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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

Sorry Clem, didn't mean to hit a raw spot. I am sad with cell phones in general at the moment. I have the N6 (which yes I still love) and I hated (yea hated, it's NOT to strong of a word here) the Nexus 5X and 6P and I still do hate them. I want to keep Nexus I want to keep Fi, but I am dying to get new hardware, I like new toys. So I await the Pixel phones to see WTF is up with them. Sigh, why cant the world just be free of these carrier shackles?
I have the Moto X Pure and am happy with it, great phone for what I want/need these days. I'm over needing bigger, better, bleeding edge tech. I like new toys though so am always keeping an eye out and Verizon is making it harder and harder for me to want to stay. I needed them for the coverage when the kid was traveling the land, usually to pretty remote areas. He's settled in now so it's not such a worry. Cricket would be ~$100 (!) less a month-ish. If I can use it at home and most places my peeps need it it's a real option now, that much of a savings is worth a few dead spots frankly. I pay for my peeps, they can deal with my current ire. Because, you know, I have unlocked phones that work on Verizon but they can't help. I'm on a roll with the hate today :D

Oh and, I'm not above using GV and wifi at home if Cricket is OK elsewhere. Take that Verizon. Jerks
I have the Moto X Pure and am happy with it, great phone for what I want/need these days. I'm over needing bigger, better, bleeding edge tech. I like new toys though so am always keeping an eye out and Verizon is making it harder and harder for me to want to stay. I needed them for the coverage when the kid was traveling the land, usually to pretty remote areas. He's settled in now so it's not such a worry. Cricket would be ~$100 (!) less a month-ish. If I can use it at home and most places my peeps need it it's a real option now, that much of a savings is worth a few dead spots frankly. I pay for my peeps, they can deal with my current ire. Because, you know, I have unlocked phones that work on Verizon but they can't help. I'm on a roll with the hate today :D

Oh and, I'm not above using GV and wifi at home if Cricket is OK elsewhere. Take that Verizon. Jerks

Have the same phone on TMO. It supports Band 12 which TMO is starting to expand. Also unlocked.
I don't use GV, gave number back. I won't use Fi either. I've travelled the Colorado Plateau where no large carrier has service. You wait until you get back to the motel and use wifi, or use email. The one call I do want uses data.
All my apps work without data. A few of them need GPS which does work.
I seem to spend half my life fixing problems in the house, which the builders were too bloody lazy to do properly in the first place.
I just paid $4.85 for the privilege of driving eight miles down a road.

What the hell is wrong with this place?
Ohh...that is nothing...try the HOT lanes in the NoVA area....getting to work on time this week, I had to take the HOT lanes, and I paid $10.50 one day, $11.25 another day, and $8.75 another day.
Well, it is the commonwealth of Virginia... They'd charge you for breathing if they could figure out a way to meter the air...

As an aside, it never fails to amuse me to see an alert telling me that "no one quoted" me. :D
I'm often surprised at what people in this country will put up with. Like being penalised £100 (and actually paying up) for a car park where they did nothing wrong. :eek:
Come on, where's your fight?!
The French have the right attitude, they don't put up with any crap.
Ohh you can drive on the regular I-495 lanes, but you either have to leave your home 1-2 hours before you are scheduled to start work, or just accept that you will be arriving about an hour or an hour and a half late.

I'm often surprised at what people in this country will put up with. Like being penalised £100 (and actually paying up) for a car park where they did nothing wrong. :eek:
Come on, where's your fight?!
The French have the right attitude, they don't put up with any crap.

This all sounds like extortion to me.
LV426 don't you have to pay just to drive in London? Congestion tax?
This all sounds like extortion to me.
LV426 don't you have to pay just to drive in London? Congestion tax?

Oh it is extortion. Nasty intimidating letters threatening bailiffs and court action if you don't pay up. I'm still considering whether to get police involved. In fact yup, I just decided to contact the police.

Yes there is a congestion charge to drive in London, although that one is a legalised additional car tax cooked up by the London council. Thank goodness I don't work there. :thumbsupdroid:
People quote big numbers to justify their arguments.... then when it turns out someone has made the numbers up, and the real numbers are small, pretend it doesn't matter, because they 'feel the big numbers sound right to them' . (And this isn't referring to any election anywhere in the world.
Oh it is extortion. Nasty intimidating letters threatening bailiffs and court action if you don't pay up. I'm still considering whether to get police involved. In fact yup, I just decided to contact the police.

Now reported these extortionists to the police on their 'fraud action' website. If they are going to give me hassle and waste my time, I'm giving them some back.
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