Android Expert
I've got to go to the grocery store. The food supply needs to be replenished; yet, I have to go to Walmart. Jeez, I truly dislike that retailer. However, with the recent court decision, Walmart may be able to unionize. The price roll backs may be fewer and farther in-between, but, Walmart employees deserve to live above the poverty line - and, I'd be grateful to pay higher prices, while avoiding myriad obese shoppers wearing stretch pants. Not that I'm against obese people, not at all! They're just harder to get around while they're blocking an entire aisle... due to my disability, I use an electrically-powered chair; so, I also contribute to the slower movement of shopper traffic. Walmart, due to its floor plan, is a beast to get around in, anyway. Then, you have a maximum of three cashiers thst are open. Hint: when you buy your dog food, check out at the patio with all your items. Things go much more quickly, but make sure you park your car close by. Or, like Frank Zappa wrote, you'll have to "...trudge across the tundra, mile after mile..." - LW