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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

I've got to go to the grocery store. The food supply needs to be replenished; yet, I have to go to Walmart. Jeez, I truly dislike that retailer. However, with the recent court decision, Walmart may be able to unionize. The price roll backs may be fewer and farther in-between, but, Walmart employees deserve to live above the poverty line - and, I'd be grateful to pay higher prices, while avoiding myriad obese shoppers wearing stretch pants. Not that I'm against obese people, not at all! They're just harder to get around while they're blocking an entire aisle... due to my disability, I use an electrically-powered chair; so, I also contribute to the slower movement of shopper traffic. Walmart, due to its floor plan, is a beast to get around in, anyway. Then, you have a maximum of three cashiers thst are open. Hint: when you buy your dog food, check out at the patio with all your items. Things go much more quickly, but make sure you park your car close by. Or, like Frank Zappa wrote, you'll have to "...trudge across the tundra, mile after mile..." - LW
Noticed yesterday that the grip strength in my right hand is not what it should be. Very odd. I think I'm developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Guess I'll further postpone my qualification for the Nevada concealed carry permit until I can get this resolved. Can't very well be wielding a gun if my hand is fubared. Sad day.
Do you ever wake up with a numb feeling in that hand? Tinkling?
If so, can you start that feeling by folding your thumb towards the inside of your wrist?
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Noticed yesterday that the grip strength in my right hand is not what it should be. Very odd. I think I'm developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Guess I'll further postpone my qualification for the Nevada concealed carry permit until I can get this resolved. Can't very well be wielding a gun if my hand is fubared. Sad day.
I have it in both hands and nerve damage in both elbows.....
Tomorrow I'll find out when they are finally going to operate on my hands. :)
It's been a long painful journey, with doctors telling me their was nothing wrong with my hands or that it was a vitamin D deficiency.
I went through 3 doctors trying to figure out what's wrong and finally after having an ENG done we found out [emoji41]
Do you ever wake up with a numb feeling in that hand? Tinkling?
If so, can you start that feeling by folding your thumb towards the inside of your wrist?

No. I mean, I've occasionally woken up with my entire arm asleep, but that's from when I've slept on it. Folding my thumb in towards my wrist does nothing out of the ordinary.

I have it in both hands and nerve damage in both elbows.....
Tomorrow I'll find out when they are finally going to operate on my hands. :)
It's been a long painful journey, with doctors telling me their was nothing wrong with my hands or that it was a vitamin D deficiency.
I went through 3 doctors trying to figure out what's wrong and finally after having an ENG done we found out [emoji41]

That's what I'm not looking forward to if it's CTS.

They do mention that pain usually accompanies it, and so far I have not felt any. I'm going to try resting it, keeping it elevated, and using exercises for strength.
No. I mean, I've occasionally woken up with my entire arm asleep, but that's from when I've slept on it. Folding my thumb in towards my wrist does nothing out of the ordinary.

That's what I'm not looking forward to if it's CTS.

They do mention that pain usually accompanies it, and so far I have not felt any. I'm going to try resting it, keeping it elevated, and using exercises for strength.
Neoprene fingerless gloves.
Get a pair and wear them when you sleep. It is supposed to help open the tunnels up. I just started wearing them and have seen a small improvement.
I don't eat at McNastys. All that grease makes me sick
I don't eat there either, we'll certain foods. I ate the burrito, which is filled with egg, and cheese. That's what made my tummy upset. He'll if I can't eat that for breakfast I'll just stay to eating a plain bagel with cream cheese.

The other thing I eat is the salad with grilled chicken. That's about it. I've cut everything else out of my diet from that place.

There's a McDonalds next to the office where I work. I will often stop in there for breakfast. I love the breakfast burritos(although they're not really much of a burrito) and the sausage egg mcmuffins.

But as for the non-breakfast offerings....I'm never enthusiastic to eat there anymore.
My 10 Ruble coin is rapidly loosing it's value. :/

There's a McDonalds next to the office where I work. I will often stop in there for breakfast. I love the breakfast burritos(although they're not really much of a burrito) and the sausage egg mcmuffins.

But as for the non-breakfast offerings....I'm never enthusiastic to eat there anymore.
Ate another burrito this morning and started to feel sick again. I am thinking whatever they put in there my body don't like. So I'm not getting them anymore.

