that some of you are finding some catharsis in retelling them.

But not everyone walks in your shoes and what some of you are sharing as triumphant proofs from your pasts are to others still in bad situations, simply salt in their present wounds.

You may have been trying for encouragement and healing and whether you intended it or not - retelling of racial remarks, in an internet forum where not everyone can understand you or your context, actually tends to accomplish the opposite.

Thanks for understanding. :)
Thank you.

What really grinds my gears is the desperate, hysterical, stressy mood in the stores these days. Christmas is supposed to be fun, not about carts filled with food and drinks.
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I've held my tongue expecting this to burn itself out but that's not happening.

Here goes.

I'm going to ask - and enforce - that the rehash of hateful, racist and nationalistic remarks ends here and now.

I'm sure that some of you are finding some catharsis in retelling them.

But not everyone walks in your shoes and what some of you are sharing as triumphant proofs from your pasts are to others still in bad situations, simply salt in their present wounds.

You may have been trying for encouragement and healing and whether you intended it or not - retelling of racial remarks, in an internet forum where not everyone can understand you or your context, actually tends to accomplish the opposite.

Thanks for understanding. :)
My apologies, EarlyMon. I never intended to offend anyone; all I did, was share what happened in my life. Also, I shared what has happened to people of the younger generation. To anyone out there that may have been offended - please accept my most humble apologies. I also apologize to AF, whom I usually never get into any trouble with. May everyone embrace the spirit of the Holiday season, and proceed forthwith. Thank you. LW
Not a rant, just a weakness of my own. Very rare is the time when I can focus on one thing. Its so relaxing when it happens.
Maybe I missed some deleted posts or something, but mentioning someone's race doesn't constitute a racist remark.
I just got off of the phone with my better half in Colorado. She's acclimatized herself to the dry, thinner air, and faces possible snow flurries tomorrow. It is raining here, and my spine and neck are letting me know with waves of pain. I have pain meds, but, I dislike the side effects - so, I get as comfortable as I can, and endeavor to grin and bear it. Good night, all - LW
It irritates me how I am entrusted by the federal government with the task making aircraft safe and flightworthy on a daily basis, but airports still treat me like a suspect when I go to fix a plane...
So bored at work. I need something to do!
This might be a crazy suggestion, but how about your job? :D[emoji14]

It irritates me how I am entrusted by the federal government with the task making aircraft safe and flightworthy on a daily basis, but airports still treat me like a suspect when I go to fix a plane...

Dngrsone, it's people like you that keep me taking commercial flights. When I saw the expose on television about the newer Boeing aircraft being substandard, I cringed. Historically, Boeing has built some great commercial airliners. I have another 18 hours to go before I get my private helo license (I did ground school in my late 30s, and, continued to pay for hourly air time over the years - it's been awhile since I've flown, due to financial constraints, and my spinal problems... I still have my flight computer, flight kit with log, books, and armrest). I've been told that due to my age and physical limitations, I might not be able to get my private license. I guess we'll see what happens. To go up with a CFI, it's over $250 an hour. The helicopter that I've flown is a Schweizer (Hughes) 300CB, or 300C (fuel-injected). Fully-articulated rotors, and definitely safer than a Robinson (according to NTSB).

Whenever I go to an airport - especially during the summer, when I tan very dark... boy, I can feel the eyes upon me. With my goatee, and pale-green eyes, they probably think I'm not an American. Due to airport security, I was the last passenger to get onboard an Airbus going to O'Hare, where I would change planes and go to Minneapolis/St.Paul for a family reunion - and I ended up being seated next to a very good-looking woman who ended up being an Air Marshal... that blew my mind, let me tell you. The Air Marshal asked many questions, like, "So... where are you from originally?" I answered, "I was born in Newton, MA. My family moved to Virginia. Where are you from?" So on, and so on. When we departed the flight, she showed me her "credentials" and suggested that I trim my goatee. I know how you feel, bro. From me, to you - thank you for making planes airworthy. Hang in there. LW
As a welder / fabricator I'm given tasks daily or weekly, depending on the job size. This is the first workplace where I have ever got pulled off one job to start another. Actually, I have 6 different jobs ATM. Every time I get going on one, I get stopped and given another job. This is poor organization and work flow. Its welding, not IT (I've got a total of 8 years in IT so I know!)
May everyone have a good night, and nice dreams. Let Christmas be Christmas, and not a shopping cart competition, as Kaat72 observed earlier. I'm spending my Christmas alone, once again... but, this forum has gotten me through some rough patches, in the recent past... so, no pity, please. Go back into your revery, and think of the wonderful Christmases during your childhood. It makes me a little misty-eyed, but, the memories are there, and they are wonderment. It was so magical with my younger brother, making that trip around the small mezzanine that was the staircase in my old house, close to Newton Center Square - to the living room, where the tree was waiting for our faces; filled, with wonder. I remember my Italian grandfather, saying, "You betta be goodeh... or Sanny Claus'll put a lump of coal in your stockin'. Ah!"

Sweet dreams. LW
Why do balloons always make me cringe?

I'm OK with blowing them up, and even bursting them, it's when they start to deflate after a few days, or the idea of filling them with water, it just sets my teeth on edge for some reason.
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There were Brand new shiny Valentines Day gifts and merchandise placed in the aisle leaving a 1foot space that was reserved for the strewn over, half opened chaotic and sparse remains of Christmas. items..THREE DAY"S AGO!!

REALL??? really?? really?

Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!
Squeaky balloons, and screwed-up retail store 'planograms' definitely make my already-frayed nerves raw. When I was a youngster in Newton, MA, USA, we still had a doctor that made house calls. His name was Dr. Gilson, and one of his talents was the ability to create balloon animals, along with the fact that he was a good General Practitioner, or 'GP', as they were called back then. Back to the squeaky balloons. My younger brother, however, found out that I couldn't handle the sounds of two balloon animals being rubbed together, and decided to revel in that fact one day - after the doctor left. However, fate would have it that he had a fear of loud noises. So, when one of the balloons popped, he instantly started crying (hell, we were 6 and 5 at the time), and, lost his balloon animal in the process. After awhile, my mother took me aside, and said, "He's your younger brother, and he loves you. Don't you think it would be nice of you to give him the balloon, since you're such a big boy?" Yes, Mom had it down. So, I gave him the balloon animal, and, I remember how good that made me feel. Life lessons. Wow...

Hopefully, I'll get to see him this Holiday season. He's flying over to VA from the West Coast for the Holidays, and he texted me, saying, "I'll be in VA from the 25th to January 4th, and I might be able to come see you - but I won't make any promises."

I hope he remembers the balloon incident. LW
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