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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

This week's rant is about how people seemingly manage to get through school and come out the other end still clueless. Seriously.

I was with a new junior intern and helped him interview a patient. We got the necessary history, data and stuff. As he was filling out the forms (they're also known as medical clerks for a reason), he asked me as to what he would write on the form which was labeled 'history'. I don't know if the look on my face was obviously incredulous, but what was going through my mind was 'how the **** did you get through med school not knowing how to write a medical history?'. I however heard thr incredulousness in my voice when I said 'the history'.

So...I discovered I own a small parcel in Colorado recently. Something my grandfather won at the outdoor show here in KC some 30-40 years ago. In researching I find that it's about .17 of an acre (oddly close to the parcel my home currently sits upon - I believe it's something like .24 of an acre) and measures out to roughly 55.5 feet by 116.5 feet. Here's what's grinding my gears. Upon discovery, the taxes have not been paid since 2006 (2 years prior to my grandfather's passing) and have piled up to over $500 on a property that near as I can tell is only worth about $7-800 bucks on a good day. I am going to try to make a trip out there to check it out in person, but in looking at the GIS map it's really truly a patch of dusty ground, no trees no nuttin. :oops: Now it is close to the Pikes Peak National Forrest a couple nice lakes, fishing, hiking oh and not far from Breckenridge. So I love to camp right? I could set up a nice little camping spot for myself there and essentially free (so long as I pay the back taxes and get it re-titled.) But wow what a nightmare that is. I mean not one part is easy. They no longer have record of the deed to the land (too old) and I have to go through probate and show I am only living heir that wants it. Then apply for a new title, then get it changed and re-recorded. Oh and then I'd owe 500+ in taxes.
I will probably be in for $600+ when all is said and done. I am annoyed no one ever told me about it, I am more annoyed grandma just let it slip away as soon as she took over the bills and such. God rest her soul, I love her so much but I am teeth gritting mad over this right now. Serenity now serenity now ...
I hear ya, I too am a land baron! My mother and aunt inherited land from their father, he got it as an entailment a million years ago. My mother always said it was close to 90 or so acres, she called it 'the farm' and told us it was just beautiful. Well, when my grandmother got ill my aunt started paying the taxes and never mentioned that to my mother (or asked her to pay half). My uncle was a politically connected lawyer and in some back-room somewhere the deed was signed over to my aunt, cutting my mother right out of it. Well. After my aunt died my mom asked (finally!) about 'the farm'. Lots of stonewalling from my uncle, go figure. I forget the exact order but eventually my uncle and mom died (with no 'farm' resolution, just bad blood) and my cousins (6 of 'em) went to sell the land (without telling the 6 of us) and lo and behold, they couldn't. Turns out someone in CA had a deed to it too AND the underhanded paperwork my uncle had drawn up was illegal. lol. So, a ton of years later we finally split the land w/the CA people and had everything re-deeded to the 12 of us (44 acres after the split). We're going to sell it if it we can, for 1/10th of all the legal fees spent straightening it all out. It's out in the middle of nowhere, seriously mountainous and rocky/boulder-y, land-locked right now and in a town with a building moratorium so yeah. Oh and, my aunt cleverly made off w/all my grandmother's expensive jewelry (I mean worth a LOT, $100k at least) and none of my cousins ever recall seeing any of it. Mmmhmmmm. Mom got so screwed by her sister, shame really.
Wow see if mine had that much drama and intrigue it wouldn't be so bad. (At least I'd have a fun story) My brother kindly agreed to give it to me lock stock and barrel if he doesn't have to pay for anything. So all good here on the family front. I just thought it very irresponsible (of my VERY responsible grandmother to just brush it under the rug. My assumption is she had told my grandfather she didn't approve or to get rid of it or whatever and was ignoring it out of spite.

Here's a view from a property that listed online it's maybe .5 miles from the plot I own.
view.jpg view2.jpg view3.jpg
So it's not an ugly view and looks flat as flat can be so not bad to camp on. I just feel it would be a shame and something I'd regret if I didn't even try to save it.
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Guess I am full of rants today, or *i$$ and vinegar, (or full of something anyway) ;).
I am sick of all the bars and taverns and heck even a lot of restaurants going to these trendy upscale menus. I want to go have a beer or a beverage with my wife, maybe get some fried cheese sticks or potato skins for an appetizer and say a burger or a club sandwich. But what are my options?

smoked Gouda mac n cheese croquettes
cauliflower wings
salt roasted beets
smoked trout and pears
Makes my head hurt.
Guess I am full of rants today, or *i$$ and vinegar, (or full of something anyway) ;).
I am sick of all the bars and taverns and heck even a lot of restaurants going to these trendy upscale menus. I want to go have a beer or a beverage with my wife, maybe get some fried cheese sticks or potato skins for an appetizer and say a burger or a club sandwich. But what are my options?

smoked Gouda mac n cheese croquettes
cauliflower wings
salt roasted beets
smoked trout and pears
Makes my head hurt.
Roasted highland legumes. They'll charge an arm, then give you a bowl of peanuts. Lol.
Someone taking a dump in the shower room, right before I go for a shower.
For the love of god man, there is a toilet-only room right opposite. Use that!
Someone taking a dump in the shower room, right before I go for a shower.
For the love of god man, there is a toilet-only room right opposite. Use that!

The Vulcan tried to wash off the kid after a swim - she was under a year old so he was in the mens room after a family swim for babies and toddlers at the Y. She had a bit in her diaper and it went down the open chute for water.
Wow, that brought back a long repressed memory, circa 1975. Won't go into details. (Yer' welcome!)

Anyhooooooo....latest rant:
Technology is pretty darn good these days.....So why is it that for the most part, none of the televisions in my house, regardless of brand, are capable of displaying a proper image? Neither a full frame, nor a grossly truncated image, regardless of which station I am tuned to, which aspect ratio I select, how much I try to tweak it in settings, HD or stone axe resolution feed?

Don't even get me started on the horrible "stair-stepped, shimmering, quivering, Vaseline film on my corneas "aliased" picture quality of whatever output I finally settle on. Even the top of the line, jerk-bait expensive devices, playing canned files specifically designed to dazzle in the show room make me want to run and gouge my eyes out......Why is it so bad, and so many people settle for it?
Check where the TV feed is coming from.

At Bat on a Galaxy tab 4 is terrible over wifi. (We have MLB for Roku so At Bat is free) I think it's both tablet and our wifi.

Can see huge difference between old crt TV and the newer LED or whatever type.
The Vulcan records OTA Golf for his viewing pleasure and will have the same program on both TVs while setting up recording.
The CRT has the recorder.

To be honest, I preferred the old "snow" and atmospheric skip to the damn pixellation we get now.
I might have gone with "Sounds like someone needs a new medication prescription."

It was just sitting there, on a silver platter.:D

Seriously, I do require corrective lenses, and am due for a system check; But when I wear my glasses, the view out the garden window is crisp and clear. The view of the actual device is spot on. The problem is within the perimeter of the display, the stuff being rendered. I suspect a combination of both the physical hardware and the software driving it, and price tag seldom corresponds with overall quality.

And don't get me started on the quality of the content of what is being rendered, that's another pill-worthy rant entirely. ;)

Actual conversation today:

"They actually have a golf channel?"
"Yeah, they've had it for a while."
"Pft. They may as well have a 'old people arguing with each-other' channel. It'd probably be more entertaining."
"Heh; how do you really feel? Oh, they do have that channel; it's called Fox News."
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