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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?


Mr. Wonka, I think you should do packets of chicken feet. :thumbsupdroid:

...banana or cherry flavour I think would be best.
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Okay, here is my rant for today.

July 14th, I stupidly laid my Note 4 on the dash of the pickup truck while driving up to South Dakota... had been raining all morning, so what's the harm??

none, until the clouds went away, and 30 minutes later, the Note 4 quit talking to me from Google Maps...
uh?? click click, it won't unlock the screen so I can see the map...

worse yet, it won't give me the Power Down menu when I hold the power button on................
argh! it is dead......... dunno if the phone is dead also, but the battery measures 0.00 volts and won't take a charge.

so, I call all the stores around me: "Uh, no, the Note 4 is an out of date phone, no one uses those anymore"

jerk offs.... they won't stock batteries for anything except what is on the shelf to sell right now.... ass wipes.

So, I order up two spare batteries off eBay, I get 2 for 25% of the price of one battery locally, that is if they have one.

The seller sends it FedEx/USPost Office land..... I track it all the way to Tulsa, OK which is only 25 miles from me.
They show it leaving Tulsa to be delivered to my local post office at home, only 1/4 mile from my house.
But!!!!!!!!! the post office does NOT show it as having arrived, it never got scanned in.... the last tracking number is in Tulsa...

Somewhere, between Tulsa and Oologah, the damn thing slid into a crack and disappeared!!!

argh!!! tomorrow, is a Vendetta day, I have got to find a battery....14 days without my Note 4 is killing me.

I thought the S5 was a great phone, until I got used to the bigger real estate of the Note 4....... and the Note 4 is so much faster than the S5....
they won't stock batteries for anything except what is on the shelf to sell right now

Yeah, I never understood that kind of thinking, at least not from the consumer's perspective. The 10 year mark is about when you should start stocking replacement parts for cars, as far as I'm concerned. If I need a water pump, a cam belt tensioner, or a wheel bearing at 2 years, I'm certainly not going to be very happy, but I'll understand why you don't have shelves full of them, and I have to wait a day or two.....If the car was well engineered, the dealer shouldn't yet need many of them either. When the time has come to reasonably expect such items have reached the end of their service life, you should have one on the shelf, and maybe a few for the two guys in line behind me, who bought their cars around the same time as I. And you definitely better not tell us it simply isn't available any more, at any price.
Obviously batteries are a different kind of consumable, and product life cycles are different, but still.

I always admired Soichiro Honda's attitude toward replacement parts availability; My memory of it is hazy, and I got bored trying to research it, so can't swear to any of it; But the overall, paraphrased attitude was: "Replacement parts for any product we make shall forever be available, as long as the company which bears my name exists." The attitude arose at a time when the company had only existed a short while, the product lineup was still quite limited, and I don't know how well they truly lived up to the promise.....But still, "A" for effort. Much of what remained of that attitude was still in effect into the 1980's, at which time Mr. Honda was becoming less and less influential in the workings of the company that he started. After he passed away, I have been told there was indeed a significant revision to a policy that was inefficient, but beneficial to the consumer; The new policy began to look a whole lot like most other company's attitudes, and probably with good reason.
The brief search I did failed to find the specific parts policy I was interested in, but did quickly turn up a document from 1951. Translated from Japanese, it gives further insight into "how it goes" when a man stands up and puts his name right on the product. It reads with the same pride and majesty of other highly important historical documents which lay out a vision for the future of an organization. Page three of the link is the portion of most significant interest.

BTW......Much of it reads quite a bit like the published mission statement of messrs Rolls and Royce, from just after the turn of the previous century. That short document goes a long way toward explaining why that marque deservedly retains so much luster, even so many decades after the company lost sight of much of that spirit. (IMHO, and within the automotive division.)
There's no need for dealers to stock batteries for Samsung's current models, they're all sealed, not user replaceable. [emoji14]

Even phones where you can replace batteries, there's literally hundreds of different phones. So what usually happens, dealers don't stock any batteries at all, but can usually get them delivered same day, from a central warehouse.

Rather like when you need a new exhaust for your car, the garages don't have them on their shelves for every car there is, they order and get them delivered from a central distribution point, usually within an hour. Something like a muffler, I do consider to be a consumable, and not last say ten years.
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Found a Droid X battery locally. I was so happy I started to take all my business there. Sometimes that little edge is all you need in a competitive market. Especially,for those of us that never buy new.

I'd rather let someone else pay the $10000 to drive the car off the lot.;)
Patent leather shoes that don't say they're patent leather. I just bought some black shoes for work that have a better shine thatn I've ever achieved (except on the toes of combat boots) in my life, and nowhere on the box does it say patent leather. Am I to believe that someone at the factory shined these bubbas up?
Sorry it's probably been said about 485 times but what really grinds my gears is the expression "it'll be in the last place you look" :( Of course it was, I stopped looking when I found it o_O
You'd be surprised... I watched my friend--we'll call him ADHD Dave--look for something, find it, which reminded him of something which he talked to me about for three minutes, then continue to look for the thing in his hand.

Patent leather shoes that don't say they're patent leather. I just bought some black shoes for work that have a better shine thatn I've ever achieved (except on the toes of combat boots) in my life, and nowhere on the box does it say patent leather. Am I to believe that someone at the factory shined these bubbas up?
How can you not know they are patent leather? Do you not open the box before buying?
You'd be surprised... I watched my friend--we'll call him ADHD Dave--look for something, find it, which reminded him of something which he talked to me about for three minutes, then continue to look for the thing in his hand.

How can you not know they are patent leather? Do you not open the box before buying?

It grinds my gears that you've never bought your work shoes without opening the box. I can't remember the last time I didn't get my work to order my work boots online :D
It grinds my gears that you've never bought your work shoes without opening the box. I can't remember the last time I didn't get my work to order my work boots online :D
My work isn't nice enough to do that for me... They don't require safety boots but I insist on wearing them myself.

I do recall spit-shining my leathers well enough to fool the inspector into thinking I was wearing Corframs (which was cheating back then) a few times.
My work isn't nice enough to do that for me... They don't require safety boots but I insist on wearing them myself.

I do recall spit-shining my leathers well enough to fool the inspector into thinking I was wearing Corframs (which was cheating back then) a few times.
What really grinds my gears is I wish they'd buy me real leather but they never do. They only ever put in £20 so the rest comes out my wages or I get some feet shredders :D
You'd be surprised... I watched my friend--we'll call him ADHD Dave--look for something, find it, which reminded him of something which he talked to me about for three minutes, then continue to look for the thing in his hand.

A little late but, some of us would refer to that as being "high" or "stoned". Sometimes, in more recent time "baked" or "golden".
"ADHD" is that what they are calling it now?
That's how I knew they were shiny. The bottom of the cover doesn't say patent leather either. Maybe they have a shining machine at Nunn Bush?

Were they made in Bangladesh or India or something? Some kid hand polishing them for a few cents an hour?

China can actually be too expensive sometimes for things like apparel and footwear manufacture now.

BTW how does one actually check if something is patent leather or not? Smell? I know real leather, not vinyl or pleather or whatever, usually has a distinctive odour.
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