Also not getting the hotcakes anymore. They completely suck!

So do the eggs. Taste like rubber! Biscuits are dry and suck, the only thing good I had this morning was the coffee and the sausage.

I always eat McDonalds breakfast before a test.
McDonalds should help you pass everything. :rolleyes:
Haha well I hope it only makes me pass the test nothing more haha. And since most of the food there sucks I need another place to go and get breakfast. I go to McDonald's because I can get 50% off everything because I work there.

I was considering going to Starbucks but then again I don't want to spend 15 for that.
So today I had an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon.... My appointment time was at 1,i showed up at 12:30 because I am a new patient and figured their would be lots of paperwork. So I walk upto the building and no one is their and the doors are locked. I call the main off ice and the lady told me they show up right at 1 because they come from the main office to that building on Wednesdays. She then got really snotty and rude with me because I nicely stated that maybe they should have mentioned that when they called me to schedule.
OMG! She was talking really fast and kept talking g over me and all I wanted to do was end the phone call. She kept calling me Bernerd and my last name is BernArd (notice the A and not the E) not Mr or by my first name but Bernerd, even after I corrected her. Finally after she repeated herself for the 10th time and told me I shouldn't show up at 12:35 for a 1:00 appointment again and again, I told her nicely to have a nice day, at which point she yelled "well thanks for hanging up on me!" and then hung up....

I could sit hear and repeat the conversation word for word and you guys would be shaking your head as well.......
I had told a friend that I hated rude customer service and a friend of mine who said something that struck a chord with me.
She said "You're not the customer, your insurance company is the customer"
That is all lol
Sausage McMuffin, with egg and cheese... those started many mornings when I worked as a Pro Audio consultant... English muffins are far better than a breakfast burrito, unless you're doing it real in Mexico with some chorizo... LW
So today I had an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon.... My appointment time was at 1,i showed up at 12:30 because I am a new patient and figured their would be lots of paperwork. So I walk upto the building and no one is their and the doors are locked. I call the main off ice and the lady told me they show up right at 1 because they come from the main office to that building on Wednesdays. She then got really snotty and rude with me because I nicely stated that maybe they should have mentioned that when they called me to schedule.
OMG! She was talking really fast and kept talking g over me and all I wanted to do was end the phone call. She kept calling me Bernerd and my last name is BernArd (notice the A and not the E) not Mr or by my first name but Bernerd, even after I corrected her. Finally after she repeated herself for the 10th time and told me I shouldn't show up at 12:35 for a 1:00 appointment again and again, I told her nicely to have a nice day, at which point she yelled "well thanks for hanging up on me!" and then hung up....

I could sit hear and repeat the conversation word for word and you guys would be shaking your head as well.......
I had told a friend that I hated rude customer service and a friend of mine who said something that struck a chord with me.
She said "You're not the customer, your insurance company is the customer"
That is all lol
It's the HMOs and PPOs, in bed with the insurance companies and Big Pharma... nothing like unabashed monopoly to go with standard capitalism... ugh! LW
I've got the cure right now... toasted potato hot dog buns, with Andouille sausage and N'awlins- style chili and Vidalia onions, horseradish mustard, and seasoned fries with lotsa ketchup... going to hit the insulin RIGHT NOW ... mmmmmmmm... love you guys! LW
Whoa... soooooo good, ladies and gents... though, I've got a confession to make: instead of McIllenny's tabasco, it's Frank's Red Hot - a little less vinegar, that's what's needed... but, for everything, gosh, it's worth the extra 10 units of insulin. Man, there WILL be leftovers... andouille, baby, yes!
The chili and onions are BENEATH the andouille sausage. The only thing on top is the horseradish mustard... got three for tomorrow's re-heats. Great googly-moogly!
I'll be right over...
I'm working with my software-based recording gear right now, and my eyes are fluttering... my sugar is at 133 (slightly elevated fof a type-1 diabetic like me; normal for regular folks). I might just take a damned power nap, if. I want to get anything done at all. Just entering this post is a struggle. As Col. Sherman Potter used to say on the TV series M*A*S*H: "Horse hockey!" Nap time. I'm done - LW
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