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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?


Never seems to work though.
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Here's a link to some answers given to pesty telemarketers. You might enjoy and use:
or add your own for humor.

There's another made recording of someone answering the phone with a killing going on in the background(actors doing a routine)
That was popular a few years ago.

I don't answer the phone if I don't know the number. If it is important, there's usually a VM. I'm one who can sit by a ringing phone and just ignore it. If I do get a marketer, I can drive it nuts if I'm in the mood. I'd do it at work. We'd get business scammers by the score. My boss used to swear at them. I feel they deserved it if they had been told not to keep calling our number.
O.K.......Now I am a bit miffed.
(True story, hand to heart.)

Recently, moved residences, terminated my utility account.
A few weeks later, I got a bill from PG+E to finalize the "relationship", informing me I still owed $5.11.
Fine, I sent the check. (For $5.11).

Monday, got a bill from PG+E for an additional thirty two cents. Complete with unambiguous, overt threat to send the matter to a collection agency, if payment not received in 25 days.

Wednesday, I received a check from PG+E, payable to yours truly, for.........thirty two cents.

Friday, I received an account statement from PG+E, indicating "This amount must be paid with your next bill:"...............$0.32.
And the tear off tab on that very statement clearly indicates "No Payment Due".

So my question to the room is "Goodness gracious, what ever shall I do?":eek:

Do I send them the $0.32, with the most sincere letter of apology I can muster, and beg their forgiveness?

Do I continue to sit around, with my thumb up bum, waiting for the opportunity to gleefully ignore that "next bill" as well, and risking the possibility of them sending a team of lawyers after me?:rolleyes:

Do I cash that big ol' thirty two cent windfall they sent me, and treat myself to a "lost weekend" of the very finest scotch and high class hookers?

Or should I follow my true instincts, and spend $0.42 on a postage stamp, in order to send them a check for thirty three cents, just to really F--K with 'em?

If possible, I think I would write that check for thirty three (and one third) cents, but whattrya'gonna'do?
I was unable to claim my rewards points worth P1000 (thats like $25 in USD, approximately) because I had an overdue balance of P3 (around USD¢2), because I was short that amount in my last bill payment. Now I have to wait a month until after I pay my next bill to use the reward points. [emoji58]

Then again I was just going to use like P400 for a bucket of KFC anyway. Lol.
I only have a couple of sites that offer points. One is extremely pestiferous. Get an email about using points almost every day.
Just so happens I don't care, you don't have anything I want right now anyway - get over it.

The other site doesn't pester. It will just remind you you have the points if you do buy another item.
I only have a couple of sites that offer points. One is extremely pestiferous. Get an email about using points almost every day.
Just so happens I don't care, you don't have anything I want right now anyway - get over it.

The other site doesn't pester. It will just remind you you have the points if you do buy another item.
Actually mine is my carrier. The more I use my phone (calls, sms, etc) , the more points I get. So I just accumulate points on a daily basis, and the points are good as cash in several stores. So it's pretty useful.
Here's a link to some answers given to pesty telemarketers. You might enjoy and use:
or add your own for humor.

There's another made recording of someone answering the phone with a killing going on in the background(actors doing a routine)
That was popular a few years ago.

I don't answer the phone if I don't know the number. If it is important, there's usually a VM. I'm one who can sit by a ringing phone and just ignore it. If I do get a marketer, I can drive it nuts if I'm in the mood. I'd do it at work. We'd get business scammers by the score. My boss used to swear at them. I feel they deserved it if they had been told not to keep calling our number.

I like to answer the phone in a pretend foreign language.
Hehe, and that's exactly why this forum is English speaking [emoji4] No idea what you just said [emoji1]
Change of Topic, same vein:

typing this from a hospital room, baby sitting my wife who is way under the weather.

the "PA", that is Physician's Assistant comes in and informs my wife of how they are going to handle her care....

not one word about "what do you think... option1, option2, etc"

well, it so happens, my wife has a degree in nursing and she is a 20 supervisor in the same field as the problems that she has now............... and that pissy little PA is going to tell her what is "going to be done"??

no way in hell is that going to happen.... that PA needs to go back to school, the school that teaches how to get along in the world.
Same vein, that's nice. Just have a little patience, some people need a little nursing to assimilate outside of their precious me bubble, before you can completely doctor their thought process.
Good old english, a language that says to hell with all of you, I ain't following no rules!
^^^^^^^^The O. Gamble quote a good one; Previously unknown to me!

One of the all time quotable Yankees had to be Yogi Berra.:D
He (may or may not have) come up with a dozen or more great ones, and my favorite of the lot is a terrific stand alone expression, as well as neatly commenting on the other eleven.

"I never said most of the things I said."

For my money, a great deal of the charm of English is in its very imprecision. Often, it practically begs to be misinterpreted, even by native speakers. A quality exploited by "poets, priests, and politicians." The occasional comedian as well.:)
With so much pronoun trouble, how can you ever truly know "who's on first"?

Probably not unique to English; But....... Is it even possible to craft a truly funny joke in German?:rolleyes:
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